Nicknames for Amonkhet Cards?
General forum
Posted on April 21, 2017, 7:06 p.m. by clayperce
I enjoy using goofy names when I cast spells (especially at casual-leaning events like Pre-release).
Anyone got any good ones for Amonkhet yet?
Epochalyptik says... #3
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April 21, 2017 7:34 p.m.
You've probably heard this one, but all the dual-colored cycle lands are bicycles (For example Irrigated Farmland).
April 21, 2017 9:38 p.m.
Sandwurm Convergence = Form of the Sandwurm
Bone Picker = Delver of Corpses
April 22, 2017 7:28 a.m.
I will tell you that every time I used Nissa's second ability I informed my Opponent, "I will be playing the Nissa lottery again".
I called all the Cartouches douches.
The Douche of Zeal, etc.
Coz I'm five.
Neheb, the Worthy is Lord of the Minotaurs. Not very imaginative.
April 22, 2017 11:17 a.m. Edited.
Gideon is man meat, but he's always that.
Magma Spray is spray and pray. Or, if you're not religious, pay to spray.
April 22, 2017 11:28 a.m.
Pyramid of the Pantheon is Slow Lotus and mostly because I can't read properly apparently, I ended up calling Shimmerscale Drake Shimmershake, I found my screw up so funny that I kept calling it that
April 22, 2017 11:34 a.m.
Oh, those are great! Keep 'em coming!
Sorry about that. I know better, too!
I went with "Car-Touch" for the Cartouches. Because I'm also 5, and love giving opponents the Intentional Mispronounciation Test (last night, 3 snickered and 1 tilted). Which also explains why I really want to see Eugene back in the storyline again ...
April 22, 2017 11:47 a.m.
Almost forgot: An opponent played Compulsory Rest last night as United Customer Service. LMAO.
April 22, 2017 12:09 p.m.
For mispronunciation, if my Opponent is shitting me, I say Viligance.
April 22, 2017 12:10 p.m.
ObeseBanana says... #12
I played against someone who called the cartouches "skadooshs"
April 22, 2017 10:45 p.m.
Tallmanck10416 says... #13
Friend and I called exemplar of strength. Lando and Billy Dee all night. Somengot it some did not
April 23, 2017 9:03 a.m.
Lando Calrissian
It's actually a good likeness.
Well done.
April 23, 2017 9:38 a.m. Edited.
Similarly, my opponent called Doomed Dissenter Obama.
clayperce says... #2
I'll kick this off with ...
April 21, 2017 7:08 p.m. Edited.