The Guilt of a Grixis (What Grixis CMDR am I Closest to, Lore-Wise?)
General forum
Posted on July 31, 2019, 2:36 p.m. by BMHKain
Uh... Last Time IS my bad. I'll have to assess my pains unlike last time...
Hello. Obviously Take 2. EXCEPT, I'm not doing my traits that define only me. In my mind, that might have caused the trouble before a single post before a forced close.
So before any closes a second attempt, I'll start w/ the obvious:
: Peace, law, structured, selflessness, equality
: Knowledge, deceit, cautious, deliberate, perfecting
: Power, self-interest, death, sacrifice, uninhibited
: Freedom, emotion, active, impulsive, destructive
: Nature, wildlife, connected, spiritual, tradition
Starting w/ , I want to be peaceful myself, but that only seems to cause more conflict targeted exclusively to me. Repeated attempts equal the same result (I'm surprised I've not been more insane then.). Law? I try to follow it; but I feel like a slave to Colombia (I'm implying Washington D.C.); somebody has to make a stand. Structured to me is actually both, & none; vice-versa. I'm Organized, & Disorganized at the same time. I'd like a que for a term for this ,please. Oddly, I only feel selfless through my guilt towards those around I do care about; but still believe the term "Good Samaritan" makes no sense as a term, but rather a being from Sumer; which is now extinct after how long? There is a reason I say no to Equality; it doesn't exist in so many contries; our USA may even be one of them; & our best friends are our biggest enemies all without ever revealing the latter to reality. PURE. DECEPTION.
Alright, enough of me trying to support , it's time. Code entered as: DESTROY EIFFEL 65. ACCESS GRANTED.
For , I've quite a wealth of knowledge of media so few ever talk about; as a consequence though, my mind has gotten dumber, not smarter, though who doesn't like Khan Academy? ANYONE? For deceit, well... I suck at that. I can only speak the truth, nothing but the truth, & some other crap stated in a Court of Law. ANYONE can see through me & say "You lied.". Even Bruno Bucciarati of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo can like me like a creep & he too would taste a lie. I'm just that Fawful at trying to Lie. Cautious? Damn Straight. My awareness range is ridiculous, even for a normal American Kid-like individual in my 20s. Guess what JoJo character I'm implying this time. It always seems that what I literally say with my own eyes, but nobody paid any attention. This is actually one of my strongest suits for as I can spot something, & nobody would believe me even though the object of interest isn't even part of the Astral Plane; I KNOW WHAT I SEE. I KNOW HOW TO RESPOND. For Deliberate, it really depends. Progress is a thing in even , just mere focus should be enough to try & take enough time to achieve what I have to do. & I have to do it with intent. You want a Motive, Perry Mason, the MF ? That's what you'll get. Perfecting though is not a trait of mine; not even close. Perfection is impossible as each time something can get better; that's all you can do; Make it better. A flaw so bad, that as history nears its end, we WILL still have that problem. Not that I care ReadTheFlavorText
(Sigh. Gisa the Mad's color. Will she ever care about Geralf; HER BROTHER?!)
For , Power is a complicated matter; too little, & you're a friggen Untouchable in Hindu Caste Systematics. Have a lust for it, & trying to get more; is the same as trying to surpass Omnipotence; NOT POSSIBLE. So I guess you could say I'm against Power, kinda? But Self-Interest actually is what I'm able to do. I, mean, I'm quite the lustful for Anime ASMR to a breaking point where... um... It's unfortunate I'm not allowed to speak of, well, you probably already know... Death? Easy, I'm a Morbid Bastard. Always wanting to know the death of others, & this actually overpowers some of 's Emottional statistics. Sacrifice? Uh, do I count as a Meat Shield? Do I make others sacrifice for my own protection? Yes. But how can I do any better?! I didn't kill somebody for protecting myself! Uninhibited? Ehhhh… Does talking to myself count? I can be very furious sometimes. Or overly Hyperactive.
Classic StarCraft Reference.
For , Freedom? FREE is literally on SOL "Frederick" BADGUY'S ATTIRE. HE EMBODIES THIS TROPE. Emotions? Very Strong, even for me; If I have something to say, I'm not damn afraid to blurt my trash talk out. Active? Sometimes. I barely go outside, but the same is true for the internet though. XP Impulsive? My first impulse is automatically decided when even one person finishes their Sentence! Then I stick to my guns! Destructive?! WIF!? Would I destroy a Table; much less flip it for personal gain?! No. I actually oppose real life physical violence.
