Size and ratio of set
General forum
Posted on May 11, 2010, 2:21 p.m. by Xander574
260 card set 23 cards per color 10 artifact cards 27 cards per shard(if we do nega-shard other wise distribute these to each color)
17 mythic rares 56 rares 67 uncommons 120 commons
3 planeswalkers (personally i would like to see 1 rainbow colored, 1 multicolored with no red, and a single colored, or maybe colorless yay karn.)(also this should be a contest maybe where everyone can only submit 3 planeswalkers and the best three are chosen for the set. judging based on 1)how balanced they are, 2) set cohesion, 3) creativity, 4) usefullnes) (this contest should in no way happen untill we have a diffinitive set plot and mechanic's set out.)
Or we could make it smaller to make our lives easier also we should discuss the block mechanic of this set.I'd assume its the first in a three block set. Though it may make more sense to make this a two set block so that we arent stuck making three whole sets etc. Also i propose that unlike Shards block we go te reverse route and the second block have less multicolored cards compaired to reborn which was all multicolored.
whats your views on the subject?
DeckBuilder345 says... #3
My thought was to start out anticipating a 3 set block. This would give us plenty of room for ideas and plenty of space to fill so there would be no shortage of places to expand once the ground work has been laid. I don't think we want to have to lay the ground work on too many of these sets, so it might make sense to lay the ground work once for 3 sets rather than relay said ground work time and again. With regards to the breakdown of the types of cards... seems like there are a lot of mythic rares. Other than that the numbers seem reasonable.
Another idea i think we should think about is tribes. Typically a set will have a tribe like vampires, elves, dwarves or goblins,etc ,or something along those lines that will begin in the first block and be fully fleshed out by the third block. We should consider what type of tribe creatures we may want to include in this set.
Additionally here is another issue that has troubled me some what. In creating / playing with a common online set, there is no barrier to entry.. no physical cards to be collected or limited do rarities even matter for the sake of what we will be doing here? Since in actuality all cards in any quantity of any rarity will be available to everyone all the time. In other scenarios card cost or rarity may play a factor in what you can run but that will never be the case here. When building a set with these cards need we impose additional artificial limitations on ourselves, because there are no cost / difficulty in obtaining the card concerns?
May 11, 2010 4:22 p.m.
okay (sorry i lke making lists it makes it easier to organize in my head...also a fan of parenthesis haha) ill start with rarities cause its the easiest. haha. 1) rareties are there for more of a power guide and balancing effect so the set isnt just 260 cards all as powerfull as baneslayer. 2)i kinda invisioned doing a crazykaleys draft debate with the sets.Since that would be really fun we would need to have rareties for that. (so there arent packs that have twelve baneslayer lvl cards) 3)lastly since we are making a set or even a block we might as well go all out.
okay on the rarities i based the number almost exactly on zendikar though i made it a slightly bigger set then zendikar so it has a little bit more in each catagory. though it could easily become 16 MR, and 121 commons
When it comes to tribes i threw in my two sense in the set idea thread, though that was me throwing in all the ideas from the "failed expirement" i felt like those represented each color combination strongly.
As set sizes go a Large small Medium layout sounds good.(personally in my head im running with a The nega shards are established in the first set. The second set has something happen that starts to combine the shards. And the third one deals with the world as one big plane. (maybe going from 50 percent gold to zero percent gold) showing how each of the tribes changeand function in this new plane.
May 11, 2010 5:51 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #5
Your breakdown actually is right in line with that other post from how the professionals do it. so i think that was the right direction to take things. how much bigger did you make the numbers from zendikar?
May 12, 2010 1:16 a.m.
11 cards zendikar was 249 I figured we would make the color wheel an even 50 per color and then have ten colorless so i made it slightly bigger. gives us more wiggle room.
May 12, 2010 2:59 a.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #8
Nicely done making things easily divisible. Would seem a worthy goal. I would say any more work probably needs to hold off till more of the other pieces are in place, it may be necessary to tweak some of the numbers depending on the story and abilities.
Oh wait we probably need to alter the numbers already to account for several different pictures of land, and several varieties of probably dual color land. Typically they have 4 i think different pictures of basic land so 4x5 = 20 plus some dual lands lets say 10 in the set? i dunno that might be high but that means 30 cards. so we need to adjust 305 =6 so each color gets 6 less cards for a total of 46 cards per color.
May 12, 2010 6:01 p.m.
I'm trying to fix my Legacy gaming up and i need GOOD Legacy decks to practice against. If you never done well in a tournament, please do not post your deck. All other who do post; thank you.
October 20, 2013 7:29 a.m.
knight vision has won a tournament before. It was an open format tourney so it went up against all types of decks. Through three rounds it went 3-0, 3-0, 3-0 and then in the semifinals it went 3-0 and finally it won 2-1 in the final. Hope it helps :)
October 20, 2013 8:44 a.m.
That's a good deck. Had to use sideboard to make play even with Blue Stasis. Thanks.
October 21, 2013 8:31 a.m.
October 21, 2013 9:20 a.m.
If that was a joke, i mean. 3-0.Learned nothing.. was utterly pointless and prolonged because of the elemental blasts and pyroblasts.
But thank you anyway, if you were serious..
October 21, 2013 1:17 p.m.
Nah, that was really serious, but if you're using Stasis , then no wonder why this lost.
October 21, 2013 2:35 p.m.
Yeah.. it gives overpower in counters that way. Stasis deck is vulnerable against fast decks if good hand is not there, but yours is combo and therefore slow. Yours is not up to legacy anyway. Stasis deck i have is a attempt to make good legacy deck with low budget.. but i think it will double or triple after i'm done testing.
Might try my Modern against it someday..
October 21, 2013 2:47 p.m.
@Diablerie "Stasis deck is vulnerable against fast decks if good hand is not there..."
Well you might want to take a look at my #RedDecksFTW. This is not your typical Red legacy deck. This deck is both fast and can get the job done without creatures. It's a Burn at the Stake and huge amounts of creatures deck! Playtest away!
October 21, 2013 7:17 p.m.
Oh well, always thought the painter deck would be fun in Legacy, but I guess I should swap some cards out in it, was just wondering how it would go. Thanks for trying it out tho'! :D
October 21, 2013 9:18 p.m.
First game it did 15 dam. second 14. It would win the game sometimes.. Burn at the Stake deck helped a bit.. although the theme card could not be played, but goblin sacrifices with lightning bolts was another thing.
Xander574 says... #2
p.s do not put specific planewalker ideas on this thread
May 11, 2010 2:29 p.m.