Problem with Classification of Deck
General forum
Posted on July 24, 2010, 12:13 p.m. by Vols8907
For whatever reason, my deck All Black Control is labeled as Legacy. If you look through the cards, it is clearly Standard. Is anyone else having this problem? Is it something I've done? haha. I'm just so confused.
It did the same thing in one of my decks with Voltaic Key . I got rid of the Legacy label by just removing the card, saving, then re adding it.
July 24, 2010 10:35 p.m.
Nebulousone says... #4
I've been working on a standard Dimir mill deck. I just played it at FNM, and it did okay (2 2) but not great. One problem I kept running into was Detention Sphere hitting all my major creatures. Any removal suggestions for BU against this card? Thanks!
June 30, 2014 12:43 a.m.
WomboCombo says... #5
B/U doesn't have a ton of ways to reliably deal with enchantments once they are out, so your best bet is to use counterspells.
Consider upping your Annul count if D.Sphere is a big issue for you. You can also consider Swan Song as giving your opponent a 2/2 bird is much better than losing your own creatures to D.Sphere. Swan Song has the up side of also stopping things like Sphinx's Revelation .
You might also consider using Kiora's Dismissal to temporarily remove Detention Sphere . The good thing about Kiora's Dismissal is that it can also work on enchantment creatures like the gods or Courser of Kruphix , or return your own enchantments to your hand if your opponent threatens to remove them.
June 30, 2014 1:05 a.m.
UrbanAnathema says... #8
Would agree with WomboCombo the best answers are counter spells.You'll want them anyway for game extension. Swan Song is a good pick.
June 30, 2014 12:48 p.m.
Agreed that Swan Song is great and easy to keep mana up for.
Detention Sphere kind of acts like Oblivion Ring and Maelstrom Pulse had a blue-white baby. It's amazing in virtually every format where it's legal. I'm a Commander player, and anything from Venser, the Sojourner to Ghostly Flicker can squeeze some extra uses out of it. Very solid against tokens.
Anyway, pertaining to your question. Neither blue nor black has reliable answers to enchantment cards in general. Counterspells and bounce are gonna be the best you can do on the blue side of things. In Standard, black literally has nothing for this permanent type. The only thing I might consider packing is creature removal, to help you better use whatever counterspells you have. Since you're playing a color that's great at killing dudes, you can use your blue stuff to keep noncreatures from resolving.
June 30, 2014 4:06 p.m.
self-edit: Ghostly Flicker cannot hit D-Sphere. Flickerwisp can, though.
More specific list of stuff you can use:
Ultimate Price Hero's Downfall Annul Swan Song Kiora's Dismissal
AND never underestimate the power of Disperse . It got reprinted in M14 and can give you another chance to counter in the late game.
June 30, 2014 4:10 p.m.
Nebulousone says... #11
Thanks for the all suggestions! Swan Song is a great's more flexible than Annul , which I have in the sideboard, but Annul is too specific to be useful in the mainboard. Kiora's Dismissal is also a great suggestion. It could buy me an extra turn with Consuming Aberration after he's been detained, or it could be used to snatch Phenax, God of Deception before Detention Sphere hits him.
Smyth thanks for the strategic advice. I've often used counter spells against creature spells, but it does make more sense to save them for non-creature spells since my deck is pretty removal heavy.
Thanks for the help!
June 30, 2014 5:08 p.m.
:) you are welcome!
I did make one mistake, though. Black has one powerful weapon against enchantments in this block, and that's Thoughtseize .
Vols8907 says... #2
I think I may have figured out the problem. If you look at the sets that are in my deck, it includes Torment as one of them. This is the set that Nantuko Shade was in, so I think it's considering him to be from Torment and not from M11.
July 24, 2010 12:15 p.m.