Nahiri The Harbinger, The Surprising Ally Planeswalker
General forum
Posted on May 9, 2017, 4:31 p.m. by Science0
After playtesting many times and making a rather interesting and scarily effective Ally deck, with a few Eldrazi "backup"(Ruin Processor, and a few 1/1 Drones), a strange Red-White-Black with Blue-Green splash (Technically a Penta Ally-Eldrazi Deck) I was looking for a suitable planeswalker, and my eyes rested on Nahiri The Harbinger, a strange pick for a strange deck.
The PlanThere are a few good planeswalkers that work well with Allies, and almost none that work with Eldrazi. My choices were already limited to a planeswalker with the main colours being one of my three main colours. After doing some research my final choices were Ajani Goldmane, Sorin Grim Nemesis, Nahiri the Harbinger, and a risky choice of Tayimo Field Researcher.
Why I chose NahiriBesides being my favourite planeswalker overall, Nahiri worked well with the lifegain portion of the deck, and could help with bringing out creatures that I am in need of. All three of her abilities come into good use as well.
+2: She gives you the ability to discard a card, and draw another one, which is optional, meaning you can use it without discarding and give her +2 Loyalty, and it can come into good use for drawing a new card if you draw a card which would be useless in the battle.
-2: Working with Kor Entanglers for the best Ally effect, or other cards that cause cards to tap, she can exile certain creatures, help fight back against the new vehicle decks,get rid of enchantments harming your creatures, and enchantments buffing opponents to be invincible against your allies.
-8: The most useful ability for Ally decks, the ability to search your deck for a creature and put it on the battlefield, it returning to your hand at the end of the next turn, letting the Rally trigger twice, and for cards such as Angel of Renewal, allowing for the life gained to be double.SummaryIf you're building an Ally deck that mainly uses White and Red, I recommend putting some thought into what you can do with Nahiri's abilities to turn a fight against a strong opponent, or even the odds while you're building up your creatures. Make sure you have enough creatures to protect her before you play her, as her starting loyalty is 4, but she gains loyalty very quickly, needing only 2 turns to be able to use her -8, and 3 if you want her to survive using it.
Please give your thoughts and possible other ways you've used cards in ways they weren't built for, but worked surprisingly well. Thank you for reading this ramble.
Not really, just something interesting I found out about Nahiri the Harbinger that somehow works very well with a deck type she shouldn't really be part of.
MollyMab says... #2
Is this IndependantMeta?
May 9, 2017 5:33 p.m.