Martial Arts as colors of Magic
General forum
Posted on Feb. 22, 2016, 12:07 p.m. by ThePurpleTurtleBear
I have recently become interested in Gracie/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and it has got me to thinking...
What color of magic accurately represents different forms of martial arts?
For my money, BJJ is absolutely 100% Blue.
You maintain distance at a minimum threat range, sniping at distance, allow your opponent to wear themselves out and over extend, and then you strike and overwhelm them once they are tired and unable to repel you... this is blue magic...
but what about other styles and colors?
let's here some thoughts!
AgentGreen says... #3
If Krav Maga is about defending yourself and punishing your attacker, wouldn't that be either or
, since white is more about defending yourself?
February 22, 2016 12:45 p.m.
ThePurpleTurtleBear says... #4
Yeah but it is really about meeting force with extreme amounts of force and brutality.
February 22, 2016 12:53 p.m.
ThePurpleTurtleBear says... #5
I feel wushu and kung fu would be because they are so focused on promoting balance and harmony with nature
February 22, 2016 12:54 p.m.
As both a longtime MMA fan and a Modern player, to me wrestling is . It's been around for a long time, but right now it's heavily, heavily favored by the game's rules, so much so that you're basically handicapping yourself by not using it. So everyone's complaining and saying it's killing the game/sport.
February 22, 2016 3:11 p.m.
To me, kendo is hugely Red to most beginners but turns Bant when practiced by a master. Participating in that transition and watching it in others is one of my favorite aspects of the art.
February 22, 2016 3:37 p.m. Edited.
BerserkWin says... #8
I'd say any martial art is White because that color keeps the peace and many of its "answers to problems" can be characterized as reactionary and not looking for a fight. I mean, self defense is pacifism - Not the card; the philosophy. Reactionary like Condemn (it has to be attacking you first), or Spear of Heliod or Aurification (it has to have damaged you first). Tons of "tap target creature" and "enchanted creature can't attack or block" in white. Sounds like grappling to me. Arrest, Shackles, Faith's Fetters - nullify a threat. That's martial arts. Blue does some of that too, but usually in an ice, flood, or freeze flavor and the tap down doesn't last.
I'd recommend Mark Rosewater's "Drive to Work" podcasts for his personal explanation of what each color "wants/likes to do." They're very good. If interested, look for the ones titled "Blue/Black" any other color combos like that.
JWiley129 says... #2
I feel like all martial arts probably fall somewhere in the White spectrum, with most being
b/c they are seeing enlightenment.
MMA would be some subset of
b/c it's a passionate sport and you'll use any tool in your arsenal to win (within the rules).
Karate feels
to me, since it's based on patterns (katas) and forms.
Krav Maga is
. It's about defending yourself, and fuck the other guy for even thinking about messing with you.
Aikido is
, since it's using your opponent's force against them and being non-aggressive.
February 22, 2016 12:12 p.m.