Never give up (funny story included)
General forum
Posted on May 18, 2019, 2:18 p.m. by Ugin420
so last night at FNM, i played against a Bant deck using Worship . unfortunately for me, i did not have any enchantment removal, not even in the sideboard.
I tell my opponent this, and he asks if i want to keep playing.
Instead of scoopin up my cards and hoping to kill my opponent in games 2 and 3 before he draws Worship again, i keep playing. if he wanted the win, he'd have to earn it. besides, i did have creature removal in the deck, and he only had a few creatures out at the time.
many turns later (after the board was flooded with creatures and lands on both sides) i could tell he was getting frustrated. i was at 10 life, he was at 1. he just looks at me and says "are you even trying to win at this point? what are you doing? what are you hoping is going to happen?". I respond with "honestly, i'm waiting until you deck out or we go to time and i win because i have more life points". he wasn't happy with that response.
several turns later, he says "i concede so we can have a game 2". right after he says that, the judge pops around the corner and says "you guys are in time now". my opponent looks at the judge and says "he won". judge asks "2-0?". my opponent informs him "no, 1-0". the judge chuckles as he walks away.
moral of the story, don't give up when it looks hopeless. you never know when you might be able to land an unexpected win.
Fellin22: yep. once the deck is empty you just gotta win before your next draw step.
May 18, 2019 3:09 p.m.
Flooremoji says... #4
You only win by having more life if you are in elimination tournaments last time I checked, it would just be a draw in FNM. But Funny story :)
May 18, 2019 3:31 p.m.
I think u got a similar story:
Back when I first started playing magic, specifically edh, I ran a Anafenza, the Foremost +1/+1 counters deck. One time, I was playing against a friend's super proxied deck. When I say super proxied, I mean it had about 500-600$ worth of cards proxied. The best of the best.
Everytime I laid down a threat, he killed it. Everytime I got a swing in, he managed to destroy it right afterwards or before. This happened up until turn 30 or so, a full hour in of back and forth. My board had about 5 tokens with +1/+1 counters on them and a High Sentinels of Arashin with 4 +1/+1 counters on it. His board had 30 zombie tokens which just entered the battlefield. He was at 10 life (he used Necropotence since pretty much the beginning of the game) and I was at 5.
So I was worried I was gonna lose cause next turn he could swing at me and kill me when I noticed something. I asked "Do you have any fliers?" Before swinging with my Sentinels.
Don't give up, swing with your High Sentinels.
May 18, 2019 4:36 p.m.
Frankly, they should have called a judge to supervise your match the second you indicated you wanted to stall out the clock. Maybe what you were doing did not constitute a technical violation - as the facts have been presented, you did not indicate whether you slowed your own play, beyond simply refusing to concede - but you gave them plenty of cause to justify a judge’s presence for the remainder of that game.
May 18, 2019 4:39 p.m.
cdkime: my opponent was actually taking much more time per turn than i was. my turns consisted of simply immediately playing whatever spell/land i drew, ticking up/down my planeswalkers, and passing.
May 18, 2019 4:46 p.m.
cdkime: i'd also disagree that refusing to concede is cause for constant judge supervision. by that logic, every game anywhere would need a seperate judge. i'm guessing your point is that of a "slow play" violation, but i'd argue that thats not the same as simply refusing to concede.
May 18, 2019 4:49 p.m.
Refusing to concede might not be, but that’s not the point I take issue with. Specifically saying your intent is to stall until time is a huge red flag, and indicates a potential willingness to stall in other manners.
May 18, 2019 4:57 p.m.
cdkime: well at the time i was unaware a game still in progress when time was up ended in a draw. i had thought it was whoever had the most LP wins. my turns were over in about 10 seconds. i'd also say the phrase "it takes 2 to tango" applies here, since his only removal in the deck was "path to exile". his only way to win was to attack me, which meant my blockers would kill his attackers. too much of that would leave him with no creatures for the Worship , which basically forced him to just draw and pass each turn.
May 18, 2019 5:42 p.m.
Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor says... #11
Heh, I love me so good ol' comeback stories. So I just recently had a 4 player EDH game playing my half finished Bosh, Iron Golem deck. The hate bear player dropped a Null Rod on turn 2. While the other 3 players were fighting it out I quietly just kept adding lands, Bosh himself (for blocking), and other "unusable" artifacts to the table. Once the Null Rod /hate bear player died and all of my mana rocks went online, my deck exploded. I finished out the game relatively quickly after that.
May 19, 2019 1:43 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #12
cdkime you take issue with the fact he said he’s not just going to concede (his exact word choice was not ideal, but doesn’t suggest he’s willing to just stall to draw in any scenario, only specifically in this one when the opponent had worship), but don’t take issue with the fact that the opponent decided to get rude and ask him what he was doing? That’s incredibly rude and tilting and honestly if I don’t want to concede, even if I can’t win, I don’t have to concede until you beat me. Get over it.
May 19, 2019 4:52 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #13
It’s also incredibly inappropriate to ask “what are you hoping is going to happen?” It doesn’t matter what I hope to happen is, as long as I’m casting my spells and ending my turn. Which OP was doing.
Fellin22 says... #2
I’ve beaten my opponent with 0 cards left in deck
May 18, 2019 3:07 p.m.