Strictly better list
General forum
Posted on Aug. 14, 2017, 7:58 p.m. by chaus12
I am compiling a (hopefully!) huge compilation of strictly better cards and functional reprints.
If you would like too contribute, simply post a comment with color shifted cards, strictly better cards, or functional reprints. Thanks for your help!
Accomplished Automaton > Hexplate Golem
Accumulated Knowledge > Take Inventory
(Abrade, Ancient Grudge, Fury Charm, Smash to Smithereens, Wear & Tear) > Shatter
Aerial Guide > Wind Drake
Aerial Responder > Diving Griffin > Chapel Grist = Sunspire Griffin
Aim High > Savage Surge
Alloy Myr > Opaline Unicorn
Alpine Grizzly > Elvish Ranger
(Arcane Sanctum, Nomad Outpost, Sandsteppe Citadel, Scoured Barrens) > Forsaken Sanctuary
Armored Griffin > Abbey Griffin
(Ashcoat Bear, Gatstaf Shepherd, Wild Mongrel) > Balduvian Bears = Barbary Apes = Bear Cub = Forest Bear = Grizzly Bear
Assembled Alphas > Inferno Elemental
Aven of Enduring Hope > Aven Battle Priest
Back to Nature > Tranquillity
Banishing Light > Isolation Zone
Basking Rootwalla > Frilled Sandwalla
Bastion Mastodon > (Steelclad Repent, Stone Golem > Venser's Sliver)
(Bearer of Silence, Olivia's Bloodsworn) > Vampire Interloper
(Bishop's Soldier > Ajani's Sunstriker > Boris Mastiff > Fresh Volunteers = Glory Seeker = Knight Errant = Silvercoat Lion = Traveling Philosopher, Nova Cleric, Stoneforge Mystic) > Squire
Bitterbow Sharpshooters > Sentinel Spider
Blessed Alliance > Sacred Nectar
Blight Keeper > (Muck Rats, Nightshade Stinger)
Blossoming Defense > Ranger's Guile
Boil > Boiling Seas
Borrowed Grace > Fortify
Bramblecrush > Creeping Mold
Brave the Sands > Serra's Blessing
(Burn from Within, Devil's Play, Fireball) > Blaze
(Caravan Vigil, Traverse the Ulvenwald) > Lay of the Land
(Castaway's Despair = Sleep Paralysis, Containment Membrane > Paralyzing Grasp, ) > Dehydration > Merseine
Cavern of Souls > Unclaimed Territory
Certain Death > Sip of Hemlock
Clear Shot > Ambuscade
Charging Monstrosaur > (Gerrard's Irregulars, Night Revelers, Thundering Giant)
Chilling Grasp > Frost Breath
Choked Estuary > Salt Marsh = Submerged Beyond
(Cloudfin Raptor, Faerie Miscreant, Mace's Phantasm, Mausoleum Warrior, Siren Stormtamer) > Flying Men = Zephyr Sprites > (Cloud Pirates = Cloud Sprite, Fledgeling Osprey, Manta Riders, Shrieking Drake > Faerie Imposter, Spindrift Drake, Thought Nibbler)
(Coastline Chimera, Dancing Scimitar) > Silent Observer
(Comparative Analysis > Inspiration, Glimmer of Genius) > Weave Fate > Touch of Brilliance
Consign//Oblivion > Dispers
Control Magic > Mind Control
Coordinated Assault > Kindled Fury
Costly Plunder > Altar's Reap > Skulltap
(Counterspell, Disallow, Dissipate, Dissolve) > Cancel
Countervailing Winds > Rakshasa's Disdain
(Crumbling Necropolis, Frontier Bivouac, Mystic Monastery, Swiftwater Cliffs) > Highland Lake
Cultivator's Caravan > Manalith
Dagger of the Worthy > Torch Gauntlet
Dead Weight > (Debilitating Injury > Enfeeblement, Weakness)
Deathcap Cultivator > Leaf Glider
Demonic Tutor > Diabolic Tutor
Desert's Hold > Arrest
(Despise, Harsh Scrutiny) > Ostracize
Deviant Glee > Unholy Strength
Dinosaur Stampede > Trumpet Blast
Dive Down > Glint
