TappedOut vs Moxfield
General forum
Posted on March 19, 2022, 5:22 p.m. by Abzkaban
This has been on my mind for a while now, and I want to get an idea of what the community thinks. What keeps you here rather than make the transition to Moxfield?
After experiencing both sites I've got a couple of thoughts myself. On one hand Moxfield has been much smoother as a deck building site. You can search for cards while you're on the deck page and add them right into the list. You can show the deck as either a list, images, or in stacks. And then you can be on another deck page and add a card to your own deck. The playtest feature is also much smoother.
However you can't customize the deck page like you can on TappedOut. I've done this to a few of my deck pages, but I don't know that I have the energy to do this for every deck I make anymore. It also doesn't have a deckcycle feature which is probably my favorite part of TappedOut. The featured decks and the top list makes this site interesting as far as discovering what others are building. If only the top list actually showed up most of the time. However it does seem simpler to get views on decks on TappedOut over Moxfield unless I seriously try to promote it off site.
I haven't decided if I'm going to completely make the transition to solely Moxfield or not. The biggest thing keeping me here is my Ghave deck which has had a lot of traffic. These are just a few of my thoughts, and I wanted to see what the community thinks. Obviously if you see this then you're still here. I'd like to know your reasons why.
Building and playtesting and seeing my ratios is very handy here on tappedout... but the community is what keeps me here... I'm not always very active but whenever I ask for card interactions or rulings or genuinely seeking advice (not just whoring for upvotes) the community here is pretty swift and will give good advice.... sure they dont always tell me what I want to hear but I honestly don't think I have been given outright bad advice that wasn't ratioed or out voted.
March 19, 2022 10:21 p.m. Edited.
TypicalTimmy says... #4
I tried Moxfield. I completely dislike it.
The community is far less engaging.
You lack "personality" in your profile.
And the playtest feature, in my opinion, is more clunky than it is here on Tappedout.
As for searching for cards, I just use Gatherer and do field searches. For example, if I am looking for white instants that exile for a Boros deck, I type in the following: CARD TEXT: "Exile", COLORS: NOT "blue, blakc, green", TYPE: "Instant"
Now you have all cards within Boros that are instants that use the word "exile". Easy.
March 19, 2022 11:40 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #5
I will say this though, since it is unfair of me to be so very critical of Moxfield. If whomever is reading this is less concerned with the community and "social media" feel, Moxfield may be better. Moxfield feels far more analytical in nature. If all you are looking for is raw data and statistics, that's where Moxfield shines.
So, I'll leave with a positive note on both sites:
- If you prefer the more engaging social aspect, Tappedout is the better option.
- If you prefer the more mathematical assessment, Moxfield is the better option.
I think with that, anybody can reasonably deduce where they would prefer to be. For me, it's the social aspect, so Tappedout.
March 20, 2022 1:50 a.m.
I’ve been slowly switching to scryfall actually. They have a nice simple interface and once you enter a decklist if you export the deck as a spreadsheet it already has a ton of data in it, including card prices types, etc. compared with TappedOut which puts very little data in an exported spreadsheet. I don’t have time to make elaborate deck pages with long descriptions and card tags anymore. That and years of using this platform has shown me that having strangers look at and comment on my decks almost never results in a useful suggestion. Not never but almost. I just want to keep my stuff organized for myself now.
March 20, 2022 9:21 a.m.
I've tried moxfield, but I've stayed on tapped out because I can see my color balance and curve on tapped out much better. Also I already have way too many deck techs on here to switch over to somewhere else.
March 20, 2022 12:10 p.m.
All my lists are here and if I want to goldfish with a deck, I already know all the keyboard shortcuts on TappedOut.
