varaska the unseen
General forum
Posted on Sept. 16, 2012, 9:34 p.m. by BrokenZygoma
Vraska the Unseen , Already set at the hefty price of 40$, she seems to be an incredibly powerful planeswalker. With her ultimate being a literal game-ender (which is a first for planeswalkers), I was curious to see where other tappedouters think she falls on the scale of overpowered planeswalkers. The fact that she can come down and destroy any nonland permanent is impressive and her ultimate presents an immediate threat to your opponent. Giving herself deathtouch isn't to shabby either. I personally think she could fall just below Jace, the Mind Sculptor . I doubt the standard meta game will allow her to be as OP as Jace was for the time he was legal, but she will certainly be formidable. What do you guys think?
whallybu49 says... #3
I agree that she will be formidable, and just like the meta did when the swords became staples, almost every deck that doesn't use her, will have an abundance of answers for her. Rakdos already has an answer in the form of Dreadbore (which to me explains why it is a Rare instead of Uncommon...). I think it won't be long before everyone ramps up for token hate, protection from Black, and abusing Avacyn, Angel of Hope to protect their permanents from Vraska's wrath.
September 16, 2012 9:49 p.m.
Some people come up with some crazy decks, I'd like to see what happens with her.
September 16, 2012 9:55 p.m.
I don't think she will see much competitive play. She is a kitchen table star. I love her but she is not that good.
September 16, 2012 10:30 p.m.
lol Liliana of the Veil was 70 right at release. Just sayin'. :D
September 16, 2012 10:36 p.m.
and Sorin, Lord of Innistrad was sitting at 60 at his release also...
September 16, 2012 10:37 p.m.
BrokenZygoma says... #8
I certainly plan on picking one up. I don't play competitively but I just think shes awesome.
September 16, 2012 10:59 p.m.
Pithing Needle is going to be a staple in many decks... probably see 1 or 2 mainboard and another 2 or 3 sideboard for many competitive decks.
This is mainly because of the lack of viable counter spells, and the number of 'uncounterable' spells there are going to be. ... If you can't counter it, just make it useless.
September 16, 2012 11:15 p.m.
SwiftDeath says... #10
the deck im going to use her in is a B/W/G superfriends build and it is looking to be a promising deck I am having issues against aggro decks but I still have plenty of options for my sideboard I am hoping to get two of her for my deck but any more then that isn't necesarry the only issue im going to have is pithing needle.
September 17, 2012 12:23 a.m.
superfriends decks are crazy. be thankful Wurmcoil Engine is rotating out
September 17, 2012 1:28 a.m.
Timekeeper says... #12
Copy/pasted from my Harvest the dead:
I kind of freaked out about Vraska the Unseen once she came out. I know she's not the best planeswalker ever made, but I still think she's pretty cool. Here's how I see her.
+1: Encourage your opponent to leave Vraska alone, giving you a higher chance of being able to use her other abilities.
-3: Possibly reuseable killspell/Naturalize .
-7: If I actually wanted to kill someone by hitting with an assassin, I would base a deck around that. Possibly intimidate/unblockable shenanigans. However, even in this deck I can pump them up to keep them around longer. I can also just throw them at my enemy, forcing the foe to block them and leave openings for the real threats.
September 17, 2012 3:01 a.m.
You could also splash some white mana to put Vault of the Archangel in the deck to give the tokens deathtouch which means that you either kill 3 of your opponents creatures or win the game. Not a bad chose from your perspective.
Epochalyptik says... #2
I'm not terribly impressed by it. Your opponent gets two turn cycles to deal with it before it ends the game. Being able to drop her, vindicate, and still have her on the board is nice.
The only deck I really see her working in is some kind of Jund/BUG approach that uses sweepers and/or counterspells to protect her until the ultimate. It's not even half the power level of Jace, the Mind Sculptor , though.
$40 is a pretty standard price for new walkers, too. Karn Liberated was up there and he's about a third of that now.
September 16, 2012 9:47 p.m.