(Djeru's Renunciation, Expose of Evil, Feeling of Dread) > Lead Astray
Docent of Perfection > (Air Elemental, Water Elemental)
Dragon Mantle > Firebreathing
Druid of the Cowl > Orochi Sustainer = Wirewood Elf
Dukhara Peafowl > Cobalt Golem
Elvish Archers > Hornet Cobra
Ethereal Armor > Lance
Expedite > (Accelerate, Unnatural Speed)
Fact or Fiction > Fortune's Favor
Failed Inspection > Statute of Denial
Falkenrath Gorger > (Flamekin Bladewhirl, Goblin Cadets, Goblin Patrol)
Falkenrath Reaver > (Barbarian Outcast, Goblin Bully = Goblin Piker = Independent Troops, Goblin Elite Infantry, Goblin Firebug, Goblin Firebug, Goblin Hero = Gray Ogre = Raging Bull, Ironclad Orcs > Hulking Goblin = Goblin Raider = Yellow-Scarves Troops, Mad Dog, Mogg Jailer, Reckless Cohort > Goblin Brigand, Scarwood Goblin, Sell-Sword Brute = Smoldering Effreet, Skittish Kavu)
(Fate Forgotten, Revoke Existence) > Ironwright's Cleansing
Filigree Familiar > Exultant Cultist > Merfolk Seer
Firedrinker Satyr > Jackal Pup
Flame Slash > Boulder Salvo
Flametongue Kavu > Goblin Commando
Flaying Tendrils > Infest
(Foreboding Ruins, Lavaclaw Reaches) > Cinder Barrens = Urborg Volcano
Fortified Village > Elfhame Palace = Tranquil Expanse
(Frontier Bivouac, Opulent Palace, Seaside Citadel, Thornwood Falls) > Woodland Stream
Foundry Inspector > (Jangling Automaton, Sliver Construct = Stonework Puma, Wicker Witch)
Furious Reprisal > Swelter
Game Trail > Shivan Oasis = Timber Gorge
(Ghostfire Blade, Vulshok Morningstar, Warmonger's Chariot) > Cultist's Staff
Ghostly Flicker > Judgement
Giant Crab > Homarid Warrior
Ghoulcaller's Chant > Disentomb = Raise Dead
(Gild, Sever the Bloodline) > Oblivion Strike
(Glacial Fortress, Port Town, Sejiri Refuge) > Coastal Tower = Meandering River
Gnarlwood Dryad > Sedge Scorpion
Goblin Tunneler > Dwarven Nomad
Graf Mole > Colossodon Yearling
Grip of the Roil > Crippling Chill
Grim Lavamancer > Mons's Goblin Raiders
Heron's Grace Champion > Horned Cheetah = Zebra Unicorn
Hero's Downfall > Murder
Hound of the Farbogs > (Dreg Reaver = Zombie Goliath, Mass of Ghouls = Renegade Demon)
Hovermyr > Omegamyr
Howl From Beyond > Bloodcurdling Scream
(Hulking Cyclops, Lathnu Sailback) > Fire Elemental > Frost Ogre
Hungry Flames > Lunge
Hunting Triad > Might Beyond Reason
Icefeather Aven > Gaea's Skyfolk
Ice Over > (Coma Veil, Glimmerdust Nap, Inertia Bubble, Paralyzing Grasp > Dehydration > Merseine, Spectral Prison)
Improvised Armor > Siegecraft
Immolating Glare > (Kill Shot = Rebuke > (Eightfold Maze, Just Fate), Terashi's Glare)
Incendiary Flow > Volcanic Hammer
Incinerate > Lightning Strike > Volcanic Hammer
Incorrigible Youths > Thundering Giant
(Inexorable Blob > Centaur Courser = Nessian Courser, Spirit of the Hunt) > Gnarled Mass = Trained Armodon
Ingenious Skaab > Watercourser
Inner Struggle > Wrack with Madness
Inspiring Captain > Ampryn Tactician
Invasive Surgery > Envelop
Iona's Blessing > Marked by Honor
