Rant: Cards you hate, but...
General forum
Posted on Sept. 10, 2010, 12:52 p.m. by SupremeAlliesCommander
...others seems to play all the time.
I'm not talking about that card you hate because it crushes your deck. I'm talking about bad, or mediocre cards that always seem to find their way into builds despite their crappiness. It's like that hot chick that YOU know is really the great satan, but every other guy follows her like a puppy. To make matters worse, you can't complain about her. No one will listen... cuz she's hot. Sure, one day those other guys will learn of her evil. Then they will come back and worship at your feet. Until then, all you can do is seethe.
Until today! This is open mic night for you to vent. Post your rant here. It's fun; it's cathartic; and what the heck it's Friday.
ilikeoldcardsbetter says... #3
Arid Mesa . and the other lands that fetch basic lands for 1 life. there must be a reason that I just don't know about why so many people have those lands in their deck.
I don't understand why, especially when there's an Arid Mesa in a deck that doesn't have both Red and White.
The only reason I can think of is to help with landfall abilities. is that the only reason? if so, I don't hate them as much, but I wouldn't put them in my deck. except for Terramorphic Expanse
September 10, 2010 1:19 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #4
@ilikieoldcardsbetter...people use fetch lands because when u sack it, you actually remove 2 lands from your library, it and what u search for, so probablity wise your less likely to draw mana later in the game when you dont want it. also fetchys let you search and bring in a land untapped so you dont have to wait a turn to use it. read the wall in my deck called feast, or it may be on my main wall but someone explained those cards to me in great detail when i first joined, i did not get it either...no i am obsessed with them...
September 10, 2010 1:46 p.m.
ilikeoldcardsbetter says... #5
alright. I figured I was missing something. thanks
September 10, 2010 2:16 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #6
i hate Doom Blade ...i know no else in the world prob hates this like i do. EVERY black deck ive ever played against EVER runs it. Including my decks with black lol. like yousaid, to me its that hot girl, and if she wants to hang out, you probably will, and when she is hangin with your friends, your like...that f'in b*tch! F her! seriously tho, pay 2 destroy anything not black, agghhhhh! damn you. removal is MY job lol.
September 10, 2010 2:16 p.m.
lol @ WiseHeart65 comment
I whole heartidly agree that that's an annoying card, but the purpose it serves is more than merit's its use.
Though people playing it to take out a 1 drop early game just for that 1 point of damage (in sealed) just makes me wonder... but that's just player's not realising the true potential of that card being a life saver.
Early days, Birds of Paradise would have to be my envy hate card. Mainly because I was more envious of the fact that everyone else seemed to be able to open them. And during invasion block, everyone used them... but not really for anything other than the 1 extra mana... No other reasoning for them... I had ideas for the birds... all of them... but then I was young, niave, and thought that things like Doom Blade would be for that extra point or 2 of damage lol :)
September 10, 2010 2:25 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #8
o i definetly understand the power of the Doom Blade , thats exactly why i love/hate it, its that card if you play it, your like yep, get that creature outta here, if they play it your like how dare you lmao. also agree that people who burn out one and two drops with it, are nuts and agravating, got a buddy that uses it on my Soul Warden in my facts-of-life deck. with all the other powerhouses i have in there, all it serves to for them is to annoy me before i bash them. so i see what you mean about people using it poorly, simply annoying...also this may sound nuts...but i f'n HATE the Primeval Titan craze. i personally just dont think its that good lol, i have heard every argument in his favor, but i have pulled 3 and traded every one instantly lol.
September 10, 2010 2:35 p.m.
Way the price on that thing went, I would be sitting on a pile of cards for every one of them I would have cracked... it's like the new Birds of Paradise to me... Just can't seem to open one... at all! :)
September 10, 2010 2:58 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #10
yep, i did get a pile for each one, funny story, when i joined here i was just starting magic again, i had NO planewalkers, but i did pull prime in one of my first few boosters, then i got 8 walkers, 4 rares, and 12 common/uncommons i wanted for decks...for just him. LMAO. i couldnt believe it, AND, the one who got the prime was more than happy, now he casts it, i kill it. makes me laugh everytime...
