Sexual innuendos in deck names

General forum

Posted on Feb. 2, 2019, 3:05 p.m. by IMMG54

Look, I get it if you're trying to make a silly or witty name for your deck, and things with witty primers and stuff are great, but it's getting really annoying to see really great decks get really crappy titles like "Ghave that bitch an infinite combo" and "sex-Proof selesynbians". It's juvenile garbage, and it just reflects poorly on magic players as a whole. I may be completely unpopular here, but I think this has got to stop. It's not even NSFW, it's just plain old stupid. Come on people, what are we, in kindergarten here?

Edit: Where would this post go, because I'm not sure if it belongs here now that I look at the other material in this section?

Flooremoji says... #2

I agree with you. 'General' forum maybe?

February 2, 2019 4:19 p.m.

IMMG54 says... #3

Yeah how do I delete this? It might be a good idea

February 2, 2019 4:41 p.m.

enpc says... #4

This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)

February 2, 2019 5:05 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #5

You right. I don't mind it personally, but am not a fan either.

February 2, 2019 6:20 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #6

I appreciate a good title, and even don't mind a good innuendo. I do agree however that those particular titles and their like need to go. It reminds me a bit of the Torgue DLC for BL2 where Mr. Torgue is talking to Moxxi and says "Big deal. I can use innuendo too. Tonight's fight is between Flyboy and the Vault Hunter... Blowjobs!" It isn't clever, it is just using "naughty" words or concepts for shock value. In context in the game it is humorous because he immediately proves he can't use innuendo effectively after saying he can. In the deck names it is just sad.

February 2, 2019 7:01 p.m.

pskinn01 says... #7

Which probably means you don't like my Searching for Pussy (Cat EDH) or my zombies, demons, n bitches, oh my! or my other two with innuendos built in.. I just like naming my decks in a unique way that says what they are about, or are references to something either in the deck or reference something of the past that I either participated in or enjoyed watching/reading. Most of my decks I post and don't cycle them unless I'm looking for help on that deck. I also have never featured them.

And you are going to get a lot of NSFW jokes with any group of people where a lot of the people are not seen as normal - (card/board gamers, nerds, etc.). I have been playing magic for years and have met some wonderful people who just have what some would say is a twisted or warped sense of humor. Casual magic players can be some of the most non judgemental/accepting people I have come across. While some of the names on here maybe juvenile, you have to realize that people 13 and up play the game, and that a lot people get in during college age.

I don't think an online deck building site should censor the content of the users unless they violate the sites rules or regulations. I work 40-60 hours a week. I'm married with 3 children. I don't think that deck names should be censored unless they are very graphic or very offensive/demeaning to a certain person or group. I think the admins would agree. What one person finds as offensive, others might not. I know my mom gets embarrassed when pad/tampon commercials are shown on TV, as that was taboo when she grew up.

February 2, 2019 8:06 p.m.

AnchorCity says... #8

While the names may reflect poorly, I don’t think it should be used as a representation of everyone playing MTG. Everyone has their own sense of humor and it may not be to everyone’s liking. Whatever your opinion of them may be, they were at least effective in getting people’s attention, creating conversation and staying on people’s minds.

February 2, 2019 8:45 p.m.

99LandOTK says... #9

My two cents is this: If the name is clever, or trying to make a pun or reference, and is dirty as a result "Ghave that bitch" being an example, it may not be recommended but I think it's fine. If the name is just trying to be eye-catching or use NSFW terms for general shock value that's not funny or clever. (sex-proof good example) For me, Magic is try to experiment and have fun; if that experimentation includes titles then sure, if it's just throwing crap at a wall and waiting for reactions it's just sad.

February 2, 2019 9:16 p.m.

BiggRedd54 says... #11

Target post creator gains "sex-proof" until end of turn.

Tezzerectile disfunction

Also why are we trying to take creator's aim to be creative on a website designed for people to be creative. ? If the point is for children who browse this stuff to be "safe", let me tell you, there is far worse they are exposed to on the internet.

Also, stop being a hater, if you don't like something, grunt and move on like the rest of us.

February 2, 2019 10:26 p.m.

Lanzo493 says... #12

BiggRedd54, please don't be rude. It probably didn't seem rude at the time, but there are ways to get points across in more considerate ways, especially without name-calling.

As for the topic, I agree, but I also know that those people still have full rights to do what they want. The quickest way to degrade one's moral prerogative is through they way they communicate, the words they choose. So yeah, I prefer words that are more uplifting for me and others because I'm a better person as a result of my word choice. Reading those innuendos on a page does nothing good for me or anyone else that reads them.

If you want a good guide for names, check out any magic card ever made. Many are very clever, creative, and clean.

February 2, 2019 10:39 p.m.

Lanzo493: I understand and respect your point, but by saying things like “I’m a better person as a result of my word choice” makes you seem like you’re taking a moral high ground and that’s a pretty volatile position to take.

Just because someone uses foul language doesn’t make them any less a good person and inversely, using “acceptable” language does not make you any better of a person.

If you’re going to call out people directly (or in this case indirectly by not tagging the user) and calling their deck names “juvenile garbage” you should be prepared and have thick skin enough to be called a hater and not have an utter meltdown. I mean, you literally started the thread with harsher trash talk than the word “hater”.

As stated by BiggRedd54, there are plenty of annoying things to each of us on a daily basis.. sometimes it’s bettet to shrug it off.

