Teaching with Mind vs. Might

General forum

Posted on March 22, 2017, 2:54 p.m. by Podma101

My girlfriend is interested in learning magic (I don't think she genuinely wants to learn, but wants to be able to play with me since I enjoy it) and I was thinking that the new duel deck coming out would be a great and simple way to teach her how the game functions. I only play limited and commander, and those aren't the best ways to teach her. Does anyone think that this is a good way, or perhaps another method would suffice?

Icbrgr says... #2

For what you intend to do with it; I think its an great plan. My only "Tip" would be to get some decklists of "Mind vs. Might" first just to get a sense of what kinda mechanics are being uses... sometimes things can be unnecessarily complicated for beginners like "clues" from SOI (My GF though it was weird anyway). I would also scope out some reviews to see if the decks are well balanced.

How i got my GF to play with me (other than she was just crushing on me at the time) was to lure her in with a themed deck and i made a Treefolk tribal deck for her and pitted it against some of my other decks ive made over the years... she crushed me with it a few times and shes had a love affair with that deck ever since and now she actually likes the game!

March 22, 2017 3:11 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #3

I would be careful just because the mind deck uses the suspend mechanic. While its not terribly hard to understand it is not a commonly occurring mechanic that isn't all that important to know.

The Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis deck was pretty straightforward as far as mechanics go if I remember correctly.

I do agree that duel decks make a great teaching tool since they SHOULD be fairly balanced Im just not sure mind vs. might is right for first timers. The Might deck would be totally fine just that suspend that would have me second guessing.

March 22, 2017 4:21 p.m.

Podma101 says... #4

Okay, thank you both for your input! I did look at the deck lists, and I do agree that the Red/Blue deck is a tad complicated, while the red deck is very straight forward. I'll probably wait a bit and see the reviews on the decks before I make any purchase since the teaching won't happen till summer. Sadly I don't think I'm going to use the same method to lure her in. She thought it was silly that I played at all, and her main reason to learn is because she wants to support me and wants us to have more in common as far as hobbies are concerned. Maybe after some time she'll get into and then I can get her attached to something, but in the meantime I want to make sure she even understands the basics.

March 22, 2017 5:38 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #5

My now current wife was the same way. She learned and had a lot of fun playing with me when new product would roll out but got a little shell-shocked when she realized there was new product ever couple months hahaha.

It wasn't the game that made her stop it was the price tag.

March 22, 2017 5:50 p.m.

Ryjo says... #6

If you're trying to teach someone, you might consider Battle Decks from Card Kingdom. They're 60 card decks that usually feature full playsets of cards, so they are more consistent than official pre-cons.

March 22, 2017 8:37 p.m.

Boza says... #7

Additionally, every LGS should have starter decks on hand - mono colored 40 card decks, available for play for free and designed to teach the game.

In terms of sealed product useful for teaching the game, I would recommend the new planeswalker decks.

March 23, 2017 4:56 a.m.

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