September 10, 2010 3:05 p.m.
card:Sorrow's Path, people play that card constantly. I can't stand it when they switch blockers on me and then on top of that they take damage for the win.
Look for it in an upcoming article
September 10, 2010 3:21 p.m.
All Is Dust . I understand it kills practically everything, but when you're at the point that you have saved up a good seven mana for a board wipe, your deck should already be in control of the game, have won already, or... well lost. I mean ok. Lets say you're sucking it up and you drop the Dust-Bomb. At that point, you've most likely tried all your options cus waiting for the bomb to go off THEN playing it all is just too risky. So the Bomb goes off... then what? Game reset? Cool. You're probably still in a worse position.
(More of a general board-wipe card rant, just I particularly don't like All Is Dust , and its mythic-ness)
Prove me wrong if you want. But theres my opinion.
@SupremeAlliesCommander: I completely agree. Nissa Revane is good, but not needed.
@ilikeoldcardsbetter: I usually use fetches to find the colored mana I need, not for thinning like WiseHeart65 pointed out. Example. In my extended deck, deck:elementals-with-a-touch-of-sunshine-1, my options were limited for good first turn dual-lands, which I needed for my obnoxious amount of 'em. So poof. Arid Mesa to the rescue.
September 10, 2010 3:38 p.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #13
Thanks for the laugh, WiseHeart65. You expressed that with elegance and grace. LOL
@birdseed I don't get All Is Dust either. Sure, you can ramp up to it quickly using Spawn tokens, but at least half of those tokens are generated by casting colored creatures!
@ilikeoldcardsbetter The fetches are also good in combination with other dual lands. If I've got a Rootbound Crag in hand, I can use Arid Mesa to fetch a mountain and prevent it from coming into play tapped the next turn. Or I can use the Mesa to prevent Sunpetal Grove from coming in tapped. Unless you're running an X-land stompy, I don't think the deck-thinning is significant. If it were, you wouldn't use them until after you'd accumulated sufficient land.
Rant #2: Obviously, I'm an allies player. But I can't stand the over-use of Join the Ranks . Until it rotates out, Ranger of Eos is just plain better for any aggro deck. You get two pumpable allies in Hada Freeblade and you get a 3/2 body. Ranks gives you two tokens you could use as chumpers... if it weren't for the fact that you're the aggro deck!
September 10, 2010 5:32 p.m.
dark tutelage. its a bad phyrexian arena. i mean, phyrexian arena was awesome and god know black needs card draw, but the price is way to steep. and yet...somehow people love it.
September 10, 2010 6:22 p.m.
I agree about the titan WiseHeart65. Sun titan and grave titan are so much better.
September 10, 2010 6:23 p.m.
Time for me to defend my new favourite card - All Is Dust . This thing is a game-breaker. Sure, you have to use it right, but it's won me a whole lot of games.
For reference, the relevant deck: Percy
Friday night, the singleton All is Dust won me 2 games. The first one, I was playing Superfriends and he had a Jace PMS at 5, an Elspeth at 7, an Ajani Vengeant at 7, a Gideon at 10 or something stupid like that, and a couple soldier tokens, and I had nothing. All is Dust, boom, he's got nothing and 1 card in hand, I drop a Malakir Bloodwitch and win. The second one, I was playing Valakut ramp and he dropped an Avenger of Zendikar with 9 lands out or something stupid like that, and another land in hand. I had a Malakir Bloodwitch out, swung, no blocks, then All is Dust. Next turn, topdeck Sign in Blood , and Corrupt + Sign in Blood for exactly lethal. It's taken me from a near-lethal spot to an almost certain win several times before - through an Iona, Shield of Emeria naming black, for example. If you play it right, it's a seriously good card. However, it doesn't really belong in a deck that needs more than 2 nonland permanents on the battlefield to win, unless it has the ability to be explosive - I'd play at least 2 in a Valakut ramp deck, for example - dropping one turn 4 shuts off aggro, dropping one turn 9 or 10 when UW or Superfriends is packing in the planeswalkers is a game-breaker. It might not be Damnation , but it's pretty damn good.
