type two meta
General forum
Posted on Oct. 8, 2010, 8:02 p.m. by Justarsaus
so its been a few months since i went to a type two tournament and was wondering what the meta game was like since rotation
Just came back from FNM. There is...a crapton of stuff with 4 of those cards that are called Primeval Titan . UW control, infect, different infect, different infect, goblins (what I was playing), UB control, dredgevine, destructive force.
rules changes? don't think so, other than a clarification that loyalty abilities cannot be mana abilities to prevent Koth of the Hammer from being broken in half.
October 8, 2010 11:39 p.m.
Justarsaus says... #5
since jund has rotated out is there a new "top dog" to look out for?
October 8, 2010 11:43 p.m.
There has been no major tourney to let anyone know. States will be the first to show everyone what brew's will be working the magic top tier levels...
When I mentioned previously about rules changes, I was referring to the fact that you couldn't play combat tricks anymore. (I wasn't sure how long you were away thus the reason for stating what I said) Apologies if I caused any problems on that front.
The major talk though centres on White weenie (Glint Hawk s + Memnite or Ornithopter + Quest for the Holy Relic combo being one such varient), Vengevine + Green/Red ping control (Cunning Sparkmage with a dose of Eldrazi Monument ), Or Pure Green Elves (with Ezuri, Renegade Leader + Genesis Wave being the main offenders - But the big threat card in this deck beleive it or not happens to be Joraga Treespeaker for severe mana accel).
All this, plus Infect being such a threat means that the format is wide open atm, so hitting hard and fast would be the one thing I would stress of anyone thinking of tourney viable deck's this season.
Hope this info is at least a little helpful if your heading for States this weekend.
October 9, 2010 12:37 a.m.
MiracleAttack says... #7
Did FNM last night. Lots of Venser/Wall of Omens blinking in U/W control, played a Valakut ramp deck with Titans, modified Grixis with Titans. My pal got 2nd with a Koth/Goblin deck which was very amusing. I played my knights deck which got me top 8.
Didn't see any infect stuff. From what I've been seeing there's not a lot of consistant and reliable ways to guarantee 10 counters before someone can deal with it. I see people getting stalled at 8.
At least where I am, nothing seems to have become the "favorite" yet, I guess states this weekend will shed some more light.
October 9, 2010 8:21 a.m.
bballplayer940 says... #8
I'm still unclear with what you meant by rules changes. What exactly changed with Scars?
October 9, 2010 6:44 p.m.
A few clarifications for certain cards, some re-wording of other cards, but nothing else major league changed with the rules regarding Scars.
I was jumping the gun when Justarsaus asked this question. Hence the silly answer and confusion that followed.
I thought that maybe he was away from the game for a period of time similar to myself and therefore missed out on the major rules changes that removed combat damage being assigned during the damage step which allowed for you to put damage on the stack then bounce/remove from combat/blink/ping before your creature died.
It was why Mog Fanatic was originally one of the best 1 drop cards, suddenly became a "meh" card.
Hope this helps to clarify things.
October 9, 2010 7:51 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #10
Hey! You guys forgot to mention Suicide Black!!
I also think that Mass Polymorph is viable. Trinket Mage may be a good deck.
Personally, I think the best deck is going to be a WR Equipment deck. Goblin Gaveleer is just plain dirty with Bladed Pinions
October 10, 2010 12:52 p.m.
Valakut ramp seems to be the deck to beat at the moment. White Weenies makes a showing, as does U/W control, but it's just hard to deal with Primeval Titan fetching up to 6 extra damage a turn. By himself. Plus his combat damage.
October 10, 2010 9:34 p.m.
Has anyone seen the MTG site about States and what the current meta is? I was reading the article and it seems to me the Meta is completely open now. Although I must also say the biggest threat in the current meta is definitely the Primeval Titan , any deck running it would be difficult to beat but not unstoppable.
Although I am actually happy to see such a wide meta. It reminds me of back in 1994-1999.
October 14, 2010 9:55 p.m.
bballplayer940 says... #13
Alright. Thanks for that clarification. I have another question, if any of you on this forum would be so kind as to answer it, or, rather, lend some advice. I just started playing magic again with a couple of my buddies a few weeks ago. We're pretty bright guys and have put what we believe to be some pretty good decks together. However, we haven't ever been to FNM or any tournaments, though we want to start, so we don't really know how our decks stack up against that caliber/type of deck. If any of you all would be interested, could you go over and take a look at my two standard decks (White Weenie and Mono-Black Aggro) and give me your opinion?
October 15, 2010 8:17 a.m.
White Weenie Standard Style and Mono Black Aggro Competition are the relevant decks.
The black one...let's just say that that particular archetype requires another hundred bucks or so, maybe, to make it work, and I've also yet to see a variant of that deck work properly.
The white one...well, Stoneforge Mystic and some better equipment could make it better, but with 4 Infiltration Lens you can probably find content, and if the Quest for the Holy Relic deck works for you (it doesn't work for me at all) it's not actually a bad deck - the only reason I didn't get raped by it last FNM was an Act of Treason that I happened to have in my hand. It's a pretty solid deck, with some good early aggro potential, and if you can get an armour out by third turn there's pretty much nothing that many of the popular decks (UW, UR dforce, and so forth) can do at all.
October 15, 2010 9:19 a.m.
bballplayer940 says... #15
Tell me about it. Building that black deck it seemed like every card I wanted to put in it cost 10 bucks a piece. It's too bad I don't have that kind of money.
As for the white deck, I agree. Still a money thing, sadly.
Thanks for the feedback!
cardcoin says... #2
A bloody mess would be the best answer.
Infect is probably gonna be the majority deck, and everyone will be either running it in some form, or running stuff that will answer it in lots of forms.
Blue/White control will probably be stronger, simply because infect guys cost too much, and will get countered a lot.
Proliferate just made Plainswalkers silly.
Oh, and White/artifact weenie could possibly be viable, though I think Green/Red with Vengvine/elfs will probably be the scary deck of the tourney scene atm.
But that's just my own opinion, and to be honest. The format could be cracked with something else completely different.
One such card I'm thinking of trying to break at the moment is Semblance Anvil . I personally cannot beleive how this card has been overlooked...
Oh, and if you have been out for a log while, you may want to get re-aquanted with the rules... Trust me on that one :)
October 8, 2010 8:23 p.m.