Those special moments.
General forum
Posted on Aug. 23, 2010, 11:54 a.m. by ballard302
Everyone has a special moment in a Magic match where they did something unusual, new, or just plain cool that you're proud of, and I would like to read them.
My personal favorite moment in Magic was when I was using my Hellcarver deck at FNM. I was going against a Grixis control deck, and he had a Jace 2.0 on the field, and lots of mana to do what he wanted. I drew a lot of mana that game, and all I really had in my hand was a Sadistic Sacrament, but I did have my Hellcarver on the field. Problem was, I knew that if I didn't attack right then, I would surly lose, so I decided to Sadistic Sacrament plus kicker to myself, took out a lot of mana and useless cards, and attack with Hellcarver. I managed to drew into what I needed to win the game.
shaistyone says... #3
In my first month playing magic (this April), I was using an impromptu red deck made of whatever cards I had picked up at the few drafts I had attended. The guy I was playing is a big spike and had a tournament deck. I had whittled him down to 1 life (I was at 3) before he wiped with Day of Judgment for the second time. He showed me a big flyer in his hand he'd be able to play the next turn to kill me, so I knew I had to win right then. With one card in hand, I drew a mountain, played card:Cosi's Ravager and then played my land for the win...
August 23, 2010 1:01 p.m.
These are all really cool moments ahahah. One time i was using a sliver deck vs. a naya deck. He had a Godsire and Cerodon Yearling enchanted with Celestial Mantle on. I was staring down lethal on my last turn when i top decked a Winged Sliver to fly over for enough damage.
August 23, 2010 5:07 p.m.
I think my personal favorite Magic moment was when Exodus was still type 2 and Survival of the Fittest was my favorite card. My opponent was playing speed red and had my down to 5 life. I finally managed to draw my Survival of the Fittest , filled my graveyard with a bunch of flying damage, and cast Living Death . Passed my turn and managed to survive the turn with 1 life after some creative playing. Needless to say, it was tense and exciting and was talked about for several days afterward. Mostly by my opponent, he was a bad loser.
August 23, 2010 10:39 p.m.
This isn't something that happened to me personally, but it needs to be share anyways. I was playing at a local shop and there was one match left in the round. One of the players was sitting at two life while the other one was in a healthy position (can't remember exactly). The player at near full life play a Sign in Blood ...targeting himself! He draws two cards... and Sign in Blood s himself again! For the next week we all gave him flak about that. :P
August 24, 2010 12:49 a.m.
One of the funniest plays I remember being a part of was a multiplayer free-for-all match between Daniel277, Ignus, AJ2077, TheBigGeeBee and myself.
AJ2077 played first, laying a mountain, and play went clockwise around the table, ending up with me. I played a swamp, tapping for Dark Ritual , laying a Vampire Hexmage . Turn two, AJ2077 plays a mountain and passes. It comes round to me, I play Dark Depths , sacrificing Vampire Hexmage to remove all counters from Dark Depths and bring out the flying, indestructible, 20/20 Marit Lage. On turn two. This is game, or so I thought. Turn three, AJ2077 lays a mountain, playsAct of Treason and kills me.
Funny as hell.
August 24, 2010 5:52 a.m.
Oh I just remembered that last night a friend of mine who shall remain nameless topdecked a Smother , which he then played on my Kira, Great Glass-Spinner . Then, two turns later, he did it again. He scooped afterwards in shame.
August 24, 2010 10:54 a.m.
KrazyCaley says... #9
A few of my favorite moments.
I am running my All That You Possess deck against a blue-red control/burn deck in a Star game. I know the guy has no creatures, so I hit him with Telemin Performance . Except then it gets Fork ed and my own deck gets hit, and I also have no creatures. Other three players laugh hysterically.
One time I have nothing except a Threaten in my hand and enough land to cast it. My opponent and I are at 1 life. He has a board full of goblins; four of them are untapped. I have a Control Magic 'd Goblin King , but it has Pacifism on it. So I Threaten a Raging Goblin and swing. He tries to block, but I point to Goblin King and sa y "My goblins have mountainwalk." HA!
Then there was the most epic Counter war ever. Turn 20 or something. Opponent casts Darksteel Colossus . I cast Remove Soul . He casts Counterspell . He casts Counterspell . I cast Counterspell again. He casts Force of Will hardcast. I cast Opportunity and cast ANOTHER Counterspell . He casts Cryptic Command , tapping out to do so. I cast another Counterspell . He casts Force of Will , discarding Morphling . I have only one card left in my hand, and it is Force Spike . Awesome.
August 26, 2010 8:46 a.m.
