Most powerful preconstructed decks published? Weakest?
General forum
Posted on Dec. 27, 2018, 9:59 p.m. by NanashiAnon
What does everyone think were the strongest and weakest preconstructed decks that were made? What was the easiest (percentage of original cards remaining and cost of replacement cards) to alter into a functional deck?
Some have some really good cards in them (Like Umezawa's Jitte in Rat's Nest), but that generally doesn't make a deck by itself. Event/Challenger would probably only be worth noting in relation to the power of other event/challenger decks.
NanashiAnon says... #3
Was mostly what the most powerful were in general. "For their time" would likely be the best qualifier if one is needed, since you obviously aren't getting these decks anymore.
December 28, 2018 5:19 p.m.
I have a pretty sizable collection of preconstructed decks, since I often play Magic with casual players who do not want to play anything all that complicated. One of the reasons I have so many is that Wizards has, as a whole, done a great job making the decks relatively similar in terms of power level. You can play Elves from Elves v. Goblins against Prophit from Power v. Profit, and the match will be relatively even. The Planechase decks tend to be slightly more powerful, but not by a significant margin.
If I had to chose one as "easiest to alter into a functional deck" I would probably pick Premium Deck Series: Graveborn. On its own, the Graveborn precon deck isn't great, but with a few small improvements--replacing the reanimiation targets with some nightmares like Griselbrand or Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur--you can make a pretty solid little deck (though, you'll want some copies of Force of Will to be viable in Legacy).
Icbrgr says... #2
I think this largely depends on what format you want to play....and how competitive you want to be... many 60 card decks aren't really geared for any specific format and as you noted have very neat cards that on there own are good cards but to use them in a format that they were legal in you would have to replace the rest of the deck.
December 28, 2018 9:49 a.m.