Tier Question
General forum
Posted on April 21, 2018, 4:15 p.m. by redbird97
I hear things all the time about Tier 1 decks. I've read enough to figure out there are 5 tiers. Is there a website you can plug in your deck to find out what tier it is?
Tier = how well tuned a deck is for the meta expected at a particular tournament or format is.
For example, in the most recent RIX Protour - BR Hollow One singlehandedly changed the Modern meta, by realising what removal is being played in Modern and adjusting the deck to a Fatal Push heavy meta and being faster (if lucky) than opposing decks. It was not even considered as a contender, featuring in 0 tier lists a few months ago, but became a tier 1 deck in a matter of weeks.
TLDR - Tiers are complete bull - play what you want and ignore them.
April 22, 2018 1:52 a.m.
Just to add, people will often refer to Tier 1 decks as those that are considered to be the strongest in the meta at that time.
So in Standard at the moment a Tier 1 deck would be one that is focused around Approach of the Second Sun. It's a tough deck to beat.
Control is another deck that I would consider to be Tier 1 right now. Lots of removal, then The Scarab God to bring everything back.
Aggro is also Tier 1 right now.
A Tier 2 deck would be one that wins a lot, but won't usually take the number 1 spot.
At the moment that would be Mardu Vehicles.
I would also consider God-Pharaoh's Gift to be Tier 2 at the moment.
It's actually more difficult to explain what a Tier 3, or lower, deck would be.
When it comes to Commander, there is a list on TappedOut that ranks Commanders by Tier.
That is because Commanders have been clearly ranked based on how they work in that format.
It should be said that those Commanders often need to be in a certain type of deck for them to work best.
MollyMab says... #2
There aren't 5 tiers. Infact what goes in what tier is highly open to arguement. Boggles can be argued into tier 1, tier 2 or tier 3. There is no site you can plug your deck into to find out its exact tier because that is not how tiers work. You can get a rough idea based on the sort of shell you are running.
April 21, 2018 4:36 p.m.