Quitting MTG

General forum

Posted on Sept. 24, 2019, 8:34 a.m. by Nasser_inside1

As I have been thinking about it, every once in a while, I think about mtg, slowly, I realized that changed the way I thought, although I recently bought the Mystic Intellect precon, I’m forced to leave my favorite game (and join scuba diving) for my high school studies

GhostChieftain says... #2

I hope you find as much joy in diving as you have in mtg and more. Best of luck in all your future endeavors

September 24, 2019 8:37 a.m.

clayperce says... #3

Have fun diving!

Also: Please know that Magic (including TappedOut, and us) will still be here if you ever want to play again!

September 24, 2019 9:09 a.m.

Sarkhan9000X says... #4

not sure why you can't find time for both, or how scuba diving helps with "studies", but ok?

September 24, 2019 11:40 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #5

I know you have been debating what to do for a couple months, so I wanted to say I am glad you seem to have come to some sort of resolution on your internal dilemma. Though some of your word choices indicate you are not entirely happy with the decision, it does sound like you are picking up another fun hobby and are focusing on other issues that are important to you.

As others have said, Magic will always be here when you get back, and I think it is worth noting that Magic has become more mainstream, so you might be able to find a group when you got to college.

One last word of advice--don't try to mix your new hobby with your old (unless you have exceptional card sleeves!)

September 24, 2019 12:11 p.m.

dbpunk says... #6

Hey man, wishing you luck in high school studies and scuba diving! If you come back, well welcome yah back with open arms and token based beat downs!

September 24, 2019 3:22 p.m.

smackjack says... #7

Good luck, and good for you to focus on whats important

September 25, 2019 5:13 a.m.

Rzepkanut says... #8

Contrary to what it may feel like taking a short break from the game to work on school doesn't have to mean quitting Magic. I've been playing since 1995. But not every single day of every year since then. I've taken large breaks away from the game and come back to it many times. Just don't make the mistake that many of us made and sell all of your cards because you think that you're done with the game....because you will always come back! Just put them in a closet.

September 26, 2019 7:43 a.m. Edited.

polarious says... #9

High school and college aged people make up most of the Magic community. School can be demanding and stressful, so it's no surprise that people in this age group also frequently quit and take breaks from the game so they can focus on studies. Pretty much everyone has made the mistake of selling cards, just don't do that. Put on some music or podcasts and get to organizing. Until paper magic dies, most previous players will return later in their life. Attending a weekly tournament is a very satisfying hobby atc; you can relax and focus on this game which is actually decent mental exercise, you get to meet new people and reconnect with old friends, and you inevitably end up with a relatively space-efficient and possibly valuable collection.

October 10, 2019 1:17 p.m.

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