Stompy hub?
General forum
Posted on July 23, 2019, 6:21 p.m. by hungry000
I just find it weird how zoo is a hub but stompy isn't; you'd think it would be, considering how popular the word is when referring to or naming creature aggro decks (eg mono G stompy).
If there needs to be some sort of justification for adding stompy as a hub, I consider stompy to be different from zoo in that stompy usually plays bigger creatures or ways to buff them (like Rancor ) while zoo usually floods the board with smaller (but still big in terms of cmc:power ratio) creatures. A stompy hub would be able to cover more types of creature aggro decks than zoo can, as well; as an example, the modern Lightning Skelemental / Unearth decks that have been popping up could be classified as stompy decks, but not as zoo decks (in my opinion).
Also, while the aggro hub most definitely covers all iterations of stompy, I feel that if zoo can have its own hub there isn't really any reason stompy shouldn't. That is all.
Rather than dropping 'titanic creatures', I would say zoo is more about flooding the board with low cmc creatures; cards like Goblin Guide , Kird Ape , Wild Nacatl , etc. The modern Naya Zoo decks that were a thing a while ago are an example.
Bigger creatures like the ones you listed are too big (cmc-wise) to be part of a zoo deck; a deck playing those would be considered a ramp/stompy deck by most people. GR Dinos in standard is an example of that. In fact, it's better to say that zoo is a branch of stompy, as the tag stompy can apply to all zoo decks but not all stompy decks are zoo decks. And, as Grixis776 said, the name 'zoo' was a originally nickname created to describe aggro decks that played creatures that were animals ( Kird Ape , Wild Nacatl ).
Grixis776 says... #2
Zoo is called zoo because the creatures are animals you typically see in a zoo. so yes stompy should be a hub. Why it isn’t is beyond me
July 25, 2019 5:26 p.m.