My first deck here! Still testing, any suggestions?

General forum

Posted on Aug. 8, 2010, 12:21 a.m. by Levgre

"Black and Blue aggressive control" (Standard)

A Blue/Black control/rush deck. All the Creatures are very cheap, 1 black, allowing the playing of counter spells are creature destruction in the same turn.

The deck draws through masks of riddles, which also allows creatures to get through defenses. And also through ad nausem/dark tutelage. which allow you to draw cards for life. With very cheap cards you can get lots of cards in hand with them. AD is an instant so you can leave mana open for counters until the end of opponents turn.

The Death's Shadow combos with the ad nausem, it is a 13/13 for 1 black, -1/1 for each life you have. It can easily be a 3/3 (or more) for 1 black, then hopefully use counter spells to prevent direct damage when you are low.

Perhaps needs more creatures. Not sure yet, have not played much and it's still being tweaked, but it competes with high-level decks like B/W control and Jund.

Levgre says... #2

Oops forgot, here's link

August 8, 2010 12:40 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #3

Still not getting it! It's pretty easy to link; just use double brackets around the name of the deck. Check the "formatting tips" in the lower right of the page.


August 8, 2010 12:44 a.m.

Levgre says... #4


Ahh okay, thanks. Here it is.

August 8, 2010 12:45 a.m.

Indigoindigo says... #5

Green has a lot of great ramp, both creature-wise and spells, but what's used in decklists seems to vary a lot.In your opinion, what are the generally best green cards for more mana? Any of these you would advice against playing?
Cards that fetch lands out of your library:
Rampant Growth
Nature's Lore / Three Visits
Cultivate / Kodama's Reach
Explosive Vegetation
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Borderland Ranger
Yavimaya Elder
Farhaven Elf
Wood Elves
Courser of Kruphix
Oracle of Mul Daya

Collective Voyage
Carpet of Flowers
Birds of Paradise
Azusa, Lost but Seeking

September 13, 2014 12:25 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #6

Green Sun's Zenith (for Dryad Arbor ) and all the 1-drop mana dorks and the 1-drop land auras arey favorites. They are the most cost efficient, and I like them more. Personally, I don't like one-time Lay of the Land effects, so I wouldn't pay an extra to Rampant Growth via a Kodama's Reach , but that's just my style. Also need to mention Three Visits and Nature's Lore . So awesome.

September 13, 2014 12:42 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

If you're playing three colors and have the ABUR duals and fetches, then you should absolutely be running Three Visits and Nature's Lore . Skyshroud Claim is optional, but strong. Many people also run Farseek .

If you aren't playing an optimized land base, you can get away with Rampant Growth , Cultivate , Kodama's Reach , and some mix of other spells. Many decks in this category also play Sakura-Tribe Elder and Yavimaya Elder .

I tend to favor Burgeoning , Exploration , and Azusa, Lost but Seeking as the best exploration effects (in no particular order). Oracle of Mul Daya is also good. I don't like Courser of Kruphix because you can't actually secure an additional land drop (although you can more often use your existing land drop).

Carpet of Flowers is extremely powerful in the right meta.

Birds of Paradise and other mana dorks are sometimes worth playing, but only if your deck needs to be as fast as possible. Otherwise, you're gambling against sweepers.

September 13, 2014 2:56 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #8

Is Tempt with Discovery any good? It's fun, but probably not super competitive

September 13, 2014 3:35 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #9

I don't like it, but I also play at the tournament level. It might be viable at the kitchen table.

September 13, 2014 3:42 p.m.

smash10101 says... #10

Kitchen table player here, Tempt with Discovery is Far / Away the best ramp spell in EDH IMO. In a four player game, it almost always gets you 4 lands to play, untapped. Late game, people will sometimes not go for it, but early game (when you want to ramp the hardest anyways) it is amazing. Also, Skyshroud Claim into Nature's Lore is an awesome play. Which ramp spells you run really depends on the meta and the deck though. Maybe Collective Voyage is great in your mono-green deck. It likely sucks in your 5-color deck with the optimized land base though.

Other cards I like: Krosan Verge - double fetch, can find shocks/abur duals, though everything enters tapped.
Mana Flare /Heartbeat of Spring /Dictate of Karametra /Zhur-Taa Ancient - double edged sword. Good in the right decks, terrible in the wrong decks.
Boundless Realms - Do you run a lot of basics?
Land Tax - Struggling to hit your land drops? Also extreme value with Scroll Rack .

September 13, 2014 4:20 p.m.

I've seen great success with Tempt with Discovery I also wouldn't underestimate Lotus Cobra as a ramp friendly guy. I play tested him and was surprised at the insane value he gives

September 14, 2014 5:14 p.m.

Lotus Cobra is inordinately powerful in any three-color deck running nine fetches, especially if you also run Crucible of Worlds and some Exploration effects.

September 14, 2014 5:17 p.m.

Indigoindigo says... #13

@Epochalyptik: Do you like 2 CMC spells (Rampant Growth and Farseek ) or 3 CMC spells (Kodama's Reach ) best? And do you prefer the spells or the creatures?

September 16, 2014 6:19 a.m.

JRaynor says... #14

I was just about to make my own post on this subject so I'll just hop into this discussion instead.

A lot of the advice given so far is fantastic but if one were to be looking at ramping in a non-competitive environment, what would be the top 10 ramp cards and in what order would you rank them? What situation is each best used in?

What I meant by non-competitive is that 25$ Three Visits and original duals are nice and all but let's assume our deck is going to fall somewhere between budget and over a five hundred dollars.

September 18, 2014 12:41 p.m.

Lotus Cobra Tempt with Discovery Rampant Growth in monoFarseek assuming you have shocks Gatecreeper Vine for dual color with gatesGyre Sage for pseudo ramp on a dork. Extraplanar Lens That's basically my list of ramp love Exploration may fall into this list now as well idk the current price on it

September 18, 2014 12:54 p.m.

This discussion has been closed