theres a lot of storm decks. one more variant can't hurt, right?
General forum
Posted on March 8, 2016, 1:58 a.m. by DERPLINGSUPREME
so, I've been going against lots of storm recently in both modern and in legacy
How do we feel about a variant using Pull from Eternity to utilize cards again?
are there other cards that have eluded the storm community that have potential?
Well, that really requires you to play white, which is bad, since none of the storm decks play white. Also, how would you utilize things again? The only way for something to eenter your exile zone is to be cast and then flashed back with Past in Flames or with its own ability. By that point, you probably do not need it and it is easier to dig out the next copy from your deck than to use card to put it from exile in them.
Legacy storm is already at its peak performance. It is not called The Perfect Storm for no reason.
Modern storm still has some wiggle room. Do you want to play Simian Spirit Guide to go off a bit earlier? How low can your land base go - 15-16 lands is the norm, but is 12 with 4 monkeys OK? OR another playset of cards?
The problem with adding something to storm lists is that you have to take something out.
March 8, 2016 2:45 a.m.
EndStepTop says... #4
Boza I hate to nit pick, but legacy storm is just ANT or Tes. The perfect storm is the name of vintage storm.
canterlotguardian says... #2
You'd also have to consider the mana base. Storm is usually a variant of U/R. The mana base is relatively simple, shocks/fetches/checklands. Adding in W would require additional land fixing, so you run the risk of not getting what mana you need.
Then again, seeing as a lot of the spells are either "free" (Phyrexian mana) or just cost red and produce mana of any color (Manamorphose), it may not be that bad.
March 8, 2016 2:36 a.m.