Opinion on my Proxy Situation
General forum
Posted on Jan. 17, 2019, 10:30 p.m. by TriaxialFleas
I'm relatively new to magic or at least the communities opinions on proxying, that its fine in a casual setting or when waiting for card delivery.
The new set of Ravnica Allegiance came out and I want to test out differnt standard decks and theories but I don't have a collection to build with, I only have some commons and few rares I've acquired from drafting with friends.
My idea is to print out the normal cards of sets so that I can have sort of a "fake" collection because I want to have the cards ready for deck and theory crafting. I've proxied entire commander decks just to play with friends and some have had mixed feelings on this and I don't see why.
I'm 17 with no money or time to buy or trade for cards but I still want to play Magic with friends and cool fun decks.
My idea might sound stupid because part of the game is trading and building a collection but I just have other more important things that require my money and time.
Proxied cards dont feel as satisfying as actually owning normal cards and I would build a collection to fit my needs if I could, but I cant.
Is what im doing completely wrong and I should just face the fact that its a collectable card game and I need to do just that? or would it be okay to do as long as I dont try to go to FNM or tournaments?
I really need someones outside opinion on this. Thanks
well the thing about proxies is its not legal in any tournaments first of all so thats out there.
secondly, proxying rules depends on the playgroup. where i am we do proxy and we a rule.
- you may proxy a card that you are PLAYTESTING before buying(includes manabases when testing a deck)
-you may proxy a card if there is no supply of the card.
-you may proxy a card if you are short on cash BUT DEFFINATELY will buy the card proxied when you get enough cash(in a reasonable amount of time)
-you may proxy any amount of cards at any price if we have a tournament that allows proxying of any cards at any price(so its fair for everyone) *example is the modern tournaments we have where theres a 12 proxy limit so newer players can join and compete with veterans.
talk about it to your playgroup and see what you guys agree on =) tho be reasonable, not just im poor.
hope this helps =)
January 18, 2019 6:26 a.m.
It just depends on how uptight your play group is. I would allow 100% proxy card decks no problem. I occasionally have trouble finding other players with top tier edh decks to play against, so it wouldn't bother me at all. Im never butt hurt that my cards are valuable and yours might be valueless. Who cares.
Magic's about playing a game, not collecting rare things for me. I do also want to abolish the reserve list and devalue all the old cards so we can all play vintage though... so you know I may have different views than some folks about magic in general.
January 18, 2019 7:54 a.m.
grumbledore says... #5
i proxy pretty much any deck im actively working on. doesnt matter if its legacy, edh, or modern. it saves me a ton of money because a lot of times ill get a deck idea and then realize it sucks after trying it a bit.
January 18, 2019 2 p.m.
One important piece of the discussion: Wizards supports proxies "made for personal, non-commercial use, even if that usage takes place in a store."
Caerwyn says... #2
This is something you will have to ask your friends - every group is different, and whatever answers you get on the Internet may be completely different.
Since you said you did not understand why others have mixed feelings on proxies, I can provide a couple reasons:
It is unfair to people who spent money on obtaining real cards, as you receive the same benefits at little cost.
It can lead to power creep, as you are not limited by personal finances. You could easily proxy a Timetwister , vastly improving your deck, and forcing others to proxy or spend lots of money to compete.
A group might have respect for “the real deal” and find proxies distasteful.
I am sure different people might have their own reasons, but I think that covers the most common justifications against allowing proxies in casual groups.
Also, to be clear, it isn’t that you shouldn’t “try to go” to FNM, it is that you you can’t go to sanctioned events with proxied cards - that would be a violation of Magic’a tournament rules.
January 17, 2019 11:26 p.m.