Magic Player's Personalities and Deck Choice

General forum

Posted on Feb. 23, 2016, 11:01 p.m. by HairyManBack

Many of us know Control players feel insecure about losing control inversely. A deep seeded fear that stems maybe from trauma in their unfortunate past.

Aggro players can be hyper sensitive and impatient people with little tolerance for other's opinion's and ideas.

Combo players have a very intrinsic strength at angles and outcomes, but fail at their own en devours.

Tempo players have fear of making decisions. Hence they keep as much as possible available. Though never making a complete commitment.

A Midrange player seems to be the most balanced of all players. Yet strength is their weakness. As their dreams and goals elude them.

I think I fit Tempo. What about you???

Note: This is for shits and giggles. Not to be taken serious.

DrFunk27 says... #2

MTG Player Types

I'm absolutely a Spike Innovator/Analyst. I play to win. I also do play for fun, but even when playing for fun, I want to win. lol

February 23, 2016 11:22 p.m.

I fit in midrange and I am most definitely a Johnny-Spike since I am naturally pretty competitive, yet I have to be playing something original.

You're missing 1 personality type though. Eldrazi. No, seriously, I've observed so many similarities between some eldrazi players. Eldrazi players are the players that rip off little kids when trading by trading them Inkwell Leviathans for their fetch and shock lands. They also usually have no regard for their opponent's enjoyment of the game while playing magic. They gravitate toward degenerate ramp and fast mana, and not only when playing eldrazi. They do this especially in limited play. They are for the most part reasonably intelligent people, but they play magic on and off and don't really enjoy it too much outside of jank crap, Eldrazi, and limited with degenerats stuff.

February 23, 2016 11:28 p.m. Edited.

bijschjdbcd says... #4

You don't know my story ;)

I don't require control all the time...

February 23, 2016 11:35 p.m.

ToolmasterOfBrainerd that was a rather snide remark, and one helluva blanket statement. I may have taken offense to this as a 12 Post player in Legacy, but I assure you it has it's bad matchups. The one iota of a grain of truth being I revel at swinging with a 15/15 and they saccing 6 permanents. Which brings me to...

I play Aggro, Tempo, and Midrange in multiple formats. I'm also a Spike. Midrange/Ramp being my favorite as a Timmy to bust out fatties to swing with. Some decks can wear multiple hats and have a toolbox, which I also dig. Abzan in Modern and Legacy fits that bill, as it can be a combination of Tempo, Aggro, Midrange, and Control, depending on the opponent.

As far as the psychology behind your post, HairyManBack, I find it intriguing. However I think you may be too narrow in your scope, specifically linking control players to trauma. You maybe onto something, but I suggest you explore it further. That is, dominating hemispheres of the brain, computation skills, spatial reasoning, etc. Kudos for the post, though.

February 23, 2016 11:47 p.m.

GearNoir says... #6

I don't think any one type fit me. I love just sitting down to play whether I win or lose, love card interactions, and love when I can make a killer deck (especially for budget casual).

I guess that makes me a Tonik?

February 23, 2016 11:51 p.m.

aeonstoremyliver I didn't intend for my comment to apply to Tron or 12 Post players since those are completely different decks than Eldrazi, nor was I trying to make a blanket statement for Timmies. I'm referring specifically to the modern Eldrazi deck. Emrakul players are fine. Reality Smasher players are not. Sorry if that was unclear.

My opinions on the Modern Eldrazi Deck player are not baseless though. Several different Eldrazi players I know match those criteria and one of them even picked up the deck after the pro tour after not playing modern for months, if not years.

February 23, 2016 11:51 p.m. Edited.

HairyManBack says... #8

I really did laugh out loud about the Eldrazi players. You made them out to be these mean evil men that sadistically enjoy ripping of defenseless children. I couldn't help imagine this big guy with an evil sneaky smile while confirming the trade, lol.

Other than that my analysis on certain magic players wasn't my ultimate conclusion. Or some declaration. This is just something I wanted people to get crack at.

I feel like there's another type of player I missed in my bit. Maybe a few???

February 24, 2016 12:01 a.m. Edited.

They're not even that mean or evil. They come off as super nice, especially when trading. They let the little kids flock to check out their fancy rare binder, then when the kid points out a card they want, they look through the kid's plastic bag full of junk, pick out the expensive card, kindly ask if they'll trade it, then secretly rip them off without the kid realizing or even suspecting. They seem happy a lot of the time, yet also detached and secretly very selfish when it comes to magic. They tend to be popular liked by a lot of people, yet you never really figure out why. They'd probably do well in politics since they meet all the prerequisites.

February 24, 2016 12:09 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #10

It's actually pretty rude ToolmasterOfBrainerd.

That's essentially a loose version of racism. "All eldrazi players are assholes". But they're not. That's like saying all blacks will rob you or all whites are rednecks. Lumping a group of people together with a broad sweeping statement is wrong.

I know people are salty and "RAWR" about this whole eldrazi thing but jesus, tone it back a bit. Not everything has to be about it.

Anyways, I typically like midrange strategies in MtG itself due to my luck issues but I also draw from the aggro and combo side of things when it comes to personality.

I typically have more patience with games than you describe for aggro but I would prefer a fast play over a slow one. Wasting time for the sake of wasting time is bad but if you need a minute to think that's fine too.