(Ismaru, Hound of Konda > ((Elite Vanguard = Expedition Envoy = Savannah Lions, Devoted Hero = Sanctuary Cat = Volunteer Militia), Akrasan Squire, Akroan Jailor, Angel's Herald, Anointer of Champions, Apothecary Initiate, Ardent Recruit, Auriok Glaivemaster, Auriok Transfixer, Benalish Hero = Kjeldoran Warrior, Benalish Missionary, Benevolent Bodyguard, Boris Elite, Burrenton Forge-Tender, Bushi Tenderfoot, Caravan Escort, Caregiver, Cathedral Sanctifier, Cenn's Tactician, Champion of the Parish, Charm Peddler, Children of Korlis, Cho-Arrin Alchemist, Civic Guildmage, Clergy of the Holy Nimbus, Cliffside Lookout, Confessor, Court Homunculus, Daru Mender, Death Speakers, Dedicated Martyr, Deftblade Elite, Dega Disciple, Devoted Retainer, Devout Harpist, Devout Monk, Doomed Traveler, (Duskborne Skymarcher, Topplegeist) > Aven Skirmisher = Kitesail Scout = Lantern Kami = Suntail Hawk > Royal Falcon, Dutiful Thrull, Empty-Shrine Kannushi, (Encampment Keeper, Mosquito Guard) > Serra Zealot = Tundra Wolves = Warclamp Mastiff, Firehoof Cavalry, Foothill Guide, Frontline Strategist, Ghost-Lit Redeemer, Gideon's Lawkeeper = Goldmeadow Harrier, Glittering Lynx, Goldmeadow Dodger, Gustcloak Runner, Haazda Exonator, Honor Guard, Honorable Scout, Hopeful Eidolen, Icatian Infantry, Icatian Javilineers, Icatian Priest, Icatian Scout, Imperial Lancer, Infantry Veteran, Kami of False Hope, Kelsinko Ranger, Kitesail Apprentice, Kor Duelist, Leonin Elder, Lionheart Maverick, Loam Lion, Mardu Hateblade, Martyr of Sands, Martyred Rusalka, Miracle Worker, Mother of Runes, Mtenda Herder, Mystic Penitent, Netter en-Dal, Nomads en-Kor, Planar Guide, Plated Sliver, Priest of the Wakening Sun, Ramosian Sergeant, Resistance Fighter, Royal Herbalist, Sacred Cat, Sacred Guide, Salvage Scout, Samite Censer-Bearer, Selfless Cathar, Serra Ascendant, Shield Mate, Sidewinder Sliver, Songstitcher, Soul Warden = Soul's Attendant, Soulmender, Spurmage Advocate, Stern Constable, Student of Warfare, Sunscape Apprentice, Tireless Tribe, Toolcraft Exemplar, Town Gossipmonger, Trade Caravan, Tragic Poet, Trained Caracal, Vigilant Martyr, Votary of the Conclave, Weathered Wayfarer) > Eager Cadet), Squire)
(Jungle Hollow, Opulent Palace, Sandsteppe Citadel, Savage Lands) > Foul Orchard
(Jungle Shrine, Mystic Monastery, Nomad Outpost, Wind-Scarred Crag) > Stone Quarry
Kessig Forgemaster > Ashmouth Hound > Kolaghan Aspirant
Knight of Cliffhaven > Glory Seeker
Lagonna-Band Trailblazer > Tasseled Dromedary = Yoked Ox
Lamplighter of Selhoff > Ancient Carp = Armored Cancrix
Lantern Spirit > Fleeting Image
Last Grasp > Tar Snare
Lightning Blast > Unfriendly Fire
Lightning Bolt > (Lightning Strike > Volcanic Hammer, Searing Spear, Shard Volley, Shock)
Make Obsolete > Cower in Fear
Makindi Griffin > Spotted Griffin
Malevolent Whispers > Traitorous Instinct
Malfunction > Coma Veil
(Manic Vandal, Suq'Ata Lancer) > Gray Ogre
Multiform Wonder > Venser's Sliver
Murderous Compulsion > (Assassinate, Death Stroke)
Mystic of the Hidden Way > Covert Operative
Nature's Way > Rabid Bite
Negate > Flash Counter
Neglected Heirloom > Leonin Scimitar
(Niblis of Frost > Ringwarden, Long-Finned Skywhale) > Hoverguard Observer = Stronghold Zeppelin
Night Revelers > Berserkers of Blood Ridge
Ninth Bridge Patrol > Unruly Mob
Noose Constrictor > Grappler Spider
(Obsessive Skinner, Kujar Seedsculptor) > Ironshell Beetle = Satyr Grovedancer = Timberland Guide
Olivia's Dragoon > Gutter Skulk = Walking Corpse > (Spineless Thug, Whipstitched Zombie)
Outland Boar > Rhox Brute