March 20, 2022 1:08 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #9
I had never used anything beyond limited Gatherer searches in the online world. Later I was told about Tapped Out by in-person friends that I played with, and was pleasantly surprised. I haven’t really bothered with any other sites because I really enjoy the community, and the mechanics of the site are as good as I would hope for. One might argue that certain aspects are better or worse from one to the next, but the degrees to which they are different really can’t make up for the value I see in these discussions. I have zero intention of even trying other places. Couldn’t be happier. Thanks, everybody.
March 20, 2022 2:21 p.m.
I like the community of tappedout more. It feels like an actual community. I don't know anyone on the site personally, but feel a sort of kinship all the same. Certain people on the site are very helpful, and I try to be one of them, but I don't quite know all the ropes here. I've only been on the site for a little over a month, I think, but I already feel like an important member of the community. Or I could just be vain, ahah-
Anyways, a big part of this website is the forums. I particularly like the custom card forum, as I used to make cards on paper, and now I can share them with people who appreciate the game as much as I do. As for the deckbuilding aspect, I actually look for cards on EDHREC and Scryfall's advanced search. My main reason for using this website is the feedback you get, and the members you make friends with. Many of the members of this website are friendly and are fun to talk to. I'm sure most of the people who have an active role on this website have had at least one run-in with TypicalTimmy, who in my opinion is a well of friendly advice and great ideas. They've made a lot of recommendations on my cards, and make their own. It's ideas and insight like TypicalTimmy's that make this site worth using. I'm sure there are many other wonderful users, but I haven't spoken to them much. I hope to in the future.
March 20, 2022 8:31 p.m.
Oh, and people's advice on decklists is always welcome as well. I haven't had much experience with moxfield, but I'm fairly certain that the community isn't as close.
March 20, 2022 8:33 p.m.
I'm too lazy to switch. I'm the guy, if it aint broke, don't fix it. Even if Moxfield is better, it's just nice to be here. Already have the community typical people like typicaltimmy, gleeglock, bushidoman and so many others.... why would I expend extra effort for something which imo is effectively the same? The small minute differences are outweighed by the effort of inputting, copy pasting and the small learning curve. I like what I like.
March 20, 2022 8:52 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #13
Ashdust your comment hit me a little extra, because I feel a kinship with you on the “I have a non-standard M:tG hobby/interest that fits nicely in this community” situation. My decks would be, I expect, more embarrassing than fun/interesting on other sites. The folks who are interested in strong synergies/combos and higher efficiency (which is 100% appropriate for magic, don’t get me wrong) really shouldn’t have to scroll past my “What if I made an antique shop in the M:tG universe?” deck lol. There are many facets to the M:tG gem, and this site feels very friendly to the ones I like to inhabit.
March 20, 2022 9:58 p.m.
Another large part of this website is the fun involved. You can make some bizarre janky decks, and the community will applaud you for it.
March 21, 2022 8:41 a.m.
Not to sound like a broken record, but tapped-out is the only way to go as far as I'm concerned. I could write an excel spreadsheet for analytics and to keep track of my cards for all I care. The point is the interaction- a community that is helpful to one another. The point of promoting one's deck or upvoting others is to draw attention to decks that people want to play, and to help newer players understand how EDH works, and veterans how different strategies work, as well as to showcase the diversity in the community as a whole (as another said, some might make decks with a falvor aspect that aren't optimized, and there is more room to showcase that here). Moxfield does nothing in that regard. That being said, several of my decks from here I have copied on Moxfield (something Moxfield encourages, since import is super easy) simply because I want to share my decks with EDHRec, and Moxfield lets EDHRec datamine their forum. That being said, I am glad tappedout does not since it doubtless improves performance on a fundamentally more sophistocated platform, but it also takes me two minutes to port the decklist over there so EDHRec can get the data. Beyond that I don't have much to do with it!
Note: I realize this thread is a month or so old, but I was just thinking about the topic and noticed it!
Grubbernaut says... #2
I use TappedOut for the forums, but I make all my lists on moxfield since getting into cEDH.
March 19, 2022 8:47 p.m.