Need Some Advice...

General forum

Posted on July 24, 2017, 2:47 p.m. by NapoleonBonaparte

So I've been playing Kiki Chord for awhile. I have the deck in paper and on MTGO. And I LOVE IT!! I can't say enough great things about the deck. I think this might be THE deck!

So my dilemma is to foil or not to foil? Listen to my reasonings behind each and then I would love to hear your opinions on this topic!

So I want to foil this deck because I love this deck and I'm pretty sure this is THE deck for me that I play for years and years to come. I've also always wanted a 100% foil deck to have that something to be proud of and surprise people with that "Wow" factor.

My reasons to not foil is mainly budgetary. Although, many pieces of Kiki Chord aren't necessarily expensive to foil, it is the thought that "Hey I could foil this out or build another deck". I'm unsure if I want to have a foiled deck or to have 2 maybe 3 different non foil decks.

Also what kind of foiling do I do? OG foiling? Alternate art foiling? or just buy the cheapest foils available?

Let me hear your opinions and advice on this subject. Help me resolve this (kinda silly) dilemma!

Dabean27 says... #2

Foil it out if it's THE deck. Choose the arts you like the most and if they happen to be promos then so be it. Remember a fouled out deck is a status symbol your showing off don't worry about budget in that sense then

July 24, 2017 4:06 p.m.

shadow63 says... #3

My only concern would be if kiki gets the ban hammer. But I'd go with the ftv kiki

July 24, 2017 6:30 p.m.

Zaueski says... #4

Don't worry, Kiki wont get banned lol its cool that you like it but the deck is nowhere near anything resembling being banworthy...

As for foiling, generally its a waste of money imo but im also constantly building new decks. If you have the spare budget to foil and thats what you want to do then do it.

July 24, 2017 7:14 p.m.

ZeGinger says... #5


If you want to pull this deck out one day in the future to show your grandchildren the effort you put into this, show them "hey, this used to be worth ALOT back in my time"

And you want to hold onto it over the years, not for investment's sake, but for the simple fact you took the effort to build this mechanical marvel, not worrying about what you get out of it financially.

And if you certainly wanna feel like you deserve to own the premium version of a deck archtype you loved for so long,

Then you'll probably answer your own question.

July 25, 2017 2:38 a.m.

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