Overwhelming Denial > Last Word
Pale Rider of Trossad > Drekavac
Pick the Brain > Night Terrors
Plague Myr > Manakin > Hedron Crawler
Porcelain Legionnaire > Kor Scythemaster
Prakhata Club Security > Scavenger Scarab
Predator's Strike > Awaken the Bear
Prophetic Ravings > Epiphany Storm
Quilled Wolf > Kraul Warrior
Reprisal > (Legion's Judgement, Smite the Monstrous)
Repulse > Drag Under
Reverse Engineer > Tezzeret's Ambition
Scrubland > Godless Shrine
Seed Guardian > Cloudcrown Oak = Grazing Whiptail
Selfless Spirit > Mistral Charger = Stormfront Pegasus > (Lightwalker, Royal Falcon)
Serra Angel > Glorifier of Dusk
Sin Prodder > Bogart Brute
Skittering Heartstopper > (Hunted Ghoul, Muck Rats)
Slip Through Space > (Infiltrate, Touch of Invisibility
Soldier of the Pantheon > Elite Vanguard = Expedition Envoy = Savannah Lions
Spell Queller > Talon Trooper
Sporecap Spider > Rib Cage Spider
Stampeding Elk Herd > Hollowhenge Beast
Stoic Builder > Cartographer
Structural Distortion > (Demolish, Melt Terrain)
Sylvan Might > Tread Upon
Tajuru Pathwarden > Feral Krushok
Thought Harvester > Azure Drake
Thraben Gargoyle > Razorgrass Screen
Tooth Collector > Eyeblight Assassin
Tormenting Voice > Wild Guess
Tragic Lesson > Catalog
Ulvenwald Observer > Cowl Prowler > (Alpha Tyrranax = Canopy Gorger = Tusked Colossodon > (Craw Wurm, Jerrard of the Closed Fist, Thorsten Von Ursus), Kindercatch)
Unconventional Tactics > Angelic Blessing
Unnatural Endurance > Boon of Erebos
Vicious Conquistador > (Muck Rats, Pulse Tracker, Thornbow Archer)
Vildin-Pack Outcast > (Bonebreaker Giant = Fomori Nomad = Obsidian Giant > Berserkers of Blood Ridges, Flowstone Crusher)
Village Messenger > Raging Goblin
Vines of the Recluse > Silk Net = Snare the Skies
Voldaren Duelist > Vulshok Berserkers
Vow of Wildness > Equestrian Skill
Vulshok Battlegear > Warlord's Axe
Wall of Vines > Wall of Wood
Watcher in the Woods > Selesnya Sagittars
Whitesun's Passage > Sacred Nectar
Wierdling Wood > Sheltered Aerie
Witness the End > Mental Agony
Wolf of Devil's Breach > Hulking Cyclops > (Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental > Frost Ogre)
Yavimaya Wurm > Craw Wurm
Zada's Commando > Riot Piker
MindAblaze says... #3
This is quite the undertaking. Just looking at blacks 2/2s for 2 takes you down a long and winding road.
August 14, 2017 8:16 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
Lava Spike can't hit creatures, meaning it's not strictly better than Volcanic Hammer.
August 14, 2017 8:20 p.m.
Armored Griffin > Abbey Griffin
Deviant Glee > Unholy Strength
Makindi Griffin > Spotted Griffin
Sporecap Spider > Rib Cage Spider
August 14, 2017 8:29 p.m.
Thanks Epochalyptik! The second line should read
August 14, 2017 8:35 p.m.
Lightning Bolt isn't arcane though. How am I going to splice my Desperate Ritual onto a Lightning Bolt.
August 14, 2017 8:40 p.m.
SteelSentry says... #8
I'm not sure this is feasable. Doom Blade, for example, is better than Hand of Death, Cradle to Grave, Dark Banishing, Terror, etc.
August 14, 2017 9:34 p.m.
Lightning Bolt is definitely strictly better than Shock or Lightning Strike, but Lightning Strike isn't strictly better than Shock. It does 1 more damage but costs more.
