requesting red white and blue cards to an america theme
General forum
Posted on Sept. 10, 2020, 1:18 p.m. by maximonious
so im trying to make a red white and blue "america" themed deck.
when i say america themed deck, i of course mean cards such as propaganda, ghostly prison, and martial law
id like some red white and/or blue cards to these type of effects: spells cost more to cast for opponents. cards that give the opponent an option to take some debuff/lose health/ other effects in exchange for not getting the cards effect (such as vexing devil, take 4 damage and i sacrifice vexing devil)
DragonSliver9001 says... #4
keep in mind that modern is a pretty brutal format if you're trying to take the deck to fnm.
September 10, 2020 1:26 p.m.
DragonSliver9001 says... #5
if you were hoping to play Propaganda specifically, it isn't modern legal. i can help you more after you have a rough draft deck list, but right now the idea is too broad since i don't know what you want the win condition to be.
September 10, 2020 1:39 p.m.
maximonious says... #6
i guess the win condition is beatdown for the theme
with detain mechanic as well.
September 10, 2020 2:16 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #7
Unruly Mob, Angry Mob, Rouse the Mob
There's a lot out there...I guess I would start with the word “mob” and then move into more searches for humans. Love the theme!!
September 10, 2020 3:41 p.m.
Game_of_Cones says... #9
Tragic Arrogance fits USA quite well at this particular moment IMO
September 10, 2020 8:36 p.m.
DragonSliver9001 says... #10
if the goal is beating down with creatures then you wouldn't want stax effects. you spread yourself too thin that way.
September 11, 2020 10:56 a.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #11
As a proud American, myself, I am rather disappointed that everyone here is recommending cards that deal with tyrannical governments or violent mobs, rather than cards that focus on freedom, adventure, exploration, and innovation.
September 12, 2020 10:43 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #12
Sadly, due to the structure of the game, a “freedom to be left alone to do your own thing” option is difficult to manage... :D
DragonSliver9001 says... #2
you can just link Vexing Devil.
you can also use the gatherer to find the kind of cards you want. the cards that give the opponent a choice are called "punisher" cards. you can look up punisher cards and stax effects, but i'd heavily recommend not using punisher cards. letting the opponent choose is not in your favor.
what format are you trying to build for?
September 10, 2020 1:21 p.m.