General forum
Posted on Aug. 25, 2010, 8:20 p.m. by birdseed
Lately I've been trying to use cards that are used a lot less then they should be, or that are portrayed as not as good as they really are. Current under-appreciated cards for me: Liliana Vess and Salvage Titan . Both great cards, in my humble opinion, but not used too much (from what I've seen). I was just wondering what some of the tappedout community's under-appreciated favorites are.
I have 6 copies of A Villainess and I could find a use for another 6. She's just ridiculously epic at everything.
uh...underused. hm.
Dragonmaster Outcast . Used to be a wincon in WUR control, now don't see him much at all.
Earthquake . Sickkkk mass removal, and not colour-intensive at all (i.e. Infest , Day of Judgment ).
Hyena Umbra . One of the best enchant creatures ever.
Suffer the Past . Instant speed Drain Life , kids. Some people just seem to miss that part.
Ethersworn Canonist . STALL STALL STALL. Virtually impossible to remove with proper counter backup.
Luminarch Ascension . If you lay one of these on turn 2 against control, you have a 85% chance of winning.
Volcanic Fallout . Instant? Can't be countered? :D
I'm kidding.
Mindlock Orb . You never know...could be pretty lethal against some decks (boros comes to mind).
Rite of Replication . kicked. targeting your Malakir Bloodwitch .
Thornling . For ramp, it's kinda nasty...take 7! hasty! can't kill me! block your big dude!
Planar Cleansing . bye, planeswalkers.
Sorin Markov . well-balanced planeswalker - good tempo swing, cruel against lifegain, and lethal if you can't remove him.
Pelakka Wurm . One of the best 7-drops green has ever had.
Platinum Angel . If you don't have an answer, you don't have an answer.
August 25, 2010 11:03 p.m.
MDragoon423 says... #4
Well, I'm gonna add my opinion.
Dragonmaster Outcast - Too small a body, way too easy to kill.
Earthquake - Actually used a lot, one of LSV's favorite Type 2 cards.
Hyena Umbra - Just like every other aura, way too easy to get a 2 for one and outside of that, there just aren't any good decks that can run that card.
Suffer the Past - The card is a bit too dependent IMO, a lot of decks won't have all that many cards in the graveyard. I actually really like the card though and would love to see it utilized.
Ethersworn Canonist - This was used when Time Sieve combo was big, but that phase was short lived. If not put into an artifact deck, this hurts you just as much as it does your opponent and that is never fun.
Luminarch Ascension - Like you said, if you lay these turn 2. When you topdeck this around turn 6, it becomes kinda useless. Its just a very fragile card.
Volcanic Fallout - There aren't a lot of decks that run small creatures that are all too important to get rid of at instant speed. Its probably easier to just use Pyroclasm since its easier to cast and that card is run in sideboards.
Mindlock Orb - Another card that hurts you as much as it hurts your opponent. Unless of course you run a deck that never searches its library. Even then, with a deck like Boros, they should have you pretty dead by turn 4 and if you aren't dead, playing the Orb isn't going to help you at that point.
Rite of Replication - Too fragile, sinking 9 mana into a spell where they can just kill the targeted creature or they can Mana Leak it.
Thornling - With Path to Exile and Condemn in Standard, that guy makes you sink mana into it just to run into removal.
Planar Cleansing - We have All Is Dust , sure it costs 1 mana more, but its so much easier to cast.
Sorin Markov - I actually really like this guy and would like to see him used more.
Pelakka Wurm - He actually is played, not in a lot of the top tier decks, but he is played in many green decks.
Platinum Angel - The problem is, there are always answers. Getting this down turn 7 seems a bit late and it only being a 4/4 is kinda rough. If you play the angel, you have to be able to win as well, and tapping out turn 7 to play her doesn't really forward that goal.
August 26, 2010 12:10 a.m.
MDragoon423 says... #5
Sorry, I hope I didn't sound like a D-bag, just wanted to say why I think they are under played.
I think Captain of the Watch is an underplayed card, its 9 points of vigilancing power for just 6 mana!