It's also worth noting that some abilities don't make something strictly better or worse, just kind of different. Shroud, infect, and phasing come to mind. Each abilities have pros and cons, so whether or not something is strictly better/worse will depend on the deck they're used in or the meta.
For example, Grizzly Bears isn't strictly worse than Humble Budoka in a deck that can target its own creatures. In a deck that's 56 Forests and 4 2/2 creatures, Humble Budoka is likely going to be better.
Card subtypes and colors are another thing to keep in mind. While we joke in here about arcane, sometimes that matters. Expedition Envoy could be considered strictly better than Savannah Lions simply because it's a human ally.
This is all kind of moot, however. MtG Salvation's Wiki has a list of each card in each set that's strictly better, a reprint, or a functional reprint (the link I posted is for Avacyn Restored).
I wouldn't try to go through and list each card individually because you're bound to miss some. I think you'd have an easier time with this if you went through the wiki for each set and recorded each instance. What the wiki doesn't have is a way to sort or search for cards that are strictly better. Compiling a list where people can use ctrl + f would be most appreciated.
August 15, 2017 6:06 a.m.
Thanks sylvannos! I'll look into that and comment/edit thread when done.
August 15, 2017 7:09 a.m.
Ice Age
Balduvian Bears = Grizzly Bears = Barbary Apes
Fyndhorn Elves = Llanowar Elves
Juniper Order Druid = Ley Druid
Kjeldoran Warrior = Benalish Hero
Knight of Stromgald = Order of the Ebon Hand
Orcish Cannoneers = Orcish Artillery
Order of the White Shield = Order of Leitbur
Zuran Spellcaster = Prodigal Sorcerer
August 15, 2017 7:39 a.m.
August 15, 2017 7:46 a.m.
Krovikan Scoundrel = Dakmor Scorpion = Skeletal Snake = Wei Infantry
August 15, 2017 7:54 a.m.
Dwarven Nomad = Dwarven Warriors
Femeref Healer = Samite Healer
August 15, 2017 8:05 a.m.
August 15, 2017 8:10 a.m.
Clergy en-Vec = Femeref Healer = Samite Healer
Rootwater Hunter = Zuran Spellcaster = Prodigal Sorcerer
August 15, 2017 8:22 a.m.
Urza's saga
Argothian Swine = Wild Elephant = War Mammoth
Blanchwood Treefolk = Plated Wurm
Hollow Dogs = Charging Bandits
Unworthy Dead = Restless Dead = Drudge Skeletons = Walking Dead
August 15, 2017 8:32 a.m.
Mercadian Masques
Dark Hatchling = Azimaet Drake
Fresh Volunteers = Knight Errant
Henge Guardian = Igneous Golem
Henge of Ramos = School of the Unseen
Jhovall Rider = Iron Tusk Elephant
Misshapen Fiend = Dakmor Bat = Bog Imp
Rishadan Airship = Cloud Spirit
Rushwood Dryad = Lynx = Zodiac Monkey
Skulking Fugitive = Tar Pit Warrior
Snorting Gahr = Slashing Tiger = Razorclaw Bear
Steadfast Guard = Veteran Cavalier = Alaborn Grenadier
Wild Jhovall = Tor Giant = Hill Giant = Ogre Warrior = Barbarian Horde
August 15, 2017 9:06 a.m.
August 15, 2017 9:31 a.m.
Benalish Trapper = Master Decoy
Horned Cheetah = Zebra Unicorn
Metathran Transport = Fylamarid
Phyrexian Battleflies = Pit Imp = Vampire Bats
Razorfoot Griffin = Ekundu Griffin
Teferi's Care = Arenson's Aura
August 15, 2017 9:44 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #28
We don't need an update every block...
Wouldn't it be easier to just edit the first post?
August 15, 2017 10:20 a.m.
I agree Epochalyptik, but then how could other people contribute?
August 15, 2017 4:03 p.m.
Storm Crow > Scornful Egotist > Wood Elemental > Sorrow's Path > every other card in magic history
chaus12 says... #2
Lightning Bolt > Lightning Strike > Shock
Lightning Bolt > Lava Spike > Volcanic Hammer
Lightning Bolt > Shard Volley
Galvanic Blast > Shock
Incinerate > Lightning Strike
August 14, 2017 8:08 p.m.