Many players dislike IPs that aren't WOTC being printed. What IP would change your mind?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 17, 2022, 1:58 a.m. by TypicalTimmy
Probably half the base was vocal over The Walking Dead, but many were happy with Godzilla. The key difference was availability. To this day, we can all still buy Ikoria packs and secure Godzilla cards, but we have a very limited number of Walking Dead cards floating around online, despite both being out of print right now.
Secret Lair encourages frantic market watches and split-second decision buying, and many players dislike being put on a clock like this, especially those with restricted income.
Because of this, there is generally a bad vibe when it comes to other IPs. For example, I have heard more loathing over Warhammer 40k than excited expectations. I have heard, at best, a bland "meh" over Street Fighter as well.
So I am curious - What IP would get you interested enough to buy, or attempt to buy, whether it is a Secret Lair style or an alternate printing style, a la Ikoria?
Personally, for me, it would have to be World of Warcraft. Since we finally got our Dungeons and Dragons set, I'd need to move toward another IP and I think World of Warcraft would be an absolutely spectacular set to explore, with it's astonishingly rich history of culture, races, gear, magic and locations. You could probably do a full 3-set block on WoW and still not run out of content!
Oh! And H.P. Lovecraft's work would be absolutely phenomenal as a Commander set. One could easily make 3 or 4 decks from his content and have enough space to explore it's horror in detail - though it likely would feel like another Innistrad set so you'd need to be careful upon it's construction to make it feel different 'enough'.
TypicalTimmy says... #3
Exile target nonland permanent. It gains suspend 3. When the last suspend counter is removed, you may flip a coin. If heads, gain control of it.
Gimme a second m8 ill brb gotta go behind varrok for a second
Oh sweet merciful baby Jesus I could have far too much fun with this.
Don't Make Me Get My Main
Reveal a creature card you own from any zone and put it onto the battlefield. It gains haste until end of turn. Sacrifice it at the end of turn. Shuffle your library it if was searched in this way.
keep talking and ill have my big bro log on
January 17, 2022 2:14 a.m. Edited.
Lovecraft would be very fun. I always thought of the Eldrazi as very Lovecraftian in design, but it would still be cool to see the real deal in there.
For me, and it's just my opinion, but availability does matter but so does flavor. I think Godzilla and Dracula fit a lot better into the magic universe than Walking Dead or Stranger Things. They just do, you know? I can't explain it 100%, but I guess it feels more like an add-in to magic rather than a magic tie in to something else. Like, Stranger Things, they definitely sat down for 20 mins, threw out ideas, and made some cards to go with the new season of the show coming out. But Godzilla feels really fleshed out to fit into the set. I don't even think that the Godzilla cards have amazing design, but they do fit at least. Dustin on a card just feels like Dustin on a card, Godzilla feels like Godzilla.
Honestly, I'm not against tie ins, and I'm not for them either, but I think my criticisms for the secret lair ones is that they feel lame. No one thought, what would make an awesome card? They thought, how can we make Darryl a card. Complete opposite from AFR which was so awesome and deep in the flavor.
The worst one for me, by far, was Strixhaven. I haven't bought a single card from that set, even if they might be good, just because of how so bad the flavor of the set is. Teenage magic school is not a genre, it's just not, no matter how many writers want it to be. Plus, when they have their own quidditch knock off, and someone is spitting up coins rather than slugs, and it''s all so like something I don't want to be a part of.
So, I think, all in all, for me it's the effort more than the availability. I'd much rather have a secret lair that kills it rather than a set that's a knock off, but really, I'd rather have really good magic sets than either.
As a huge RE Howard, Conan the Barbarian fan, I'd love to see the original Frazetta art come to magic. The oil painting style would be so different from magic that it would stand out, but on theme enough to blend in.
And maybe Final Fantasy would blend well with Kami Neon Dynasty. Or maybe wheel of time. You can't tell me that Brandon Sanderson wouldn't love to make some Wheel of Time magic cards, and having someone who would be super into it is really what they need.
January 17, 2022 8:25 a.m.
I am a lot less disappointed with these now that they have fully committed to making Magic versions of the cards, have explained their plan for implementation of the Magic versions (which isn't just "wait until we print them in a Magic set), and have committed to walking back statements that their early attempts, like TWD, would not receive Magic versions.
Personally, though, I would prefer if they stuck to genera-appropriate (preferably literary) non-Magic IP. No one really complains that characters from One Thousand and One Nights appear in Magic, because they generally fit in with the themes of the game and are part of our collective culture in a way that Fortnite does not.
Things like the upcoming LotR set will probably feel mostly at home with Magic--I still would rather there not be cross contamination, but I am less concerned about an LotR set based on the novels, than, say, characters with modern vehicles/weapons from an inexplicably popular TV show. I will probably end up purchasing all the LotR commander decks--if they can live up to the snobbery I willingly admit I have for the source material.
As for the underlying question of what IP I would like to see utilized: Lewis Caroll's Wonderland books could make a fantastic Magic setting. Either as a "Wonderland-inspired" set (like Eldraine with fairy tales) or a true Wonderland rendition (like the LotR set presumably will be), I am fully on board. Bonus points if they make cards with Sir John Tenniel-inspired art.
I think we can reasonably expect there not to be a WoW set anytime soon--not a great time to be connected with the dumpsterfire that is Blizzard!
