Most reprinted rares?
General forum
Posted on July 21, 2020, 10:59 p.m. by TrevHulkC
Hi all, little question for the hive mind here.
I am rebuilding my uncommon cube, and I needed to create a special 'Booster Tutor booster' for use in the cube.
I wanted to have this booster include the most overly printed/reprinted rares in MtG history.
Thus far I've got the obvious ones like Shivan Dragon, Nightmare etc. Preferably 'junk' type rares please.
SynergyBuild says... #3
While all the basic lands have been printed as rare in special editions, and Giant Growth back as a promo rare, Serra Angel is by far the most commonly reprinted rare that has been printed in a normal set as a rare, in multiple core sets, welcome decks, etc. It's last printed however was indeed uncommon, and so for the most commonly printed card with it's latest printing being a rare would be Shivan Dragon. It has 19 total reprints, and it's Core Set 2020 appearance is at rare!
enpc says... #2
Scryfall is pretty good for this kind of stuff:
The above example does a search for all card which have 8 or more printings an sorts the whole lot by rarity (unfortunately it doesn't look to have a sort by number of printings feature).
The "prints>%3D8" part of the URL lets you adjust the number of printings, just change 8 to whatever you want to be your lower limit on checks.
You can also replace "prints" with "sets' which ignores multiple printings within a specific set (like pre-release promos).
July 22, 2020 12:15 a.m. Edited.