Should there be a report function?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 31, 2020, 11:58 a.m. by Deadpoo111
I'd like to hear some opinions on whether we should be able to report abusive or offensive users. What do ya'll think about this?
RNR_Gaming says... #3
I haven't actually witnessed anything beyond "this deck is bad" or something along those lines; which sometimes is valid criticism but could be worded better. However, if anyone is personally attacking you I'd just tag an admin and they'll take care of the issue.
sergiodelrio says... #2
I've been using the site regularly for over 5 years now and only had to report something (reportworthy) twice. It says a lot about our community imho. We don't need a button because we're better than that ;)
If you absolutely must report something, contact the admins or tag them in a related post
January 31, 2020 12:05 p.m.