Need Help - The Dimir have covered their tracks well
General forum
Posted on Feb. 23, 2019, 11:05 a.m. by Austin_Smith_of_Cards
I’m working on improving a casual version of the Dimir Guild Kit based on cards I find from decklists from the various Ravnican standards. I’m using Wikipedia’s Timeline of Magic Standard to identify popular decks from those eras (I started playing in OG Zendikar, so 2006 Ravnica is foreign to me).
Only problem is, after my best efforts of scouring the internet for the UB control decks listed under Kamigawa/Ravnica STD and Ravnica/Time Spiral STD, I’ve come up with nada.
As funny as it is to me that the Dimir have effectively erased themselves from history, it would be great if anyone with knowledge of that era or a working link could help me out and give me insight into Dimir in 2006/2007 Ravnica Standard.
Look up Solar Flare decks, although they also have a good shot of in them. It's sort of an Esper tempo-control playstyle from original Ravnica, and there might be enough cards around now to make it pure Dimir.
February 23, 2019 12:01 p.m.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #4
Thanks legendofa! I found a pre-Guildpact version of Solar Flare that was mostly UB, very helpful to my research. I can add Dimir Doppelganger , Dimir House Guard , and Clutch of the Undercity to my list of Dimir cards played.
Still looking out for the straight UB control list though...
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #2
Weird, in the preview post it shows the link to the Wikipedia article, but it’s vanished after I post.
Dammit Dimir covering their tracks lol
February 23, 2019 11:07 a.m.