Places Where You Play
General forum
Posted on June 24, 2010, 12:26 a.m. by honeymomo
Hey community! I was curious where you find yourselves playing MTG?? I've been in the general public (the movies, restaurants etc) and usually have to explain ("I'm a Wizards with 20 life see? And these are my monsters... uhh... Do you remember Pokemon?") but where do you guys find yourselves @ other than your shops?
The strangest place I played MTG was at a musical. It was the intermission of Jesus Christ Superstar and my friend and I started to play. We got some odd looks but it was a lot of fun!
Let me know!
The local pub would be the strangest place to pull out a magic deck and play... loser bought the next round. Drunken Magic at it's best :)
June 24, 2010 12:42 a.m.
ha. yeah. me and my friends play at this somewhat snobby hipster coffeeshop. But its funny because being a geek is now fashionable among hipsters, so they are always approaching our table telling us how cool we are.
"Thanks! don't need your approval! rock on!" haha. losers.
June 24, 2010 12:48 p.m.
donteatdave says... #5
My group (cpkb, frakthepootch, palmer165) and I play during lunch at work. There are tables near the elevators, so we're in plain view, every day, from 11-12. This has resulted in a lot of questions and a few offers to buy old card collections from passers-by, and the gradual expansion of the group from our original 2 to the occasional 6.
June 24, 2010 2:21 p.m.
@SocialistElite I can see your dates being upset! If I'm out with my girlfriends looking thru cards or dragging them into shops in various places they always get sooo annoyed!~ It's fun tho! I managed to get one of them in a games workshop and she thought all the painting looked really good
@cardcoin try archenemy next time you do drunken magic!!~
@yeaGO! :P You would play at a hipster coffee shop... haha I do too sometimes but it has more of a settlers of catan crowd.
@donteatdave lunch at work would be relaxing. When I worked for Apple I was always on startcitygames on my break or looking up spoilers... pretty soon they banned starcity :(
June 24, 2010 4:26 p.m.
cloakndagga says... #9
my friend's wedding reception... three of the four groomsmen and 3 other of the groom's friends each carried decks in our respective suits. How to piss the mother-in-law off BIGTIME!.. funnier still is the fact that this was around 1995...
June 28, 2010 11:26 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #10
Have I played Magic: The Gathering in a court of law? If so, no one would ever know. I mean I am KrazyCaley after all.
June 29, 2010 12:31 a.m.
SpaceNinja says... #11
My friend who also worked from home met up at Friday's at around 2, when it's less busy and we knew we could get a big table. We ordered food and got a game of MTG going.
We both felt weird at first when the waitresses looked over to see what we were doing, but when they got bored of working they sat down with us and asked us to explain how to play! So not only were we not looked at funny, we had 2 pretty waitresses sitting with us! :) It turns out that some hotties do love geeks :)
June 30, 2010 10:04 a.m.
@cloakndagga I was recently at a wedding and we all wished we had our decks haha. Back in '95 did you rock a black lotus in your deck? :P
@KrazyCaley Objection! Haha seems like an interesting place to play :P
@SpaceNinja Playing at restaurants is fun but I agree you do get funny looks. Kudos on getting the waitresses. Tyra Banks told the girls are her show to go for geeks so MTG players are gunna get poplaaar~
June 30, 2010 1:40 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #13
@honeymomo I wish I could say that it was while court was in session, but really we were there running a mock trial program after hours and we were bored so I broke out the ol' duffel bag o' decks.
June 30, 2010 5:36 p.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #14
I'm a corporate trainer and had two MTG geeks in a class, along with a fearless and attractive young woman.
Once I knew I had two card-floppers in the class, I began using references to the game as a means for explaining the course content. Keeps the brain stimulated. Anyway, the young lady insisted that we play a game so she could get all the inside jokes and references. So, there I was - on the clock - playing Magic as a means for training new hires about the stuff that would become their daily job.
Other members of my playgroup were sooooo jealous.
July 2, 2010 6:18 p.m.
necroignis says... #15
started playing magic back in 1995 when ice age, mirage, visions, antiquities and homelands were current in a small gaming shop after a long distance move, a large gathering of magic players used to gather at one of the local malls to play, now i only play occasionally with some very experienced players. newbs think the new cards can stomp on the old ones but still winning with monoblue.
July 6, 2010 12:01 p.m.
misshepeshu says... #16
I've played quite a few games with my group at sushi restaurants and at a local greasy spoon. We once got into a conversation about angel decks with one of the waitstaff at the greasy spoon, who had stopped playing around the Urza block. Nobody else has ever blinked an eye, though. Portland is probably a bit more inured to random geek behavior than many other cities.
But one of the funniest ways I played Magic was with mausolos over Skype late late late at night while I was taking a break from an all-nighter and he was suffering from a spot of insomnia. We woke up my boyfriend with our raucousness, ha!
