Standard Decks?

General forum

Posted on Aug. 2, 2010, 2:58 a.m. by Zanven

So I'm pretty frustrated with my standard builds right now (U/B Mill and modified R/W Koros). I have fun with them, and they hold their own for the most part but I want to do better.

To get to brass tacks : What deck do you think I should play, or recommend to me? I'm not interested in running Mindsculptor or Baneslayer either (not just because of the money). It seems like any deck that runs blue is best served by splashing them in, and for white, Baneslayer is optimal SB at the very least. So is it possible to have a strong competitive standard deck without resorting to either? Or are the only other selections dependent on a Naya/Vengevine variant? RDW?

I just don't like that Wizards seems to have come down to a formula that nearly each color now has an expensive card that your deck of the same color(s)will surely benefit from running, barring Black, which right now doesn't seem strong enough to run mono.

Money cards : White - Baneslayer, Gideon Blue - Mindsculptor Green - Vengevine, Primeval Titan Black - Grave Titan Red - Nothing that I know of.

It might seem like sour grapes but I do have some of the above cards; I just don't WANT to use them. I don't like the idea that you need to have the most expensive cards to play competitively. But is it even possible elsewise?

cardcoin says... #2

You should look at Pyromancer's Ascension type decks as a possible alternative. It's a one trick pony but the big difference is that it can do really well with our with out cards like Time Warp or even the ascension itself! Give it a try. It's actually fun once you get into it :)

August 2, 2010 6:36 a.m.

sporkife says... #3

dunno about black not being strong enough to run mono...if your FNM is large enough and people tend to run the same things, a MBC tuned to the metagame can punch holes in people for a couple weeks at least - lots of removal and a few sticks if you see RDW, bant, scrip, jund, and more aggro-control with earlier hitters if you see UW and Superfriends. In any case, you can run UW control with 4 Jace Beleren and Sun Titan over Jace TMS and BSA, respectively, and probably do quite well.

August 2, 2010 9:28 a.m.

SocialistElite says... #4

Giving away Immortal Coil with Bazaar Trader is always fun.

August 2, 2010 10:48 a.m.

sporkife says... #5

yeah, that combo might work better now with Leyline of the Void and going Jund colors for ramp.

August 2, 2010 11:09 a.m.

Zanven says... #6

Thanks everyone. I like the Beleren + Sun Titan idea to kind of jab it into TMS/BSA's craw. I guess I'm just looking at a lot of tournament's lately and I like seeing decks that win through unconventional or non-money card means. If I want to beat people using those decks, I have to look at it like a race. You can't win by running as fast as everyone else; you need to run faster. I guess that means trying something crazy.

August 3, 2010 2:57 a.m.

Obliviate says... #7

I really like the combo of Sun Titan and Quag Sickness ...

August 6, 2010 4:51 a.m.

SocialistElite says... #8

Sun Titan + Roc Egg + Viscera Seer = funfunfun

August 6, 2010 7:11 a.m.

Ohran Viper is one of my favorite cards, and I was going to build a deck around them. I need help getting a deck idea. The deck's legality has to be modern and it should be semi-competitive. I'm looking for cards that interact really well with it, such as certain enchantments or equipment. Maybe ninjas, but I don't want to make a snake deck.

August 8, 2014 5:07 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #10

Ohran viper seems to go nicely in an attrition deck. With death touch and card draw it's a good card to win you the long game. I suppose it would fit in a super slow GB build.

August 8, 2014 5:26 p.m.

Chief has excellent points, as the Viper in question would fit well into a G/B/x cruel control/attrition deck. You'd really want to buff it to keep it out of Lightning Bolt range. Although Abrupt Decay is still a thing...

Rancor , Lightning Greaves , Swiftfoot Boots , any of the Swords, Batterskull , etc. would be good.

You'd want playsets of Abrupt Decay , Path to Exile /Lightning Bolt , Thoughtseize , Tarmogoyf , Dark Confidant , and the ilk to make it work. Ille est, you'll be looking at some cash to be competitive.

Ohran Viper is truly outclassed by Courser of Kruphix , though. Courser has a bigger ass that can survive a bolt and has suedo draw. Something to Ponder about.

August 8, 2014 7:27 p.m.

Thanks for the input, I'm working on the deck right now.

August 9, 2014 3:07 p.m.

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