MTG Soundtrack
General forum
Posted on April 5, 2018, 5:28 a.m. by Composer2000
Hy! I am a music composer and I am creating soundtracks using MTG Arts. I would like to know what do you folks think about it.
Any Request, please let me know!
Thank you
Emensmansera says... #3
The Praetor cycle speaks to me as to something that wants to be expressed in a musical form
April 5, 2018 2:12 p.m.
Izzet Soundtrack with Nivmagus Elemental in particular in mind.... especially his flavor text "When it escaped, the experimenters hesitated. It would cause untold havoc, yet they wished to see it in action."..... the Combination of Knowledge/Control with Chaos/Freedom.
April 5, 2018 5:22 p.m.
I think Goblins would have a kind of industrial-maybe-techno-ish soundtrack. I imagine their song being very dark and foreboding, yet probably mixed with horns or bells or something to add a juxtaposed "light-hearted" theme to the mood. Something like Pig/Raymond Watts.
Also, Innistrad, the plane, might have a theme song that resembles Akira Yamaoka's work on the Silent Hill soundtracks. They basically sound like dark, moody love songs, infused with just a hint of ambient/techno-lite sounds.
Sorry I didn't pick any card-art specifically. I'm just Brainstorming ideas. Take em or leave em. XD
Also, I write song lyric-parodies for Magic decks. I mostly do humorous stuff, but maybe you'd like to check them out: rap, metal & pop.
April 5, 2018 5:56 p.m.
Composer2000 says... #6
Boza, Emensmansera, Icbrgr, Gattison
Hello! I already have some works on youtube! you can find at my channel "Eidi Kakuno".
I composed a song for:
Twilight Shepherd
Mana-Charged Dragon
Nissa, Natures Artisan
World at War
Knight Exemplar
So, I will compose the soundtrack for your cards ideas:
Crux of fate
Nivmagus Elemental
I want to upload more videos on youtube, so if you have more requests. Please! Let me know!
April 6, 2018 5:21 a.m.
@Composer2000 Just checked out some of your work...Nice job!
I really enjoyed the emotion captured in Knight Exemplar that regal preparation for battle feel and the embodiment of bolstering fellow knights in a test of bravery/courage.
Mana-Charged Dragon has a really awesome bad@$$ feel going on that i think totally fits the cards art as well as a growing and unstoppable force of destruction.
I look forward to seeing what else you come up with. Great work keep it coming!
April 6, 2018 11:11 a.m.
Composer2000 says... #8
@IcbrgrThank you! I really appreciated!I try to create a scene in my head and then try to compose some soundtrack, with the emotion that the scene needs.
Btw, In the game, I don't like merfolk, but I love the art! Like, "Kopala, Warden of Waves" or "Master of the Pearl Trident". Because I can see the scene that this characters could be in.
I already have some other projects finished so I will post on my channel every Tuesday and Thursday.
April 7, 2018 3:51 a.m.
Composer2000 says... #9
Hey! Let's play a game?
Post a comment about the name of the card and the scene that you can imagine with it.
Not necessarily needs to be with what the card does, but the scene in what the character could be in. And I will try to bring the emotions to your scene with the soundtrack.
Boza says... #2
Some of the more dramitic pieces would be best - Crux of Fate. Or a musical piece based on all the story spotlight cards from a single set/block.
April 5, 2018 8:28 a.m.