For , Nature?
(Pulls out a giant Buckshot, & shoots Ayula, the Imbecile so many times, & does a Double Tap on her corpse anyways.)
Suck it, BEAR FORCE ONE! Bears in MTG Suck. Why even have a tribe leader for those weak as crap beings?!
Wildlife is also easy.
(Warps reality so every single ASPCA related ad, & similar show any creature die in real life.)
Stop censoring murder, & cuss words dammit!
What to be Connected to? Uh, my Blood? I already murdered enough animals; & all attempts were for satire, not cruelty. Honest! I'm actually very Spiritual, to the point of believing in Reincarnation; which also lasts forever in my mind. I'd like to be a Bird of Prey capable of flight in the next life. :) Tradition? I'm not doing any inhumane slaughtering a third time! I don't even want to kill my family tree sections...
So there you go. The first part of this charade. If any mods get to closing this again before I do the following: I was just breaking up the five colors & what traits the Colors used by WotC relate to me the most. From there, you may decide my fate; no Partner Commanders, & definitely nothing from LEGENDS. I'm just doing this to see what I should be doing for a Grixis (Unless something else also applies.) Legendary Creature in terms of who has the traits closest to mine. So research up for now; maybe your mind might be changed after part 2 of this; if it happens.
Oh, & mods, I'm truly sorry for the last attempt; I hope this didn't go to far also, at least I'm not using my own though, right? Just conventional ideas? Well, I apologize regardless... I hope you understand.
GhostChieftain says... #3
Your posts have big Izzet energy going on for sure. Frantically referencing as many pop culture topics as you can as fast as you can does it for sure.
I for one would say I am bant or azorius. I am an eagle scout and as such there are scout laws I follow (white) and I have spent much time camping, hunting, and fishing as well as a love for animals and some minor knowledge about plants in my area of the u.s.(green). As for the blue, I like many magic: the gathering players am very into high fantasy and have spent hours upon hours with my nose buried in a book or trying to find the most efficient combinations in games.
July 31, 2019 11:04 p.m.
BMHKain: All right, talk time.
As I mentioned in the previous thread, TappedOut is a website devoted to deck building and talking about Magic: The Gathering. While there are blind eternities sections (which have a bit more flexibility in the topics), this is the basic structure of the website (yeaGO I am happy to be corrected if this is the case).
My concern with these kind of posts is that while this discussion is loosely connected with MTG, these posts feel much more like a rant as if you have something you need to get off your chest/shout into the void. They are all very self centered (and not in an asking for deck help way) as they are all focused around giving you attention/validating you as a person. Questions like "Am I Grixis" is both difficult to answer (there's only so much info you can get from a few forum posts) and prone to biasing (you're only sharing what you want to confirm/deny your question as well as any biasing on said information).
On top of this, the posts are long and often times veer off on tangents, or even tangents of tangents and could be considered quite alarming to either newer or younger members. Long, ranty walls of text generally turn people off answering rather than entice them to get involved.
As scrotality mentioned, these kind of posts lend themselves to some sort of blog where you can express your opinions/get stuff off your chest as much as you want. It is literally a space dedicated to you and your thoughts. The forums however are a place for discussion and shouldn't be used for this kind of self-validation.
I don't want this to dissuade you from posting here in future, however I would strongly recommend the following if you don't want your threads to just get closed out/you want poeple to actually interact with them:
Be concise: don't make your post longer than it has to be to get your point across.
Don't go off on tangents: most of the time these will detract from your points, not add to them.
Don't rant: Tirades are generally going to casue people to avoid/ingore your posts rather than interact, because of effort and the concern that they will have future tirades aimed at them.
Don't be random: Bombarding people with anime or video game references don't help get your point across, they don't make you seem endearing, they just make you seem unstable. If you want to make a reference, make sure that it's going to be known enough that poeple get it and don't overuse them.
Try to encourage discussion: While this one is basically just "see previous points", remember that a statement will generate less interaction than a question (unless it's a deliberately controversial topic at which the Mods might get involed...). And this doesn't mean have a rant and then end in a question.
Don't drag old discussions into new ones: Just don't.
In future please keep these things in mind when posting. But as mentioned, looking into a blog of your own might do you some good, if for no other reason than to give you a platform to better express yourself.
grumbledore says... #2 is free. maybe that would be a better outlet for this kind of stuff. honestly, i get half of a sentence in to this and give up. it doesnt belong here
July 31, 2019 5:37 p.m.