Sleeving your commander in a different color
General forum
Posted on Sept. 29, 2018, 12:56 a.m. by Weekend_Magic_NC
In my playgroup we have all gotten into the habit of sleeving our commanders in a different color from the rest of our deck to prevent us from accidentally shuffling it into our deck. We do usually keep an extra matching sleeve in the event an effect would have us put our commander back in our library (and we choose to go with it rather than dropping it in the CZ). Guess I'm just curious if anyone else does this and what the general consensus is.
landofMordor says... #3
Ditto. Almost all my commanders have a different-colored sleeve. I guess it would matter if Ixidron or other face-down effects were played in my group, but if they were, then I could easily switch it out.
I also put my foil commanders in top-loaders, sometimes, to prevent warping, which further distinguishes them (and would also let you use the same color sleeve, since you could take it out of the top-loader to tuck it).
September 29, 2018 10:32 a.m.
Weekend_Magic_NC says... #4
Thanks guys. Glad to see I'm not way off base. Just wanted to make sure I wouldn't get kicked out of FNM. I'm finally getting close to having the nerve to go play with people outside of the playgroup I play with.
saj0219 says... #2
When they changed the rule so that commanders could always go to the command zone (instead of, say, into your library), I started doing this - it just made life easier and the times I’ve needed to resleeve it have been few and far between
September 29, 2018 7:56 a.m.