Peoples Wishlist for Double Masters 2022
General forum
Posted on June 7, 2022, 11:43 p.m. by wallisface
Just curious to see what people are hoping for with the incoming Double Masters 2022.
Personally, i’m hoping for a Choke reprint (I hate playing cards that aren’t black-border) and Painter's Servant (cards getting dummy-expensive, and hopefully they can make an alt-art version that looks more appealing).
I think most people would agree that the Khans fetchlands are at the top of the list. I'd love to see reprints of Anointed Procession and/or Parallel Lives to fit in with the "double" theme.
Smothering Tithe and Dockside Extortionist are also in need of reprints but I'm not sure how likely those are at the moment.
June 8, 2022 1:46 p.m.
wallisface says... #5
vishnarg yeah it’s super annoying that it costs that much. From a Modern-perspective, it feels like a fun build-around card for a bunch of jank builds - but at that price tag it’s a bit too costly to build “jank” with. I get its used in Legacy, but i suspect the current price tag is almost entirely due to it not being meaningfully reprinted since forever.
June 8, 2022 6:18 p.m.
Since my only real concern is Modern at this point, I'd really like more reprints beside Wrenn and Six. Ragavan, the MH1 Forces, the MH2 Incarnations, Archmage's Charm, and more. I would like to see Modern much more affordable.
June 9, 2022 7:27 p.m.
wallisface says... #7
SpammyV Yeah as someone who only plays Modern that’s my dream too. I’m really hoping the allied fetches get printed, as well as a bunch of the more expensive cards from our format.
I’m kindof skeptical we’ll see any reprints of MH2 cards though (even though we need em), just cause they were only printed last year, and Wotc can be slow to respond in such timeframes.
June 9, 2022 7:54 p.m.
KasminaCompleted says... #9
Some 2x2 details from Eye For Details:
There are no Set Boosters , and 2x2 does not seem to have any full-art cards (much less receiving two art cards per pack , which would really be the only way to justify the egregious price tag) .
Of the ten 3-color identities , only "Sacrifice" , "Prowess" consist of one word , the others are two words .
Of the cards shifted from Rare to Mythic , there is one each for the Four Metagame Walkers , plus Food Chain ("We·re making a paperchain!") for PROJECT STRIX . All the other Mythic-to-Rare translations are downgrades .
The box art for Collector Boosters features a Garbage Elemental (GE) , as if to say , "One way or another , it all winds up in the garbage anyway ."
The mechanic for Cryptic Spires involves changing the nature of the cards by marking them with a pen . This is a reference to the blue squiggle on the right side of the word DECKMASTER on the back of the card , which was from an accidental pen mark that made its way onto the card back in 1993 when Alpha was first produced and couldn·t be removed without voiding every set that came before it (because having two different card obverses would make it possible to count cards) .
There are a total of five (5) obscured details in ARK .
shadow63 says... #2
Onslaught/tarkir fetch lands
June 8, 2022 11:29 a.m.