Match an Overwatch character with their color identity.
General forum
Posted on April 25, 2018, 8:39 p.m. by RedUndead40
Like Junkrat is Rakdos for sure.
Sombra is Dimir.
Let's get the whole cast
RedUndead40 says... #3
I could honestly see Bastion having a green element, maybe selesnya. Also Winston seems simic or bant.
Moira is probably Esper honestly.
April 25, 2018 9:34 p.m.
Averagemuffin says... #4
I could see Zarya as Jeskai and maybe argue that Moira is Simic solely based on the evolutionary theme, better yet: Sultai.
April 26, 2018 12:57 a.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #6
I could also see Junkrat in Grixis. His weapons and use have a lot of Izzet-flavour in them. I totally see the point for Rakdos, though.
Winston goes into Gruul for me, or maybe Temur. He has this green nature and his enrage ulti is very Red. His overall character adds a little bit of blue to the mix, so I'd see him in either based on his abilities or in .
Zenyatta, my current main, is quite interesting. He's very obviously Blue - Trancendence alone justifies that. His healing gives him white, and I think that also makes sense in how the character feels. Now, I'm not sure if his overall Buddhist-Monk-theme and flavour automatically puts him into Jeskai, or if the fact that he has a weakening-spell in his kit (which is Black) plus the fact that he looks a lot like an artifact, which are inherently Esper, is more important. I could see a clear argument for either Jeskai or Esper, but I'm going with .
Lucio, my former main, is actually pretty hard to put. He has White in there and something else that doesn't quite Match any colour. There's also a hinge of Blue in there for sure, with the wallriding and blasting people away sounding a lot like it has some sort of evasion and bounde in his kit, which are blue abilities. The joyful nature of his and the fact that the ultimate gives pseudo-toughness is more Green than Red, so I'd put him into . However, I can see a clear argument as to why his character is a little to joyful to match the solemn nature of Bant, so I'd see a point for . I think you could argue for , too, but his overall kit and character don't really match Boros in terms of righteousness and valor. Lucio is more of a free spirit and does what he wants, so I think Bant is the best match.
April 26, 2018 7:58 a.m.
RedUndead40 says... #7
To be fair, Primal Rage is already a green card :P mixed with his scientific nature and enhanced evolution I think that places Winston squarely in Simic. If he does have red its probably more of his loving side than his rage side (he can manually control his rage)
April 26, 2018 9:31 a.m.
RedUndead40 says... #8
Reaper is probably mono Black.
Soldier 76 feels like , he's got the vigilante soldier vibe that fits there and he's actually a bit of an anti-hero.
If anyone was I would say Roadhog. He's a big beater that can self regenerate and uses scrap metal as a reforged weapon. Maybe Jund to cover his criminal instincts.
abby315 says... #2
Symmetra is super Azorius, Mercy is mono-white, Moira maybe Orzhov or Dimir? Shes got the mad scientist thing going, thats usually Izzet, but the healing makes me think she should be white and Boros and azorius seem wrong.
Who would be a green character dyou think? Theres not much of nature in overwatch, maybe Mei if you give green back the storms theme.
April 25, 2018 9:23 p.m.