MTG Essentials - Upgraded version of the MTG Basic Rulebook

General forum

Posted on Nov. 27, 2016, 1:56 a.m. by mtguser2000


I've been working on a book containing everything there is to know about MTG since about 2012.

It was fun to make and lately I've made a complete new design for the rulebook.

The latest version of the document is available over here.

The document is available in Word and PDF format and average about 127 pages.It is as big as 300 megs because of the pictures.

It was made as an image of the Basic Rulebook offered by MTG. As a comparaison, the M14 Rulebook has 36 pages.

Here is a quick overview of the document:

Section 1: The Basics

1.1 Five Colors Mana

1.2 Parts Of A Card

1.3 Card Types

1.4 Game Zones

Section 2: The Building Blocks

2.1 Making Mana

2.2 Spells

2.3 Abilities

2.4 Attacking And Blocking

Section 3: Playing A Game

3.1 Get A Deck

3.2 Protect Your Cards

3.3 Get A Friend

3.4 Start The Game

3.5 Shuffling Your Cards

3.6 Part Of The Turn

3.7 The Next Turn

3.8 The Ever-Changing Game

3.9 The Golden Rule

Section 4: Building Your Own Deck

4.1 Deck Archetypes

4.2 Choose Colors Wisely

4.3 Name Your Deck

Section 5: Different Ways To Play

5.1 Formats

5.2 Sanctioned Constructed

5.3 Sanctioned Limited

5.4 Sanctioned Multiplayer

5.5 Casual Constructed

5.6 Casual Limited

5.7 Casual Multiplayer

5.8 Casual Variant

5.9 Other Casual Formats

Section 6: Glossary

6.1 General

6.2 Ability Words

6.3 Keyword Abilities

6.4 Keyword Actions

Section 7: Sets

Section 8: The Storyline

8.1 Our Own Universe

8.2 The Multiverse

8.3 The Planets

Section 9: Banned And Restricted

Section 10: Questions?

Section 11: Rulebook Credit

Section 12: Notes

If you have any comments, suggestion or remark, feel free to leave it in the forum.

Enjoy the reading!

Add "Turn Structure" to the "building blocks" section. Since that seems to be where you define the core of Mtg itself.

Also, 1.1 doesn't make any sense. "Five colors mana"? Please elaborate.

November 27, 2016 3:25 a.m.

mtguser2000 says... #3

Will reflect on suggestion #1

Altough i'm not sur what you mean with #2

See is their own PDF

November 27, 2016 3:33 a.m.

mtguser2000 says... #4

I've followed the guideline from their rulebook

The thing is, 1st, moving a section in a word document, from experience is running into trouble because it can cause corruption.Second, their rulebook is under Section 3. Although i've added more information in between which may be accessory to the game while the Tur Structure is more of a necessity, and i understand your point, but at the time i did reflect on that and decided to left it there for the step by step process of getting to play the game

November 27, 2016 3:38 a.m.

I mean, you literally typed out "five colors mana" for the title of 1.1. Which doesn't make sense. Should it be "Five colors of mana"? Or "five colored mana"? I don't know if that is a typo or not. If you're making your own version of the rulebook, I would imagine you want it to look professional and not have it start off with a confusing section title.

November 27, 2016 4 a.m.

mtguser2000 says... #6

I'm uploading a new document with a fix for the 2 pictures transparency and increased the bottom footer banner

November 27, 2016 4:02 a.m.

mtguser2000 says... #7

Oh i get what you mean, will fix it

November 27, 2016 4:03 a.m.

mtguser2000 says... #8

Updated. Thank you for your input.

November 27, 2016 4:35 a.m.

Darthagnon says... #9

On p8 of the book, there is a chart listing the basic card types (Land, Instant, Sorcery, etc.) and whether they are "Usually Colorless". Artifacts are correctly listed as Usually Colorless, but the fact that Lands are Usually Colorless is omitted.

November 27, 2016 8:37 a.m.

Darthagnon says... #10

I especially noticed the Land error, as I had some trouble back in the day, when I thought Mountains were Red permanents that triggered Battle Brawler's ability. Of course, that made Battle Brawler absolutely broken, until I learned that Mountains are Colourless permanents. As it is, the book is misleading to new players, and could result in them thinking that Lands are coloured permanents

November 27, 2016 8:40 a.m.

Darthagnon says... #11

Also, the same p8 chart has a typo: "Can Be Attack" should be "Can Be Attacked"

November 27, 2016 8:43 a.m.

Darthagnon says... #12

Good work, though.

November 27, 2016 8:45 a.m.

mtguser2000 says... #13

Thanks, fixed. Glossary on colors also states about lands being colorless.

November 27, 2016 5:01 p.m.

This discussion has been closed