Offline Arena Drafting
General forum
Posted on Aug. 9, 2021, 1:26 p.m. by PTsmitty
I have often heard of people using a 3rd party website to complete drafts for area. That way you can create your own pod and then have the experience of drafting without having to use coins or gems all the time. Does anyone know of any good websites for this? What about websites for coordinating with individuals or groups looking to set up a date and/or time to draft. I love drafting, but trying to save up my gems and coins for other things.
Daveslab2022 I never knew about that feature! I will definitely have to took into this! Even going up against bots would be better than the random draftsim website……lol
Daveslab2022 says... #2
You can actually do mock drafts on this very website! You can try to get a group of 8 to do it, it used to be super popular when I joined TO 5-7 years ago. Then after you draft you’re taken to the deck building screen to finish building your deck. Then you can use another website (I prefer untap) to play against who you just drafted with!
If you find absolutely nobody, I might have some time. We can fill the rest of the slots with 6 bots.
August 9, 2021 1:33 p.m.