For the record, if there was one thing I could change about Magic, just one thing, it would be to remove the whole 'mythic rare' thing entirely. I hate mythics. They just scream profit-mongering, and I don't like it.
September 12, 2010 9:26 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #17
Everytime WotC print an expensice mythic, god kills a kitten. Please WotC... Think of the kittens!
September 12, 2010 9:39 p.m.
I think that all is dust is a great card to use In combination with It That Betrays. I mean i just think it's an expensive board wipe but it's colorless so you can have it in whatever color decks you want and that versatility makes It good.
September 12, 2010 11:50 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #19
I GOT IT!!!! The #1 all time most overused card to HATE!!! Hit me like an epiphany....ready for it...ready.?....sitting down yet?.... Giant Growth ....wow. Let's talk about this card for a second. I F'N hate this card so much. Doesn't end games on u...doesn't crush you...pieces u off royally is all it does. Sneaky dirty low down piece of crap ruse card. I hate YOU. I wish wizards would let u die Giant Growth . so innocent, so simple, everyone uses it....and it infuriates me. Now I know for a fact I can't possibly be the only one who thinks this. If you agree, click the heart by my name, I know if you don't love this card due to being a dirty rotten sneakster, you will agree. Someone please tap 3 and Cancel wizards printing of this card. I hate u Giant Growth and I hope you rot in hell. I hope u get water damage on you.... I feel better...a little...till I see u again rotten son of a djdjikwnzhduej!!!!
September 12, 2010 11:50 p.m.
reason to use fethc lands. 1) currently in standard they are the only way one can mana fix between enemy colors, 2) deck thinning though one can argue not always that significant can be the difference between pulling a Ball Lightning and a mountain for the win. 3) deck shuffling, useful for many situations. including cards that reveal the top of your library for effects. Vampire Nocturnus Oracle of Mul Daya 4) well landfall 5) they make Knight of the Reliquary very stronge 6)unlikke terramorphic-expanse and the like, and also most mana ramp, they can search out any of the duel lands troughout the ages that have the sub types of either, mountain, forest, swamp, island, or plains. 7) oh yah the LAND DOES NOT COME INTO PLAY TAPPED.
September 13, 2010 2:59 a.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #21
So, how do you feel about Bounty of the Hunt ?
September 13, 2010 5:06 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #22
Well lol. Kinda old...but pretty much the same thing huh? F that card too then...
September 13, 2010 6:08 p.m.
WiseHeart65, can you explain your reasoning for hating on Giant Growth ? All you did was say you hated it, I'm just curious why.
September 13, 2010 6:29 p.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #24
I assume he hates it because of the sudden change in combat math. Which is why I mentioned Bounty of the Hunt . It's pretty much the same thing only it can be cast without any mana open.
September 13, 2010 7:04 p.m.
Giant Growth is pretty blah, as spells go. It's the most printed of the original cycle, but even as far as pure buff spells go it's been surpassed, particularly in recent sets. It really has no place in Standard, since it's negative card advantage (Vines of Vastwood is a totally different beast - trade for a kill spell and possible buff. It's actually a good card). Bounty of the Hunt is probably better as far as pure combat tricks go, but it's got true negative card advantage when cast for free - the only card with true negative card advantage i can think of that's any good is Force of Will . :P As many times as I've gone "swing 3, 2 blocked, unblocked one GG, GG? GG.", it's still not a good card.
September 13, 2010 7:14 p.m.
Dreamborn Muse is one bit#$ that I don't wanna see! Ever again! Ever! Jace Beleren will be with me on this oneeee. cries self to sleep
September 15, 2010 1:24 a.m.
I think that Might Of The Masses is much better than Giant Growth
September 15, 2010 5:04 p.m.
Justarsaus says... #28
i love Giant Growth for almost two months my meta game was mono red burn i was running vamps splashed with green Giant Growth saved my nighthawks idk how many times
September 18, 2010 1:39 p.m.
EridanWwins says... #29
This is a planeswalker for a Custom Tiny Leaders Cube which I am currently in the process of designing. Is it too broken?
March 7, 2015 9:54 p.m.
-2 is a little strong, maybe make it a Crawlspace effect instead or tax their spells rather than outright making yourself untouchable.