January 17, 2022 10:29 a.m.
If they do an osrs one they need to make goblin chain mail and make it so humans can't wear it
January 17, 2022 10:55 a.m.
For me personally, it all boils down to two things. 1) Are they cheap cash grabs like The Walking Dead Secret Lair? and 2) Are they a crossover with something I like? Depending on the answers to those two questions, I may end up picking some up. I'll never play with them, though. While I find some appeal in owning/collecting a Geralt, the Witcher card or Johnny Silverhand card, I find ZERO appeal in actually playing them in a game of Magic.
January 17, 2022 5:30 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #9
I just want Magic versions of all these crossovers so I don't have to see a Fortnite card if I need the effect in a deck. It's really truly as simple as that.
But, a few IPs that wouldn't be disgusting in Magic (imo ofc) are Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, Jeff Smith's Bone series, and Frank Herbert's Dune.
January 17, 2022 8:31 p.m.
For action/fantasy/fighting games, Soul Calibur, especially with the SCVI reboot. It's got a developed (if fairly generic) story and identifiable characters, and I think the tone generally matches that of Magic. Plus, I would immediately drop whatever I was doing and make a deck for Voldo. Probably something in the range involving Treasures, more similar to Prosper than Kalain.
Outside of that group, Looney Tunes. There's kind of a tonal clash, with it being much more kid-oriented, but seeing Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam as cards would definitely catch my attention.
January 17, 2022 10:03 p.m.
As somebody who knows nothing about Monster Hunter, maybe Monster Hunter? They could do a story something like Bolas is traveling the planes and ends up in the Monster Hunter world, then he has to run away from a bunch of oddly dressed dragonslaying warriors and try to get home. Also, I feel like Garruk could find his true love in Monster Hunter. Tamiyo could take field notes. Huatli wins a blue ribbon for her raptor mount. And, Nissa and Chandra could just have a campfire date night. It might work : )
January 18, 2022 8:08 a.m.
Grubbernaut says... #12
I've committed to not buy any sealed product from WotC for a while now, so I'd have to say that there's nothing that could get me to buy it. Even as a massive LotR fan.
January 18, 2022 7:10 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #13
Caerwyn, may I ask what you mean by Blizzard being a dumpsterfire? I don't pay attention to their politics or anything.
January 18, 2022 7:26 p.m.
Less politics and more a large number of recent revelations of toxic workplace environments, sexual harassment, etc. much of which was perpetrated by and coveted up by higher ups at Blizzard. Not exactly an IP one wants to be associated with (LEGO, for example, just decided not to release upcoming Overwatch sets over it).
January 19, 2022 12:59 a.m.
Necrosis24 says... #15
I think skyrim (Elder Scrolls) could potentially mesh well since it has elder dragons, vampires, werewolves, cat people, humans, dwarven automatons, wizards, and bunch of other things that could work in a mtg setting.
Would really love a ghibli secret lair. Always been a fan of the ghibli aesthetic as I grew up with those movies.
At the end of the day it mainly just comes down to the art and card mechanics. Both the Walking Dead and Stranger Things had potential for really cool art but I feel like they played safe and kept it simple. Art wasn’t bad for art but was not what I look for in secret lairs.
January 19, 2022 6:51 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #16
An FLCL secret lair would be pretty epic in my opinion. I'd but a foil set of that, most definitely.
I'd buy it just for this artwork to be used as a food token, lol
January 19, 2022 7 p.m. Edited.
Necrosis24 says... #17
TypicalTimmy funny you mention because artist Johanne Voss does these plastic tokens and one of the construct tokens he did a while back resembles Canti from FLCL. Of course not the same art style just a character resemblance.
January 19, 2022 7:31 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #18
I think they already hit about as close as they ever will for me to be tempted into getting a secret lair with the Bob Ross lands. Still not quite enough, though. I like M:tG. I like LotR. I like ice cream. I do not need Frodo-shaped ice cream on a magic card. Sort of a curmudgeon that way. I also feel bad for someone who put a ton of work into building a LotR-parallel EDH deck (for example) if they then put out a LotR set. Not that it’s taken away their accomplishment, but it sort of diminishes their creativity a little. At least a little. In a way. I guess. I dunno. It makes me feel feelings and I’m not accustomed to that.
January 20, 2022 7:37 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #20
Twisted Metal vehicles would be pretty badass. One of my favorite videogame series of all time.
January 20, 2022 7:41 p.m.
I don't like any setting that planeswalking feels out of place in. Middle Earth would be cool, except it takes place on our planet and there's never been inter-dimensional travel mentioned anywhere to places we could see as planes. Warhammer Fantasy would also be neat....except again, there's no traveling outside of the Old World except through the Chaos Wastes, which is a whole can of worms that doesn't fit with MtG's fluff of planeswalking. I think the only settings where planeswalking makes sense are Narnia and Wonderland. all feels very much like a cash grab because WotC can't be fucked to make new artwork and worlds anymore. We'll never see something like Mercadian Masques, Ravnica, or Ice Age from today's WotC and it's been that way for a while now. Sets are either revisiting existing places or "theme parks" for the Jaycetice League.
TypicalTimmy says... #2
(Yes, I know Zammy can't be trimmed. That's the joke. Shush up your face.)
Free Armor Trimming
Gain control of target equipment and attach it to a creature you control.
January 17, 2022 2:08 a.m. Edited.