EDIT:Sorry Lanzo, thought you were OP so disregard the part about you posting the trash talk. In this case, I still stand by “hater” not being too offensive of a word for someone spouting off “juvenile garbage”, however, I apologize for misreading the original poster.

February 2, 2019 11:53 p.m. Edited.

enpc says... #16

A quick side note - just because this thread is a discussion on deck names does not mean that this is an opportunity to post links to all of your decks that have innuendo-esque names as free advertising. Yes it's tempting but please don't let this discussion to devolve into spamming decklists.

February 3, 2019 6:36 a.m.

Demarge says... #17

Sex sells, even if it's to sell clicking on a decklist it will give generally a noticeable increase to the view count of the deck if it was named "U/W Threesome" over "budget modern w/u control". the rest of the decklist page could be well thought out and written, but the majority of decklists seen by users on this site are only as far as the title of the deck, it's upvotes, tags, and if it's in any folders or has comments on it.

Now if we used the OP as a sample one would first see a user name more commonly a format for naming images by a pc's default naming system, usually in online chat such names often are subtle hints to a NSFW image or url. Now if you dig into their profile one would see that their description page is spent using potty language to describe their budget and cares for MTG. Then finally every one of their deck's fit the generic description name setup, and as a result a lot of their decks have a view count so low it'd be difficult to keep it low even if the maker of the deck was the sole person viewing them.

Now to compare I'll use the user who moved the thread, their name is almost purposefully so hard to read one would have to click on it and read the name through the url. You go to their profile page and find it has so much effort put into being hard to read only the custom card artwork pops up. Now even though so much effort they put into making themselves hidden you can see they choose destructive, descriptive names for their decks, and this choice pays off with many views, comments, and upvotes.

(hmm may have gotten lost in thought) Though anyway this site is generally built around a popularity contest system that rewards putting in the effort to appear different to other users, that and the slow paced comment system aiming to generate more thought from a comment. Comparatively other deckbuilding websites provide more reliable services to deckbuilding, like accurate pricing, an option to upload your entire collection to generate how close you are to building various competitive decks and just how badly you'd need the missing pieces. You also rarely see different naming conventions from how tournament organizers sort them. course for me I mostly use tappedout still due to the playtester...

February 3, 2019 9:38 a.m.

IMMG54 says... #18

Wow I'm really glad I got opinions from both sides. Appreciated your comment Demarge, very well thought-out. My username is actually based off of my XBOX gamertag, ModerateGnome54, but typing that out every time gets tiresome, so I say "I am MG54" or "IMMG54". I apologise for coming across so aggressive, my post does sound sort of self-conceited after reading it again

February 3, 2019 10:18 a.m.

IMMG54 says... #19

But to be fair it's one swear verses a whole freaking menagerie of words

February 3, 2019 10:22 a.m.

Abzkaban says... #20

As the author of one of the decks mentioned in the original post, I feel like it's worth throwing my voice into the mix. I saw the post before it moved, and I wasn't sure if it was going to blow up in outrage or wind up being one person complaining to no one. I'm pleasantly surprised that it resulted in some civil discourse.

I'm personally a fan of clever deck names and think the name is as much a part of the creative process as the deck itself. I want to point out that there is no innuendo in my deck name at all. Now the OP may have had an issue with the word "bitch" which can be seen as vulgar, and that's fair. However the deck name is a pun on my commander's name as well as a reference to a meme. If you are unfamiliar with it, you can educate yourself here:

Know Your Meme

It's also my only deck whose name has a word like that in it, but I thought it was clever and I like it. I get if that's not your cup of tea, but it doesn't take much effort to move on and just look at other decks if you don't like it. I feel like enough has already been said in that regard. You have to keep in mind this is a site used mostly by adults and young adults, so there's inevitably going to be language like that at some point. Personally I feel context matters and it's all about how it's used.

February 3, 2019 3:23 p.m.

IMMG54 says... #21

I absolutely loved your Ghave deck, but it wasn't the choice of "bitch", it was the choice of "bitch an STD". I think I wasn't clear enough on what I meant by "vulgar"

February 3, 2019 6:03 p.m.

Abzkaban says... #22

Thanks! But I'm confused, then, because I didn't mention STD anywhere on my list or in the name...

February 3, 2019 6:28 p.m.

IMMG54 says... #23

Oops! Was thinking of a different deck! My apologies

February 4, 2019 9:16 a.m.

IMMG54 says... #24

This has been an excellent discussion

February 4, 2019 9:17 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #25

Personally, I tend to shy away from decks with inappropriate titles, mostly because their actual substance tends to be lacking. While I know that is not true of every such deck, the percentage has been high enough that I'll err on the side of caution and only give such decks a look if I recognize the person who created it.

Worse than the innuendo, in my opinion, are the deck titles that try to make political statements or jokes. I could die happy not seeing another Arcades, the Strategist "build the wall" deck or RUW "MAGA" deck. I find the jokes to be a bit tired, and, heaven forbid, someone tries to make an actual political statement (a phrase usually meaning "is trying to start a flame war").

February 4, 2019 9:46 a.m. Edited.

Abzkaban says... #26

Haha! That’s all right! It’s just you used my deck name in the post originally, so obviously I thought it was mine you had a problem with. Mentioning STD was so out of the blue to me.

February 4, 2019 10:26 a.m.

IMMG54 says... #27

cdkime Yeah I absolutely agree with you they do feel tired out.

February 4, 2019 4:16 p.m.

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