using the draft sim
General forum
Posted on July 22, 2010, 1:29 p.m. by Halcyon
Hey! I haven't played draft before but I'm interested in the draft sim, how do I use it? how many cards do you choose from how many? what's junk, money and hate? basically could anyone give me a quick breakdown a la users guide?
GlistenerAgent says... #4
A lot of the time I spend constructing a deck for Modern is tuning card quantities in the maindeck and sideboard to be good against the matchups I expect to face. This often comes down to an issue over a single card slot, or one more sideboard card that needs to fit. Sometimes it's really hard to know exactly how much you want to hedge for certain decks and when you should go for plain consistency. This is not a request for help on a specific deck, but a question to you: How do you go about tuning a deck to be as good as possible?
June 22, 2014 6:30 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #5
You have to have a pretty good idea of the meta you're walking into before you can tune a deck. Also, some decks are more tunable than others (i.e. you can tune UWR until the cows come home, but tuning Storm isn't going to happen).
tl;dr: know the meta, but some decks can't really be tuned.
June 22, 2014 6:34 p.m.
Hallowed_Titan says... #6
Yeah that makes sense. I tend to gather multiple opinions from more experienced(competitive events) people and take it from there.
June 22, 2014 6:52 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #7
For a larger event, I tend to look at what the last 3 events have shown. Here is where it goes crazy; I then look at what decks beat the top decks. Those are going to show up in force. I tune my SB and MD based off of that. So far its a 50/50 success rate. In modern, its the best bet for me. Standard, not so much.
Another idea, and its the one that most people gravitate towards, is to look at the top 5 decks in the format. So for you, Mr. Modern Player, look at Tron, Pod, Twin, Rock/Jund and Affinity. There's your Meta. Roll with it.
Thats what I do with my deck. Never failed me yet.
yeaGO says... #2
Hey Halcyon. Does this link help?
July 22, 2010 5:09 p.m.