What are equipments with downsides?
General forum
Posted on June 26, 2020, 10:01 a.m. by jamkid23
I am making a Magnetic Theft deck and want to know every equipment in the game that has a downside for the equipped creature. I am thinking along the likes of Grafted Exoskeleton and Heavy Arbalest
TonyStark9001 says... #3
you can use the gatherer to search for cards that meet your criteria. but this idea just seems like a lot of extra steps to just to incapacitate your opponents creatures. your equips would be entirely useless without Magnetic Theft, and it'd be a lot easier and cost less mana to just use simple removal spells.
June 26, 2020 12:25 p.m.
TonyStark9001 What gatherer search could you type in to find all the equipments with downsides? Also this is a purely casual deck.
TriusMalarky Doom Blade doesn't work on Black creatures and can't be played in a non-Black deck.
June 26, 2020 1:59 p.m.
TonyStark9001 says... #6
just look at all equipment and pick out the ones with downsides. your statement about doom blade is painfully obvious, like saying water is wet. but you never stated your deck couldn't have black.
either way, why pay to cast Heavy Arbalest and Magnetic Theft just to keep something tapped down, when you can pay to just destroy it outright?
June 26, 2020 2:09 p.m.
Doom Blade also doesn't work on indestructible or regenerative creatures.
I just wanted cards to use in a janky combo deck. Not every deck is trying to be competitive. If you don't feel like giving a constructive response, you don't have to answer.
June 26, 2020 6:26 p.m.
ClockworkSwordfish says... #9
The most interesting choice for this is almost certainly Assault Suit - your opponent will be forced to pass his creature around on everyone else's turn, and since you control the equipment, the creature can't attack you but it can attack its owner.
Grafted Wargear and Vulshok Gauntlets are older versions of Grafted Exoskeleton and Heavy Arbalest. As someone else mentioned, however, you cannot sacrifice an opponent's creature even if you yank a Grafted Wargear out of it.
Stitcher's Graft also slows creatures down, Peregrine Mask stops them from attacking, and Bloodthirsty Blade is maybe better than Assault Suit in a multiplayer game but is useless one-on-one and doesn't even need Magnetic Theft's help to get stuck to a guy.
If I may make a suggestion - since you're already running a number of equipment, it might be worth it to add white so you can pilot Sunforger. It can play a Magnetic Theft right from your library, making it easier to ensure you can do your little trick. Don't forget that adding white means you also have access to Open the Armory and the like!
June 26, 2020 7:23 p.m.
TonyStark9001 says... #10
your reasons against Doom Blade simply aren't valid. there will ALWAYS be creatures that are immune to specific removal spells. Path to Exile is arguably the strongest removal spell in modern, but it still can't hit everything.
and while not every deck has to be competitive, you also have to realize that certain strategies aren't viable in even the most casual of games. by telling you how you can accomplish the exact same goal, more efficiently with less mana and less cards, we are literally giving you the most constructive responses possible.
June 26, 2020 11:40 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #11
Can I also point out that Magnetic Theft and Act of Treason effects are the only ways to get these attached to our opponent's creatures? The Equip ability literally says 'Attach to target creature you control'. That means, no other creatures. Meaning that you have to have these other cards in hand to be able to use your bad equipment in any way.
Don't use equipment as removal. You totally could, however, build a deck around equipping your creatures and buffing them up a ton. There's enough support for that that you could build a fun and fairly decent(in casual games) deck. Might I point out Valduk, Keeper of the Flame and Kemba, Kha Regent?
TriusMalarky says... #2
Grafted Exoskeleton doesn't work. If you unattach it from an opp's creature, you control the sac ability but not the creature, so you can't sac it. Sad but true, I tried using effects like that.
I think there's one equipment that makes it so they can't attack you, but I forget the name.
June 26, 2020 11:35 a.m.