Spin Down lovers
General forum
Posted on July 12, 2017, 12:40 p.m. by Argy
I have always used spin down dice to keep track of life totals, in Magic.
In Standard I always have one on the field for me, and I keep track of my Opponent's life with another one. An extra if our life totals go above 20.
I will theme the dice. During Aether Revolt I used Kaladesh dice for me, as I was flying the Skysovereign, Consul Flagship in my deck, and used Aether Revolt for my Opponent because they were fighting against the Consulate.
I was REALLY looking forward to the Hour of Devastation dice, as I knew they would be red.
Imagine my disappointment when I saw them up close. They are quite difficult to read. I don't know who the genius was who decided that BLACK paint on dark red would be a good idea.
My hubby said to me, "Don't they test these things?"
I said, "Sweetheart, Wizards don't test ANYTHING."
I am determined to use them. Guess I have to look forward to a season of squinting.
I recently misplaced my glasses, which is not gonna help.
Sounds like more trouble than me just using different dice.
I'm just disappointed that they aren't really able to be used "as is".
Thanks for the tips, anyway. I might use that on some old dice I have.
July 12, 2017 1:53 p.m. Edited.
Is there something keeping you from using non-official stuff? Some of my friends have 3D printed dice and those are neat.
July 12, 2017 3:37 p.m.
SteelSentry says... #5
I'm still going to use the Amonkhet one, I love the lazotep dice. For commander though, I just got Archenemy so I will use the life counter from that
July 12, 2017 4:28 p.m.
For my life total, I use my Reaper Miniatures Scrye Counter because my dad used it back when he played, and it stands out. I do however use a ton of D20s for other things, most notably my Superfriends EDH deck. And let me say, the Hour of Devastation die is now tied for first as my favorite, along with Amonkhet and FTV: Lore. All gorgeous dice. (Its D4 and Amonkhet's D4 are tied for place 0, of course, because pyramids)
July 12, 2017 10:16 p.m.
For edh I enjoy using two 10s. Having even and odds on opposite sides makes it easy to see and use.
If I'm rocking or getting rocked with commander damage it's 100% Spin-down 20s! Anything above that and you're dead!
July 13, 2017 12:27 a.m. Edited.
TheDevicer as I said above, I enjoy theming my dice, which is why I like to use ones from the current set.
Of COURSE I can just use different dice. I already said that, too.
Just disappointed that the Hour of Devastation dice are so hard to read.
July 13, 2017 4:12 a.m.
Tsuru-Hime says... #9
Continuing the trend of assuming the dice are etched just like every other spindown, you can always use an acrylic, water-soluable paint. Just paint the cavity then brush off the excess with your finger. If you mess it up you can just run it under the tap with a brush before it dries to get the paint out. Sure nail polish or enamel would be more permanent but if it's in the etched grooves wear shouldn't be an issue.
July 13, 2017 11:04 a.m.
To add to the post above, you can actually be far more precise by using a wooden toothpick dipped in water with a little bit of the excess wiped off with a paper towel.
July 13, 2017 9:08 p.m.
I use that toothpick trick when I paint miniatures.
I actually have some bright red acrylic paint that I've had hanging around.
Since I have quite a few of those HOU dice lying around I might actually have a go with the toothpick. I'll just "dry brush" instead of wetting it.
Nothing to lose.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Assuming the numbers are etched into the faces, you could color fill them with nail polish.
Clean the face and numbers, then apply enough polish to fill the number. Wait a but, then gently wipe off the excess polish with a Q-tip or rag dipped in rubbing alcohol or polish remover. Wait for the remaining polish (whatever's left in the etched cavity) to fully dry and enjoy your new spindown.
You'll find a better explanation if you Google "color fill." Gun owners use the same technique to fill the etched lettering on receivers and such.
July 12, 2017 1:06 p.m.