What are some under-rated or over-rated planeswalkers?

General forum

Posted on Nov. 12, 2020, 9:25 p.m. by Destroyerbirb

There are many planeswalkers in the game, and some of them have great success in tournaments and high-tier decks. But others get left out, cast away or live in the shadow of other planeswalkers. Are there any planeswalkers that you feel are under-rated that you think should be noted, or over-appreciated planeswalkers that aren't as good as people think? Write below some examples!

Destroyerbirb says... #2

For example, Sorin, Solemn Visitor is my pick for an under-rated planeswalker. This Sorin is much stronger than people think. It's a token producer, a "short-term anthem" that lasts longer that most "short-term anthems", and a game ending card in one. It saw a lot of play during standard of it's time, and modern soon after that, but no longer sees as much play. It's good in pretty much every deck, from fast aggro or token decks, to control decks, even to janky life gain decks!

Now, Narset, Parter of Veils is over-rated. It's a worse Anticipate-on-a-stick, and has a static ability that's not important in a lot of matches. It only gets worse the longer it is on the field.

November 12, 2020 9:30 p.m.

In my opinion most 'Walkers are overrated. If your gameplan can't protect a Planeswalker then you probably don't need one: barring, ofc, ones like Elspeth, Sun's Champion that protect themselves

November 12, 2020 10:05 p.m.

Idoneity says... #4

One of my building conditions for a deck is that I have leastwise one Planeswalker. One that has continually impressed me is Ajani Unyielding. In Enchantress-style decks, or ones with few instants and sorceries, it often draws two or more cards each turn. The high loyalty and removal make for it to be difficult to kill.

My personal favourite planeswalkers is Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip. She offers immediate value as a land in the early game whilst still being a fantastic draw late.

Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer also protects herself quite well whiles bearing a game-winning ultimate. Making a 4/4 flying helps as well.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds is another fantastic card. The instant speed is great in all matchups and, in the worst-case scenario, she cycles.

Lastly, and rather similar to Ajani, is Garruk, Caller of Beasts. In creature decks, he draws a whole lot of cards, flooding the board the very next turn. This card is great, and I am surprised people do not have it in more strategies. (I love it in Elves.)

November 13, 2020 2:19 a.m.

Destroyerbirb says... #5

Azeworai I might end up putting Garruk, Caller of Beasts into my cube. Never knew this version of him existed!

November 13, 2020 3:57 a.m.

jethstriker says... #6

"Narset, Parter of Veils is over-rated. ...and has a static ability that's not important in a lot of matches."

Unless you are playing in an eternal format. That ability is usually backbreaking in Legacy and Vintage it's worth fighting over for.

November 13, 2020 6:22 a.m.

saj0219 says... #7

I think my vote for an underrated planeswalker is Narset Transcendent. Sure, she's not game-ending or nearly as powerful as some top tier planeswalkers, but casually getting to give Supreme Verdict rebound is... really fun (though my favorite used to be rebounding a delved Dig Through Time).

November 13, 2020 9:15 a.m.

I tend to playnot so many Walters. But one I really like for dinosaur strategies is Samut, the Tested. If you can protect her, the +1 can win games if you have at least one Big attacker. The -2 is great value with Enrage triggers. And if you ever get to the ultimate, you might find that Tooth and Nail becomes better when it can go for walkers, as well.

November 13, 2020 10:41 a.m.

time_master says... #9

I think one of the most overpowered planeswalkers is Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God. Using a Nissa, Steward of Elements or Nissa, Nature's Artisan, he becomes way too good. I like to use Xenagos, the Reveler. I use him as my Oathbreaker, and running goblins with something like Krenko, Mob Boss he ramps way too quickly. Even if his ultimate isn't the best, something like Banefire, (which I use as my spell), now becomes game winning.

November 13, 2020 11:38 a.m.

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