July 9, 2010 12:32 a.m.
Skype magic~ Haha I've only thought of google wave magic but skype would totally work too! If I played at my sushi restaurant my chef would likely say I'm a huge nerd haha.
July 9, 2010 1:09 a.m.
lol my town is so lacking in Magic players, that we play at Taco Bell on Fridays.
January 5, 2011 4:19 p.m.
SpaceNinja says... #19
Hey by the way, we have a podcast called Avant Card ( and we're running a contest where you send in a photo of the funniest / most interesting place you have played magic - one entry already has a photo of a guy and his girl playing at a table during a wedding! (she's a keeper haha)
If you had a photo of that sushi game, it would probably place in the top three!!
You can win 6, 12 or 22 packs of Scars of Mirrodin.
Anyway episode 25 is when we announce the contest, this link has the podcast for you to listen to and also the official rules:
January 5, 2011 4:42 p.m.
theemptyquiver says... #20
It's funny, because when I read this thread it reminds me that even withing a game culture like Magic: the Gathering, there is so much devisiveness, bias, and provincialism regarding who exactly it is that plays this game.
I don't want to stand on a soap box for long, but I play every Monday with the strangest hodgepodge of guys. We don't all know each other outside of our Magic Monday gathering, and we probably wouldn't even bother hanging out. I'm always glad for the chance to meet these new characters in my life. For expanding my horizons and not limiting myself to what I am comfortable with.
Yet Magic brings us together every week in a dingy basement in Northwest Seattle.
My wife loves to tease me about playing the card game, but even she can appreciate the way it brings together such a wide variety of people. Magic is a unique game, and a complex game but its ability to create community is its strongest asset.
I love the game because of that more than anything.
January 28, 2011 5:33 p.m.
OH man you don't even understand how i was feeling (well, perhaps you guys do) when i changed games, from Yu-Gi-Oh TCG to Magic: The Gathering.
The first thing I noticed when dealing with MtG people when I started playing was the incredible generosity & magnanimity of the players. now, obviously this varies for places and people's personalities, but for the most part, the people I've played with, whether its my Casual group or my Tournament group are so awesome and accepting.
Magic Players
Me: "Man, I'd love to play, but I don't have a deck or cards yet."
Friends: "Dude, its okay. Take any of my cards. We'll help you out and all that."
my friend Kenny will let you borrow any of his cards for FNM if you're missing a card from your deck list. Even with my other friends, its like
Friend: "Dude, I need Inquisition of Kozilek s and Preordain s for my U/B Control deck."
Me: "No prob man, here's a playet."
Friend: "Cool, you making a vampire deck right? Here's my Sorin Markov
The bonds within the Magic: The Gathering community is really what makes this entire culture or lifestyle really special. This site proves it especially.
January 28, 2011 6:07 p.m.
theemptyquiver says... #22
Yeah. I love this website. I got referred to it about a month ago and now I'm addicted!
Cheers to the makers.
January 28, 2011 6:26 p.m.
Sorry to revive a dead topic but I liked it so thought I'd bring it back.
I have played yugioh in highschool in the middle of the courtyard... yes, I was mocked mercilessly and it use to bother me but I played anyway at lunch.
I also play magic most of the time with a few friends and my Dad over skype. I have also played on the phone a good bit if I didn't have comp access and was bored. I use to play at work on my breaks as well but my work magic buddy is bad about getting tired of playing and taking 6 month breaks ... sigh.
You always do get weird looks from people and yes, a few still make fun of me in my adult life but now that I'm older I realize that what other people, the "haters", think really doesn't mean a whole lot.
Anyone else have any new places they play? Anything really interesting?
July 7, 2011 3:07 p.m.
Justarsaus says... #24
i used to play during lunch while i was in highschool all the time
weirdest place i have played was at a concert we where waiting for the gates to open and my uncle and i decided to get a quick game in
for the halo reach midnight release my friends and i drafted while waiting we got a small circle around us as people watched
July 8, 2011 4:42 p.m.
I took my deck to the reach pre-release and my brother took his but he was lame and didn't want to play in front of everyone.
July 8, 2011 5:19 p.m.
theemptyquiver says... #26
I play at "the mox" in Seattle or in my friends man cave basement.
July 8, 2011 6:30 p.m.
I have a Brimaz, King of Oreskos and a foil Xenagos, God of Revels freshly opened just laying around. Im looking for lots of things, listed in my wants.
SocialistElite says... #2
I once played a game of magic in a fancy restraunt to end the argument of who had a better taste in Ties. We were pretty obnoxious as we were playing Yugi-oh style (everytime one of our critters died, we acted like our heart was getting ripped out.) The best part was that it was right before prom. Yeah. Our dates were maaaad.
Totally worth it though.
June 24, 2010 12:37 a.m.