General forum
Posted on Feb. 28, 2017, 3:23 p.m. by Argy
I bought all the Minotaurs, but there was one they didn't have.
It's OK, I found it.
It was Raging Minotaur.
Now I want to make a Minotaur EDH deck, but it will suck so badly! lol
February 28, 2017 3:40 p.m.
The deck may play sucky, but I've no doubt it will actually be spectacular ... if nothing else, for the flavor text of Canyon Minotaur!
Good luck finding 2/3 Minotaur tokens for Flurry of Horns!
P.S. Isn't there a law or something that Aussie Magic players have to run Didgeridoo at least once in their life? :-D
February 28, 2017 4:41 p.m.
clayperce the flavour text on Canyon Minotaur was the first I ever read and it intrigued me.
I used it in decks I played against my friend JUST so I could read it while playing. Those were the days.
I have HEAPS of 2/3 Minotaur Tokens from a 60 card casual Minotaur deck I have. Gotta get 'em out with Flurry of Horns played off the back of Oracle of Bones.
Play Felhide Petrifier, attach Cobbled Wings and BOOM! you've got yourself a Flying Minotaur with Deathtouch.
Did you know there are also 3/3 Minotaur Tokens? They look ugly though, so I WON'T be buying any.
I did not know about Didgeridoo. What that has to do with Minotaurs is a mystery. They are Graeco-Roman, not Australian. Looks like I have a few more cards I need to gather. Luckily I already have Mogis.
Not only is it compulsory for Aussies to play Didgeridoo, we are also required to play Boomerang.
I met a guy at our new EDH play group who was rocking a Mogis mat and apparently has an EDH Minotaur deck.
We had a lot to talk about and I hope to play against his deck soon.
March 1, 2017 9:02 a.m. Edited.
"Flying Minotaur with Deathtouch" fills my heart with joy :-)
March 1, 2017 9:53 a.m.
You should probably also play Razor Boomerang, it's a boomerang, and there may or may not be a Minotaur in the art.
March 1, 2017 11:52 a.m.
In case they're not already on your radar ...
- Taurean Mauler, Boros Charm, and Rage Reflection, for sure.
- Brass Herald, maybe?
- Warmonger. Idk. I mean, it has the horns, but I'm just not a fan of group effects like this. Plus: Creature type Monger? Really, Wizards?!?
March 2, 2017 7:06 a.m. Edited.
You know, I have a spare Boros Charm.
Never noticed it has a Minotaur on it.
March 2, 2017 8:24 a.m.
Also, looks we're getting Minotaur art in the new AKH Fling and Impeccable Timing ...
Atony1400 says... #2
Which one do you need? Maybe we can help you out?
February 28, 2017 3:34 p.m.