Massive scale Land Destruction
General forum
Posted on Sept. 12, 2010, 7:45 a.m. by Qysas
I was wondering, What is your opinion of Land Destruction? Also what do you think of Armageddon and would you like to see a 4cmc Land destruction spell back in Magic?
nammertime says... #3
Land destruction shouldn't be made too easy, or everyone would play it, and then Magic wouldn't be so fun, seeing as how you might not even play any of your cards if you get your lands destroyed.
September 12, 2010 11:44 a.m.
Well I was meaning bringing Armageddon back into the core set or even an expansion set version. I mean Wizards has many many different types of Wraith effect cards in multiple sets. I think though if they made a new 4cmc Armageddon it wont be a serious game changer but it would definitely bring another dimension to the game again.
September 12, 2010 11:45 a.m.
I have looked at a few of the different Armageddon decks over the years and although they are decent they carry no Real Pro tour victories like Necropotence, and a few of the current decks I think would actually make geddon decks seem slightly weaker. I am not saying make a deck with like 16 land destruction spells. As Land destruction like that would be way to much. I am saying more of a Wrath effect land destruction deck that affects the caster as well as the opponent.
I mean look at the old Wurmageddon, Erhnageddon, Willowgeddon, and even the Nettlegeddon decks. They were good but not one of them actually completely owned Standard like some decks have over the past 5 or 6 years.
September 12, 2010 11:57 a.m.
nammertime says... #6
That's because Wizards doesn't want them to own Standard. Besides, if you're playing land destruction, your best bet is a deck with Sinkhole and Blight and stuff like that. Armageddon is less land destruction and more reset-button-after-you-gain-board-advantage.
September 12, 2010 12:04 p.m.
True enough. So I could see a new Armageddon type spell then I could see 2cmc or 3cmc Land destruction spell being brought back.
September 12, 2010 12:41 p.m.
Ahh, in 1999, this deck made the finals, and was actually printed as a World Series deck... (These were decks you could purchase but had gold borders, and were at the time they were originally printed prohibited from being used in tourney's...
Sped Red by Mark Le Pine
4 Avalanche Riders , 3 Fireslinger , 4 Jackal Pup , 4 Mogg Fanatic ,
4 Shock
4 Arc Lightning , 3 Hammer of Bogardan , 4 Pillage , 4 Stone Rain
2 Ancient Tomb , 2 Ghitu Encampment , 16 Mountain, 4 Wasteland
1 Arc Lightning , 1 Fireslinger , 1 Flowstone Flood , 2 Masticore , 4 Scald , 2 Shattering Pulse , 4 Thran Foundry
I hope you find this of interest!
September 12, 2010 1:10 p.m.
I was meaning a deck designed around Armageddon, not the Red Land destruction. Classic style Land destruction was always dominating once it got rolling.
September 12, 2010 4:11 p.m.
If your referring to a cheap "destroy all lands" spell, then I'm kind of in the vain of saying no... unless there were more cards that you could benefit from...
September 13, 2010 2:51 p.m.
I am just saying a simple to the point 4cmc Destroy all lands spell Armageddon was the only one I know of that was direct and simple in its approach. But it does not need to be made for white. They made a Black Wrath of God so why not say a green or blue version. Although I could also see a black version.
@cardcoin: What do you mean "more cards that you could benefit from?"
September 14, 2010 12:26 a.m.
nammertime says... #13
... are all fun cards in the right deck. I play some of them in my Jhoira EDH deck.
September 14, 2010 12:44 a.m.
I could see "Ravages of War " being a fitting replacement for Armageddon if by name alone. I think a 4CMC Destroy all lands in play card should be brought back. I still say it doesnt need to be just for white though, and it should not be with Red or it would go against the current red land destruction cards.
September 15, 2010 1:32 a.m.
I mean't cards like Primeval Titan ... Stuff that will let you get lands into play so after an effect kicks off that destroys lands, you can quickly get them back into play.
On the flip side, Floating the mana for Armageddon then Devastating Summons ... Stuff like this that can abuse lands or lack there off. Thats what I was thinking about in my last comment. (Apologies for not being clear cut about what I was getting at)...
September 15, 2010 8:58 a.m.
True enough. There really isn't a whole lot to really abuse the destroy all lands and I shall ramp up and be right as rain and kick butt.
Although there are some killer creatures that would just own by themselves if the opponent had no land to even attempt to remove or bounce or what ever white does to them.
September 15, 2010 1:21 p.m.
Din of the Fireherd anyone? Have Red token spawners galore and let it rip.
September 24, 2010 5:44 a.m.
I really recommend not doing any math/counting at that point since all you really care about is the power level and cohesion of your card pool. Nonetheless, I assume it's the size of an ordinary booster pack (15).
March 15, 2015 1:30 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #22
Most likely includes:
1 on colour DTK rare (no derp)
1 of the statues (the mana rocks that turn into dragons)
1 Dual Land (of the respective clan colour)
2 DTK uncommons (in clan colours)
1 FRF uncommon (in clan colours)
5 DTK commons (in clan colours)
4 FRF commons (in clan colours)
cardcoin says... #2
Well, M11 has Demolish which is 4cmc... It's not entirely impossible to build a green/red mana excelled land destruction deck. The only thing is that for the time you spend destroying lands, you will find yourself pinned back by the fact that the opponent will be able to eventually get lands out and threaten you, all the while your struggling because the cards you draw are little more than land disruption and/or weak creatures.
Hence why currently it's not viable...
UNLESS there is an artifact that can destroy lands in the new set... maybe then I'll be sold :)
September 12, 2010 10:58 a.m.