Transcendent Master
General forum
Posted on May 29, 2010, 1:14 p.m. by randplaty
What does everyone think of Transcendent Master . I use him in a control build and obviously its all about whether or not he gets removed. Last night he won me two matches and he got to his ultimate. Why? They ran no removal. Against Mythic he literally chump blocked a conscriptioned sovereigns-of-alara blocking 9 of the damage and giving me lifelink making his trample irrelevant. Gave me enough time to topdeck and Oring.
But then against matchups with removal, he pretty much just dies to bolt.
I love him to pieces. However I don't use four in my current deck, (Venerated Ascension) as he's such a huge target. He's more a handy distraction for the opponents mana. The opponent more often than not throws everything they have at him, to which I use minimal mana on counter power and removal to try and keep him alive so I can level up the other creatures in play.
Overall a great card in my opinion though. fun, fair and real cool artwork!
May 29, 2010 2:56 p.m.
Love the card, always been bothered that his art shows him kind of floating/hovering as if he is capable of flight, yet he never acquires Flying when he levels up.
May 29, 2010 3:04 p.m.
Yeah, if he somehow got flying? Wow... that would end games fast. As it is you have to kill all the chump blockers first. Cost me a game once where the guy chump blocked my indestructible 9/9 until time was called. Got a draw when I just needed a few more turns until all his creatures died so I could hit the red zone.
May 31, 2010 2:20 a.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #6
One very awesome card. One of my favorite levelers. He starts out as a very efficient 3/3 for 3 mana which is a great place to start and gets big by taping 1 colorless, another great advantage. Plus he can grow pretty much to epic proportions in order to win you the game. Even if you don't get to level him, he was very efficient to cast.
Just wish he wasn't so dang expensive.
June 1, 2010 8:02 p.m.
I agree that the 1 colorless is a huge advantage, making him a great fit in a mana acceleration type deck. Imagine the Master along with Omnath, Locus of Mana. You could potentially bring him out already leveled at ultimate, or with any of green's mana acceleration...hmmm...time to start building!
June 2, 2010 1:48 a.m.
wow... just had another epic battle with Transcendent Master. I guess this guy lends himself to epic battles.
Playing UW Tapout... I was racing two Baneslayers and a Collonade doing 14 every turn. I had a Kor Firewalker and a fully leveled Transcendent Master doing 11 every turn. He had already killed two of my Baneslayers and Gideon. I guess he ran out of removal for Transcendent Master.
Transcendent Master obviously wasn't going to outrace... but I took him down to 4 after attacking and then burned him the rest of the way with an Earthquake.
June 3, 2010 1:40 a.m.
cthompsonguy says... #9
I'm trying to build a Simic flash deck, primarily using Skylasher , Boon Satyr , Horizon Chimera , Briarpack Alpha , and Shambleshark , backed up by Simic Charm , Cyclonic Rift , and counterspells. Did I overlook something?
December 26, 2013 6:50 p.m.
Breaching Hippocamp has flash, but it may not be what you"re looking for
December 26, 2013 6:59 p.m.
cthompsonguy says... #12
Hippocamp is interesting, but I don't like how it can't interact with an existing Skylasher. Blue is kind of a big deal right now.
As for the Prophet, what's the point of a weak creature that gives everyone flash if everyone already has flash?
December 26, 2013 7:05 p.m.
miracleHat says... #13
search up this article by frank de lepore about his experience with U/G flash.
December 26, 2013 7:07 p.m.
cthompsonguy says... #14
@droxium Thanks! That's what I was looking for.
December 26, 2013 7:37 p.m.
Card draw is key with flash, you don't want to run out with a deck like that.
December 29, 2013 2:21 p.m.
I think a small splash of white would take U/G Flash to the next level. Just a couple of higher-impact cards at the top of the curve, like Advent of the Wurm instead of Briarpack Alpha or Horizon Chimera , and Sphinx's Revelation to reload midgame. The problem with the deck is a lack of good instant-speed draw, so why not splash for the best in the format? You could also replace some of the filler cards low on the curve (Shambleshark ) with Azorius Charm or Selesnya Charm , or just beefy Selesnya creatures since it's unlikely tapping out on turn 2 will decide the game. Speaking of which, you're definitely not going to be playing on your opponent's first turn, so
December 29, 2013 6:58 p.m.
having sorcery-speed one-drops to present a growing threat (Cloudfin Raptor or Experiment One ) can decide the tempo races you often get into with that kind of deck.*
*Is what was supposed to be at the end of the last comment. Accidentally typed and then deleted it somehow.
December 29, 2013 7:08 p.m.
Someone tried playing this on Friday over at my local card shop and it didn't do very well at all. Don't waste your money unless you think this deck is right for your meta. This deck looks amazing on the screen, but it's not that great when you're playing with it.
jay_smith says... #2
Bring him in already leveled, or have some damage prevention ready, such as Emerge Unscathed or Harm's Way. I personally love Transcendent Master.
May 29, 2010 1:34 p.m.