What card do you think best represents being rescued from Eldrazi?
General forum
Posted on July 27, 2017, 5:11 p.m. by maxon
What card do you think best represents being rescued from an Eldrazi captor?
Let's say you, a human, were taken against your will by an Eldrazi and brought to another plane. What card do you think would best represent you being saved by an outfit who has been on a harrowing journey seeking to rescue you?
For a little context, this group of people (not necessarily all humans themselves) would have had to travel from another plane to find you. The card doesn't have to have anything to do with Eldrazi. For example, one of my thoughts was
Dramatic Rescue
Ravioli2003 says... #5
Well, Heroic Intervention seems to fit perfectly flavorwise, but the art isn't very convincing, in my opinion. Otherwise, I second landofMordor's suggestion of Timely Reinforcements.
July 28, 2017 12:41 a.m.
Liking all these ideas. I will have to go over them and figure out which shall feature most prominently in a themed deck I wanna build
landofMordor says... #2
Impeccable Timing.
Timely Reinforcements.
Call to the Kindred (as opposed to the Eldrazi).
Ruin in Their Wake if your friends were too late.
Otherworldly Journey.
I'll keep thinking...
July 27, 2017 7:01 p.m.