Some Questions for the Undying Gratitude of My Own
General forum
Posted on Oct. 20, 2019, 8:58 a.m. by BMHKain
No worries, this is just about the questions I do want answers for that nobody seems to answer. Let's. GO.
It was already stated that Talismans are "Generally superior" (No pun intended who want this channel on YouTube back after nearly a Decade. to Signets , but how better are they? They keep the Competitive Meter at neutral change, so why should the Talismans get any higher in terms of how to either make it more Competitive, or Casual?)
How does the More Casual, Feedback, & More Competitive options of the Competitive Meter work? I doubt anyone has explained this yet...
Since I still have a Personality Trait Thread somewhere, & I feel alone on the whole thing, is anyone willing to help with that as well? Thank you in advance for those who do! :D
Prepare for me to sound stupid. Out of all Player Archetypes in MTG, two still only include one name: Spike, & Vorthos (Whatever that name is...). As they don't have Female Variants, what do you think would be good examples of this? & no, I tried Spikette, it sounds too corny, & cliché.
I'll add more questions when I have the time. I hope I placed this in the right Forum this time... anyways, I'll be waiting for your answers. Later. :)
Last_Laugh says... #3
"Generally TALISMANS are better than SIGNETS as they can be used the turn they come in. And while you have to pay life for coloured mana, the decks that want the speed don't mind."
You had that backwards, fixed it for ya.
October 20, 2019 1:06 p.m.
Last_Laugh: thanks for that. I guess that's what happens when you try to answer questions in your phone just before going to bed.
October 20, 2019 6:13 p.m.
Last_Laugh says... #5
No problem... I didn't want there to be ANY confusion. This 'same question, worded differently' thing is getting old.
October 20, 2019 7:38 p.m.
Tyrant-Thanatos says... #6
but how better are they?
Not dramatically better imo. But better is better.
- Can tap for mana without support. (A big deal)
- Can produce colorless mana at not additional cost. (A nice option)
- Taps for both colors instead of one or the other. (Good in specific situations)
- Can filter mana of other colors. (Also good in certain cases)
They both have advantages, it's just that the advantages Talismans have apply to more scenarios. They are both still very good mana rocks.
October 20, 2019 11:48 p.m.
TypicalTimmy: Your description for Mel is off quite a bit. Both Mel and Vorthos are not player archetypes in the same way that Timmy, Johnny and Spike are. And here, you've just described Spike twice.
The point of Mel was similar to Vorthos - it's about appreciation for the cards. But unlike the idea behind a Vorthos player getting into the lore behind each design, the Mel player instead is captivated by the mechanics of the card. It's not about good or bad as a card (that's just a Spike mindset), it's how the card works. So you're correct in saying that Mel will find vanilla creatures boring, but not because they're generally bad, but more becasue they don't do anything. There's no moving parts and therefore it's not interesting.
October 20, 2019 11:52 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #8
TypicalTimmy thanks for the write-up, now I know I can identify as a 'Johnny Vorthos' and that sounds like a superhero name which is kinda cool XD. Now I wonder if the user name is taken :S
October 20, 2019 11:57 p.m.
(Holy crap... How long was I absent from this?!)
OK, Making this thread was definitely a mistake on my behalf; & I do apologize for that (Trait Confirmed: Recklessness w/o Prior Thought). I realize no amount of times of me trying this will succeed even once, but after all hell I've been through (Found my ideal LGS; the two other choices didn't respond once, & even one of them has never once updated as late as 2018.), w/ so many Senior Staff at my door, I wish I could actually have this thread locked up. But, if you wish to know my traits as well; well, I have them for all 3. >_>
Timmy: Power Gamer & Diversity Gamer (Not for Formats but for Deck Archetypes.)
Johnny: Combo Players, Deck Artists, & UBER Johnny (Mono- CAN fly w/o it's constant need of Land, Flight, Artifact, Enchantment, anything they hate, hate. What if the opposite can be done also? We got The Great Henge ; that's a big start.)
Spike: Innovators, Tuners, Nuts & Bolts.
I clearly see no major trait advantage for me. Just tell my your thoughts on this. Then throw it into the AEther; I clearly regret ever uploading this as I plan to revise Mono- to be what I described as what my inner UBER Johnny stated.
Thanks guys. I just wish I didn't have to feel like the Bad Guy here.
October 21, 2019 12:13 p.m.
BMHKain: If you don't want to feel like the bad guy, then perhaps don't post random brain-dumps in the forums. You started a thread where you asked a bunch of unrelated questions (one of which was more a plug for another thread) and then when people posted in an attempt to answer you instead come in and spew a bunch of text which makes you the center of attention because you start talking about how each of the archetypes fit your personality.
None of that was the conversation. You actively derailed it by making it about you (and the fact that you derailed your own original question is even more concerning). This is the kind of behaviour that everybody gets so frustrated about. And I can't even figure out what you were trying to achieve.
October 21, 2019 9:18 p.m.
Personally I dunno how the Player Type thing got started myself. I tried telling at least somebody to close this thread, as for several others as a result. Request Denied apparently. I really wanted this to stop before it became corrupted on its own in addition to mine. Too late on purpose. I request this thread to be closed, sir. I really want to try & change my ways, but it always goes straight to Hell every. single. time.
enpc says... #2
Generally signets are better than talismans as they can be used the turn they come in. And while you have to pay life for coloured mana, the decks that want the speed don't mind.
From what can be figured, the meter uses decks listed as competitive and then compares cards being run across all lists. It's still highly subjective (especially since competitive is highly subjective).
Please don't use this thread to jump to other threads.
Spike is gender neutral (see Spike, Tournament Grinder artwork). And I'm pretty sure Vorthos can be whatever.
Do not just keep adding more questions to your threads. Seriously, just stop doing it.
October 20, 2019 9:25 a.m. Edited.