Mono-black Poison Control
General forum
Posted on Sept. 28, 2010, 9:31 p.m. by Qysas
MBPC: is it possible or even worth anyones time right now?
I was looking at my M11-Scars cards as well as my Zendikar and it occurred to me that I could possibly build a MBPC deck but I was wondering would it be effective in todays standard? What does everyone else think?
Well I posted a basic idea on the deck lists. I still wonder what is the best way to go about MBPC.
September 28, 2010 9:52 p.m.
what exactly are you looking for as far as the poison element?
September 28, 2010 10 p.m.
I have complete playsets of all the artifact poison creatures. I also have a playset of ichor-rat and 2 hand-of-the-preators.
September 28, 2010 10:08 p.m.
so, like, aggrocontrol with the aggro just being poison counters (which have to only hit for 10 damage instead of 20)? yeah, that could work...Grasp of Darkness , Doom Blade , etc. with some Corrupt and stuff, maybe some point discard, and poison to finish...Ratchet Bomb . sounds like a deck :P
September 28, 2010 10:12 p.m.
Yes, aggrocontrol with the aggro being only poison creatures. Using Grasp of Darkness and Doom Blade for creature removal, Sign in Blood for card drawing and I was also thinking of using Howling Banshee and Bleak Coven Vampires as finishers, Maybe.
September 28, 2010 10:23 p.m.
Howling Banshee You can get a lot better mileage out of your 4 mana (Hand of the Praetors ). Bleak Coven Vampires also sucks, though less so...the previously mentioned legendary skeleton (!) fits in the slot a lot better. Also, poison + regular-damage finishers = i don't know what, but it's not a dead opponent.
September 28, 2010 10:35 p.m.
Well right now my Hand of the Praetors is my finisher for sure. I have one Legendary Dragon. An was going to use it for trade material. I also have a complete Playset of Steel Overseer
September 28, 2010 10:39 p.m.
You could try to do some janky stuff with Steel Overseer and Ichorclaw Myr . Also, if you want to go REALLY janky, toss in Liquimetal Coating to combo with the overseer and whatever Infect creature you want. Not a clean combo, but it could be fun =)
October 1, 2010 2:17 a.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #11
So, today I broke my golden rule. I played when I had absolutely no desire to do so. GP Charlotte is in 2 weeks and I only had 1 tournament with Grixis Delver, so I figured it was probably a good idea. Where's that buzzer button when you need it?
Lost to Faeries round 1, played sloppy, wrote down cards so that I couldn't discern what I wrote, just bad. Good Faeries player, but I legit wrecked myself.
Lost round 2 to Twin. Played super sloppy game 1, it was just bad. I should have won off a double Delver start, but I fucked up. Mentally kicked my own ass, picked up a little for game 2, but drew 10 lands out of 20 in the deck. Oh baby. Good opponent, I still could've played better.
So, round 3. I'm playing against what I can only describe as Affinity Goblins. No, you read that right. He has a kid watching him play and is talking big shit and was wearing a full steampunk getup, it was amusing. I mull to 4 game 1 due to no landers, decided to keep a hand with a Watery Grave and no other action. Fantastic. Lose that game. Game 2 I flood ending the game with fetches that can't find any lands because they're all in play and have a Delver that doesn't flip for 8 turns. I lose game 2.
I ask the kid if he wants to play another just for the lolz. He says that he wants to play his Slivers deck that he originally wanted to play today but didn't know it was Modern, not Legacy. He says his deck is busted and all foil. I say something along the lines of "okay, I'll play Legacy as well then if you don't mind."
So, I throw my tarns, delta and bolts back into my Legacy deck and shuffle up. I let him play first, no cuts, whatever, it's for the lolz. He goes Island, Metallic Sliver, go. I kept what I would normally call a shady 7, a couple fetches, a Daze, a Brainstorm, meh. We go a few turns, I Brainstorm a few times, shuffle away an Umezawa's Jitte, Daze some black sliver and drop a True-Name Nemesis right on time. Proceed to go get my Jitte back with a Stoneforge Mystic and just pulverize this kid.
Take it from me, there's no glory in thrashing a kid-who-has-never-played-actual-Legacy-before-and-thinks-his-decks-are-busted-as-shit's pet deck.
May 31, 2015 4:55 p.m. Edited.
ABadMagicPlayer100 says... #12
I don't know... sometimes, crushing people's pet decks is one of the best ways to help them realize their deck isn't that great.
May 31, 2015 5:05 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #13
Yeah... that didn't happen. I don't think he realized how locked out of the game he was with Jitte on TNN. I mean, I was holding a Force, a Dig and Spell Pierce in hand. I didn't even Wasteland his Ancient Ziggurat because I felt bad as soon as I realized he was basically just playing the Slivers duel deck.
May 31, 2015 5:08 p.m.
I mean, he did crush you with goblins/affinity so it goes both ways.
May 31, 2015 5:15 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #16
I'll attempt that mantra.
I got wrecked in general. I lost games I should've won, I considered dropping to join a Pokemon draft (this didn't actually happen), shit was real.
May 31, 2015 5:19 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #19
This was amusing in the highest degree. Thanks, Fluffy.
May 31, 2015 5:54 p.m.
Your deck screwed you in both of those first games, and that dude just sounds like a cocky noob.
May 31, 2015 7:05 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #21
So much pain.
I know these feels though.
Modern GPT at my LGS:
Playing pod when it was still legal.
Playing the "mirror" (was a bad version of pod without the pods).
We are both playing along and I'm stalling best as I can cause I haven't seen a pod this whole game.
I have drawn, and played, 14 lands total
End up scooping up because there isn't a way for me to come back.
Reveal top 10 cards, find the remaining 8 lands out of those top 10 cards.
May 31, 2015 7:13 p.m. Edited.
gnarlicide says... #22
Yeah, I played at a modern contrasted win a box of modern master tourney last saturday. I had the choice to play Jund (my pet deck), Sultai Mid (Gerard Fab's list-ish), Mardu Burn (because Bump in the Night gets around Spellskite or Grixis Delver.
I chose the BUG list. I should have never done that.
I paid my 20 bucks, and entered round one.
Played against Amulet Bloom Combo. The dude, has been playing this deck for two years, so he knows every play. I ran out of gas in both games and he would combo out when he knew I was getting flooded.
Round 2, I played against UW Gifts Tron... whoa... I lost game 1 from really REALLY bad draws. Game 2 I had the win until he top decks Emrakul.
Round 3, played against some dude who only plays standard. He was playing BW Warriors... yeah. It ended in a draw. Somehow.
Round 4, I play against Naya Burn. I win. Yay.
Either way... I watched the top 8 and top 4 matches, and realized that I would have destroyed everyone of those dudes had I played Jund. I even know how to beat Bloom pretty handily if I was on the almighty Jund.
I learned something very important that day; Do NOT, under any circumstances, switch decks when the stakes are high. its not worth it. BTW, I played against this new Collected Company deck for fun with my Jund deck... it sucks. Its a shitty wannabe POD deck that gets blown out too easily with discard and has no easy access to removal to kill stuff like the BGx decks with bob and decay.
May 31, 2015 10:43 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #23
gnarlicide That's why my collected company combo deck runs 3 seize and 3 decay in the main.
sporkife says... #2
You could just shoehorn Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon into an extant MBC as a finisher. (that's what I'm doing.
September 28, 2010 9:47 p.m.