August 26, 2010 12:13 a.m.
yeah but its too expensive for a white soldier type deck.
August 26, 2010 6:59 a.m.
KrazyCaley says... #7
MDragoon, Volcanic Fallout exists solely to kill Faeries. And it does its job beautifully.
August 26, 2010 9:54 a.m.
MDragoon423 says... #8
KrazyCaley, Yea, it sure does kill those annoying Faeries. I was looking at these cards with a standard mindset but yea, these things change when you go into different formats.
August 26, 2010 10:14 a.m.
to be fair, I didn't say they were all maindeckable :P
Everything easy to remove...yeah, well, sometimes they DON'T have an answer. And if you build your deck to cause them to not have an answer, then they won't. And you win. :P
in general, other than Earthquake , Sorin, Pelakka Wurm and possibly Hyena Umbra , most of those cards are sideboard stuff - but against the right decks they're nasty sideboard stuff.
As far as the ascension, specifically: it's not useless turn 6 - it can draw them away from doing something else (like killing you) because it's a threat that they HAVE to deal with. It forces either constant damage or a removal spell within a few turns, which gives you options.
For Suffer the Past , it's not so much an early game spell as most x-spells are...it's less flexible, but if you're playing something that tries to have a late game then instant-speed kill on, say, their end step, is great. It's not a 4-of, obviously, but I still think it could be played more than it is, particularly since it only requires a little bit of black.
I think I'm going to go build a UG ramp with some of those other cards...
as far as extended goes...I'm still stuck thinking that Mindslaver lock is in extended, so I'm not much help there :P
I like Captain of the Watch , maybe alongside Martial Coup or something silly like that.
August 26, 2010 10:53 a.m.
i think Captain of the Watch is way too expensive, especially for the type of deck its meant for.
August 26, 2010 3:24 p.m.
you don't have to use Captain of the Watch in a soldier deck...he's solid by himself, as a "9/9" for 6 with vig.
August 26, 2010 4:40 p.m.
shaistyone says... #13
I had a fun deck that ran Dormant Gomazoa Nothing like dropping him with 2 Renegade Doppelganger s out!
August 27, 2010 6:27 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #14
@everyone talking about Captain of the Watch : You guys DO realize that its super fun/good with Preeminent Captain , right?
August 27, 2010 11:24 p.m.
every soldier (and changeling) is super fun with that guy.
August 28, 2010 9:08 a.m.
At this moment, my deck Plague-your-bottom-dollar uses some under appreciated cards... Mainly Necrotic Plague and Phylactery Lich (Which I think will see more play in the future sets)
Stabbing Pain Is very much unloved as well. If it was 2B for all creatures it would be awesome! (even if it was 2BB I'd still play it!)
But thats M11... Other sets for unloving care and attention... hmm... I'll have to have a think and come back on that one...
August 28, 2010 2:32 p.m.
Necrotic Plague could at the very, very outside see play in a casual Grave Pact deck or a multiplayer creature-light / creatureless, but other than that it really sucks.
August 28, 2010 3:21 p.m.
I honestly think Taurean Mauler is another great card that isn't used too much.
August 29, 2010 8:23 a.m.
Nettlevine Blight . :P
yeah, Taurean Mauler is decent, and particularly evil in multiplayer, because it gets out of Flame Slash range real fast.
September 6, 2010 10:30 a.m.
epicmanmcman says... #21
lol, speaking of flame slash, i think it is kinda under used, also Kazuul is amazing, blood tribute, elves in general, omnath is my favorite card ever, novablast wurm is groovy, also scute mob is super awesome.
September 6, 2010 11:48 a.m.
A buddy and I were talking and brewed up this deck. It's a bit weird, I called it midrange, but it's semi-reanimator and semi-constellation.. any thoughts (other than obviously changing the lands to temples/fetches) kinda keeping this budget right now since I have been unemployed for 5 months but got hired this week so once bills are paid I may upgrade it to something better. But any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
ballard302 says... #2
Liliana is used in quite a few decks that I've seen, but with Salvage Titan, he's basically a worse card:Demon of Death's Gate.
August 25, 2010 10:24 p.m.