My old '94/'95 deck - The Time Lord
General forum
Posted on May 2, 2016, 2:16 p.m. by secret_squirrel88
For nostalgia reasons, I recreated my old deck from way back when, which earned me the nickname "The Time Lord". Back when it was created my play group, which consisted of 8 of us, thought the deck was legal as back in '94/'95 the internet was almost irrelevant unlike today, and most people did not know there was banned/restricted list. So, even though it was illegal by the banned/restricted list, our group thought it was legal. I had almost as much fun worming the cards off everyone, as destroying everyone in our group numerous times. The deck description gives a bit more history.
this is deck advertising.
could you not?
May 2, 2016 6:53 p.m.