SocialistElite says... #10
I've always wanted to have a counterspell war of that epic-ness. :(
The closest Ive ever gotten to such a war was when a friend and I actually built decks for such a situation. We both had 15+ cards in hand, and somebody cast a Raging Goblin . I cast Remove Soul just for funzies. My friend then countered my counter. I countered his counter. This went on for a while, until somebody cast got board and cast Sudden Shock , ending our fun... The irony, was that the Raging Goblin attacked the guy who cast the Sudden Shock , the guy had to tap his only blocker (an elf) and had no answer for the three fists-of-anvil that were cast targeting the very angry goblin. Mr. Sudden shock suddenly wished he saved his shock for the goblin that killed him.
August 26, 2010 5:04 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #11
I came out swinging with my goblin deck, and i had the other side down to just 5 life i think, and my deck ran out of steam. My opponent took advantage of the situation and turned the game around. After several turns i was taking a beating and didn't have much left on my side of the board. He proceeded to swing big, and i had a choice, take the damage from the swing brining me down to 2 or use my guys to block but thereby leaving me defenseless for the next round and out of targets to sac. I opted to let them all through and hoped my opponent didn't have any combat tricks. he didn't and my next card was a Goblin Grenade just what i needed to wipe out his life points. GAME OVER! I win!!
August 26, 2010 11:02 p.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #12
I was playing allies (go figure) in a five player match of Cops vs Aliens. I'd established a decent board, but my beaters were the targets of Pacifism , Spirit Link , and similar controlish enchantments. A blue/white opponent tapped out to kick a Rite of Replication on my Turntimber Ranger , which netted him five 7/7 rangers and 25 wolf tokens. We used half a deck of playing cards to represent the wolves.
At this point, the smack talk begins - including a plethora of doggie style innuendo to go along with the wolf theme.
I topdecked a Kabira Evangel and cast it calling white to shed the enchantments. I followed that with Harabaz Druid for a second trigger and called green to walk past the wolves for lethal +1 damage. My opponent had a counter in hand, but no untapped mana after kicking the Rite during his turn.
Everyone turns their role cards face up and it's determined that the wolf boy was a cop; I was an alien, and now he and his wolf army were my zombie slaves.
Cops vs Aliens rules.
August 27, 2010 2:15 a.m.
I was playing a free for all multiplayer game at my local college with a few of the guys there. I was using a deck with Genesis Chamber , Disciple of the Vault , and Echoing Ruin in it. I was just sitting back, not threatening anyone, allowing them all to stockpile a bunch of Myr tokens from my Genesis Chamber , all the while I had a Disciple of the Vault on the field that no one bothered getting rid of (maybe it was because the other guys were playing a lot more threatening creatures). Anyway, so I'm just hanging back, allowing everyone to finish each other off, and it gets down to myself and one guy (I can't remember what kind of deck he was using for the life of me.) I think I'm toast because all I had on the field was the same Disciple and a couple little Myrs (cards and tokens), and he had a pretty respectable field. He swings at me, I block with what I can, managing to survive, and bringing his life down a little from my Myrs hitting the graveyard, compliments of Disciple of the Vault . So he ends his turn, and I draw, luckily, a Echoing Ruin (I was wondering when one would show up the entire game, lol). He's at like 10 or so life, and he has a good 12-14 Myr tokens on the field. I cast Echoing Ruin , targeting a token, and they all blow up, triggering the Disciple of the Vault , and winning me the game.
August 30, 2010 4 a.m.
Currently building a prototype deck in the vintage format, with 4 Deflecting Palms.
According to tapped out the deck is not vintage legal due to the Deflecting Palms but according to gatherer the cards are still legal in vintage?
December 11, 2014 1:49 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #15
gatherer is the ultimate say in legality and rules. Tappedout glitches out very often and is thus unreliable.
Also this forum is specifically for improving decklists. Epoch will be here soon to move it but things like this involving the site normally go to the tappedout forum
December 11, 2014 2:33 a.m.
I see, sorry for posting this in the wrong place, I'm a little new here. And thanks for the reply :)
December 11, 2014 2:36 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #19
The way legality info works on Tapped Out is that it has to be entered manually for every single card. Whoever added Deflecting Palm to the database must have forgotten to include all the correct legality tags.
December 11, 2014 11:10 a.m.
i made some tweaks recently but it seems the problem isn't yet solved. i'll work on it some more.
SocialistElite says... #2
Dude... Thats actually really cool.
I remember playing a massive multiplayer game with like 11 people. It was INSANE! I was playing a really horrible monoblue artifact deck that had some counterspells and whatnot. This guy had just cast a Wrath of God , killing everything, and reseting the game for the billionth time. The next player cast a Llanowar Elves and then played Biorhythm . In response, Shock ! and the game was a tie... OR WAS IT!? I tapped 4 mana and played... Needlebug !
And that is the only time Needlebug ever won a game... ever.
August 23, 2010 12:17 p.m.