Need cards that can't be counted
General forum
Posted on Oct. 17, 2017, 11:49 a.m. by Sulk
So I am making a control deck but I can't find any creatures that can't be counted for my sideboard for a mirror match up, does anyone no any good creatures? (Preferably if they alos have shroud/hexproof)
I am running mono blue.
Sphinx of the Final Word, though its expensive for modern. Pearl Lake Ancient.
October 17, 2017 12:55 p.m.
@abby315 Thanks so much, Sphinx of the Final Word seems idalic, as it will pretty much let's you do what you want, when you want. End of story.
@smackjack I used a different app and didn't think of the Gather
October 17, 2017 2:10 p.m.
Sulk you need to be aware that people can still get rid of Sphinx of the Final Word with a board wipe like Damnation, a forced Exile card like Doomfall, or a card that rips it from hand like Thoughtseize.
NCN946 says... #2
Are you standard, modern or EDH?
October 17, 2017 12:21 p.m.