Drawing from combo I usually analyze all angles of approach before making a decision but I usually plan these lines of play out 2-3 turns ahead of time and alter the plan as needed. This allows me to play with a quick speed. If something REALLY throws a wrench into my plans I have to take a second to think it through.

IRL I'm a neutralist. I generally take the middle ground in almost everything because I can usually see the reasoning for either argument. So that can translate to indecisiveness.

February 24, 2016 12:24 a.m.

Argy says... #11

ToolmasterOfBrainerd you described an Eldrazi player at my LGS to a tee!

I lean towards originality in my decks.

They have to have a very strong game plan with only one or two win cons.

I do like aggro, although I'm not committed to it.

... and I do have an Eldrazi deck, which is UB Ingest/Process Creature-Heavy Control.

With Reality Smasher! lol

February 24, 2016 12:56 a.m.


When I started playing magic I was very much about aggro, fast and all in. Now I am combo/control, does this mean I have changed/grown as a person? Who is to say :P

February 24, 2016 12:59 a.m.

I play mostly aggro. I have one burn deck and one combo deck. I plan on building a midrange dragon deck as well. I'm more of a different player in the sense that I actually build tribal decks. Most just happen to be aggro. I like decks with themes and equal parts flavor and function.

February 24, 2016 1:02 a.m.

HairyManBack says... #14

ToolmasterOfBrainerd lol

Argeaux - Reality Smasher?? Shame on you! Yeah, everyone likes you. But at what cost... ;)

Ohthenoises - It's ok to be racists. As long as we're talking Eldrazi players.

February 24, 2016 1:51 a.m.

enpc says... #15

I play combo/control but would like to play aggro, however I just never bring myself to do it. Man, I must be a prick.

So then what about Stax players? God help them...

February 24, 2016 2:19 a.m.

in the way you described it I fit tempo.

I never do tempo. I overextend and ramp like a motherfucker. In edh at least.

in everything else I just play a variant of Pox so they feels hopeless and I am in complete control of the situation.

February 24, 2016 2:24 a.m. Edited.

HairyManBack says... #17

I have to admit. I'm a Timmy player at heart. Have to have my time in the sandbox.

Guess I never matured like the other kids. Drugs, sex, and rock-and-roll stunted my emotional development.

February 24, 2016 2:34 a.m.

Askani28 says... #18

Lollllll funny.
I don't fit your categories. Am I in search of my identity? Am I lost, confused and in a never-ending quest for self-awareness?

Oh wait, I think I might be a tad Timmy. For me, a spell that costs less that 9 mana seems somewhat premature and unsatisfying. Could it be saying something about my sexual life? Loll

February 24, 2016 3:01 a.m.

Askani28 says... #19

HairyManBack mouhahaha I love your expression. A Timmy loves his "time in the sandbox"! Brilliant. :)

February 24, 2016 3:03 a.m.

kengiczar says... #20

I was going to get all butt-hurt over your control description but then I remebered: The reason I play hard control/prison in EDH is because I know that life will throw things at you that you just don't have any control over at all. Loved ones dying, parents divorcing (or yourself), people treating you like garbage at a job. All kinds of stuff.

So yeah your first one is pretty much spot on about me.

February 24, 2016 3:22 a.m. Edited.

Gidgetimer says... #21

I am a bit interested in what you feel being a Diversity Gamer Timmy says about a personality. I love playing all deck types as long as they offer interesting choices and possibilities.

February 24, 2016 7:43 a.m.

While an interesting idea, I think that the colors people choose to play say more about them than the actual way they play.

For example, if you are a mono-blue player, doesn't matter if you have a weenie, combo or control deck, you're still an ass because you're running mono-blue.


February 24, 2016 7:59 a.m.

Argy says... #23

I like Red then Blue because the first pack I was ever given was Red and the second one was Blue.

Right now I have a UR Standard deck and I am in heaven!

February 24, 2016 8:07 a.m.

Perhaps I wasn't very clear. Several eldrazi players are close friends of mime. Outside of magic, they're actually pretty fun and friendly. Of course, not all eldrai players are like this. Some are spikes who pick up the deck because it's the best deck. But the Eldrazi players I am referring to are the true eldrazi players. The ones who pick up the deck specifically to play eldrazi because of its playstyle. If it wasn't the best deck, they probably wouldn't pick it up, but it is the playstyle that attracts them. They aren't bad people when they're not playing magic, nor are they that terrible even when you are.

February 24, 2016 8:27 a.m.

@ToolmasterOfBrainerd: I get you, my play group has a lot of black mages, the games are completely terrifying, but as Trump once said: "I have good relations with the blacks"

February 24, 2016 9:13 a.m.

HairyManBack says... #26

TheAmazingSalsa - such a good observation. This could be a 2 part mini series on personalities/decks.

  1. Immature Timmy players play green
  2. Insecure people play blue
  3. Sadistic people play black
  4. Weird people play red
  5. Holier-than-though play white
February 24, 2016 4 p.m.

Argy says... #27

What? What is it that makes me insecure. WHAT!!??


I'm weird as well? I think I would classify Red Mages more as unpredictable.


February 25, 2016 1:30 a.m.

HairyManBack says... #28


February 25, 2016 1:31 a.m.

HairyManBack says... #29

Control players usual reaction when someone top decks a win

enter image description here

February 25, 2016 1:37 a.m.

@HairyManBack: So I'm an immature sadistic weird person?

that sounds about right.

February 25, 2016 10:11 a.m.

This discussion has been closed