+1 is fine, I like it. Ultimate is a little wonky, it doesn't play well with itself. Maybe make it a WoG effect instead, destroy all creatures and then put a creature from a gy onto the battlefield under your control?
March 7, 2015 10:02 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #31
Looks pretty solid as is. I would maybe remove the "you gain hexproof" part of the -2, and maybe make it so it reads "creatures can't attack you or a planeswalker you control"
March 7, 2015 10:05 p.m.
Yea I'd agree with those changes. Would be fairly strong, but still balanced. I'd probably play it
March 7, 2015 10:22 p.m.
The first thing I look for with fan-made planeswalkers is if it is broken. And I'm not sure if yours is broken or not. The +1 could easily be abusable, so I might put them on the bottom like Jace, Architect of Thought or Anticipate does. The -2 could be changed to a Ghostly Prison type effect or like the previous suggestions. And the ultimate seems out of place to be honest, so make it like a Wrath of God or Final Judgment and you're set.
March 7, 2015 10:47 p.m.
elderdragonhighlander says... #34
i am just interpreting this so, don't be mad if i'm wrongthe +1 sorta expresses blue mana, the -2 expresses white mana (with what all the peace and stuff)So the last ability should be like something that expresses black mana, like a -8 that destroys all creatures and target opponent loses 2 life for each creature destroyed this way? either that or just a wrath of god as others suggested.
March 7, 2015 11:52 p.m.
zephramtripp says... #35
The second ability could also be more balanced by only being able to activate it on your first main phase.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #2
I'll start with my favorite card to hate: Nissa Revane . Sure, Nissa Revane probably isn't the most hateful card, but she is the great satan, nonetheless. Wall of text coming.
No card should be evaluated in a vacuum. The place we see Nissa Revane is obviously in elf decks. There are many kinds of elf decks. Some may even have a legitimate place for Nissa, but those are fringe builds, not the common elf decks. (IMO, the common elf decks are: Aggro Elves, NO Prog Elves, X-Land Elves, Elf Ball, and Survival Elves.) What does Ms. Revane offer these decks?
Well, Aggro Elves, NO Prog, and X-Land all want to get out a mass of creatures fast. Playing these, we want low cost critters that will flood the board by turn 3 and swarm over the opponent on turn 4. To accomplish this, the deck needs mana ramp, draw, and efficient beaters. Nissa' first ability nets us an efficient beater: card:Nissa's Chosen. The Chosen are not optimal, but they're not bad. Her second ability nets us life. We're a speed deck: we don't need life. Her third would be totally awesome if it didn't take five turns to accumulate the necessary loyalty counters. Keep in mind, we're trying to win on turn four or five. She hits the board on turn three and finishes on turn 8. Unless your opponent takes a nap for four turns, her ultimate is useless. The four mana we spent on Nissa could have been spent on Sylvan Messenger and we'd have all the elves we need to get the job done. We don't need to do 400 points of damage when 20 is usually enough. Incidentally, Garruk Wildspeaker grants us mana ramp and can trigger his ultimate the turn after he enters the battlefield. Just sayin'.
What about Elf Ball, you ask? With this deck, we want mana, mana fixers, and either draw or tutor cards to fetch our flame-o-licious finishers. Nissa provides none of that. Speaking of flame; Nissa starts with two loyalty counters and is a happy target for burn spells even after you've activated her +1 abilities. She's relatively easy to remove. Incidentally, Garruk Wildspeaker grants us mana ramp and gets himself out of common burn range fairly quickly.
Survival Elves - It's a combo toolbox. You fetch creatures that make the other elves better or create an infinite combo. Nissa does nothing for the deck. Her Chosen are not part of any combo. She herself cannot be fetched. Life gain does not factor into the win condition. Then there's the fact that she's quasi-legendary. To make use of her, you'll need two or three in the deck, but you can't play more than one. So, she's taking up valuable spots. The best thing I can say about Nissa in this deck is that Garruk does nothing for it, either.
So, yeah, it sticks in my craw when I see Nissa Revane offered as an auto-recommend. Which cards bug you?
September 10, 2010 1:01 p.m.